New York Shitty Day Starter: Grotto

July 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From The City Reliquary.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: Forgotten City Lights

July 12, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This upcoming Thursday, July 15, City Reliquary will be celebrating “Thurd Thursday” with a photo exhibition of New York City’s manifold and often ignored lamp posts (such as the one seen at left). Here’s the 411 per the City Reliquary’s web site:

THis THurd THursday, July 15th from 7-10pm at the City Reliquary Museum, 370 Metropolitan Ave.
Join us for the opening reception of a truly illuminating exhibit, “FORGOTTEN CITY LIGHTS: A Photographic Archive of NYC’s Street Lamposts.” This newest exhibit focuses on the often ignored but always overhead variants and styles of NYC street lamps.

With photographs taken over the past 30+ years by Bob Mulero, an employee of the MTA and an avid toy collector, Mr. Mulero has been cataloging hundreds of New York’s lampposts since the 1970s. Mr. Mulero is joined in his historical efforts by the (seemingly) omniscient Kevin Walsh, who’s website chronicles (what appears to be) every single corner, cul-de-sac, dead-end, roundabout, and street direction in New York City.

Admission is free and refreshments are also promised. Check it out!

Forgotten City Lights
July 15, 2010 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
City Reliquary
370 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can get a sneak peek of what awaits you by checking out Mr. Walsh’s slide show as featured on the New York Times’s web site!

Photo Credits: Mister Heather

TOMORROW: Crestfest 2010

June 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Tomorrow, June 19 starting at noon the folks at Crest Hardware along with a formidable coalition of sponsors will be hosting the tenth annual Crestfest. This all ages event— which not only celebrates the opening of their latest art show but whose proceeds will benefit our very own City Reliquary— will sport a vast array of live musical performances, two DJ booths, handmade arts and crafts; foodstuffs and much, much, more. Festivities kick off at noon. Check it out!

June 19, 2010 Noon- Midnight
558 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

Miss G Train…

it could be you!


Or not. The City Reliquary (who is hosting this contest) writes:

Come watch the crowning of our “Miss G Train” LIVE at the City Reliquary backyard, with refreshments and entertainment on Nov. 19th 7-10PM

Thanks for your interest in entering the “Miss G Train Pageant”.

In this contest, you can make up your own rules! Be creative in presenting yourself as the best candidate for “Miss G Train”! Tell us what you think being “Miss G Train” is all about, and why you fit that description to a “G”.

Please email your description along with a PHOTO to: missgtrain (at) cityreliquary (dot) org by Monday Nov. 16th for consideration.

Include a phone number we can reach you at prior to the competition. There is no minimum or maximum word count for your descriptive entry. Your descriptive entry will be read to the audience and judges during the pageant. Use your written statement to tell everyone why you should be wearing the sash on stage that night! (Portions of your submission may be used for media requests, but all personal information will remain private.)

Costume choice is up to you at the big event, and will be considered as part of your presentation. Ballroom Gown, Hipster Vogue, Commuter Chic, its up to YOU! Also, consider submitting some choice music to accompany your runway walk (you can bring an iPod cued to your music or send a request to our DJ in advance). You are in charge of your overall presentation, and the right soundtrack may just convince our celebrity judges that YOU make the best candidate!

FINALISTS will be informed of their status by 12:00 noon on Thursday Nov 19th.

Email in advance for any additional questions and GOOD LUCK, competition is RUNNING ON or close to ON SCHEDULE!*

Given the City Reliquary’s choice of “cover girl” for their solicitation I have to wonder what demographic they’re appealing to: nubile, newbie hotties/slummers or hardcore Crosstowners? I think Miss G train should sport the qualities of the subway line she will represent:

  • Highly erratic
  • Dysfunctional
  • Capricious
  • Weird
  • Four cars short of  a load
  • And, on occasion, downright GROSS

Get busy fellow G trainers— and you know who you are!

Miss Heather

*Does this mean if I submit my entry a day late it will count?

P.S.: What about about a Mr. Crosstown Local? I can think of a number of candidates offhand— none of whom you would want to see naked. Methinks I’ll have to make this happen!

THIS WEEK: Over Spilt Milk

January 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


This Friday, January 30, from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. the NY Food Museum and City Reliquary will be hosting an opening for its latest exhibition Over Spilt Milk: The Fight for Fair Price & Fair Profit in Depression Era New York. To give you a better idea what this show is about here is an excerpt from their press release:

…The show will feature documents and artifacts from the 1930s, when immigrant Meyer Parodneck and a handful of anti-poverty activists founded the Consumer-Farmer Milk Cooperative to ensure farmers received a fair price, and consumers paid a fair price, for milk. The Co-op played a pivotal role opening the market controlled by milk distribution giants. With their own processing plants and distribution stations, the Consumer-Farmer Co-op sold milk to consumers at the lowest possible price, and paid farmers the highest possible return, for nearly fifty years. Overcoming a mountain of obstacles, this organization made a difference to hundreds of struggling farmers and to the children of low-income New Yorkers.

The exhibition includes period Co-op newsletters and advertising campaigns, vintage paper milk containers, and cooperative movement propaganda. Pivotal moments in the Co-op’s story are illustrated with miniature dioramas.

This event will not only set you back absolutely nothing, but salmonella-free refreshments courtesy of Peanut Butter Company will be in the offering. Yummy.
Over Spilt Milk Opening
The City Reliquary
January 30, 2009, 7:00 – 10:00 a.m.
370 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

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