From The New York Shitty Inbox: Closed!

February 3, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This news (which will undoubtedly make a number of this establishment’s neighbors very happy) comes from the head of the 94th Precinct himself! D. I. Hurson (who forwarded me the above photograph) writes:

FYI we closed Club Europa last night. After numerous incidents, that included Assaults, underage drinking, and a shooting.



From The New York Shitty Inbox: How Do I Complain?

September 26, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A lady we’ll called “Grumpy” (who sent me this delightful image) writes:

Hello Miss Heather.

Happy Sunday!

I wanted to share a lovely photo of what my entrance way (I live on Manhattan Ave. at Meserole)looked like when I returned home around 1:30 AM last night. There were super intoxicated, sluttily dressed, LOUD girls/ladies all up and down my block, sitting on stoops, texting, screetching about men who had ignored them and I am sure one of them was responsible for the disgusting mess all over my stoop. The puke was not only on the street and in my doorway but also in the vestibule into my building!

Every Saturday night, around 4 AM it sounds like a friggin’ riot is happening, right under my window. Men fighting over ladies, men just fighting other men because they are drunk and stupid, people screaming, threatening each other, car doors being slammed, car tires peeling out, glass breaking, etc… it is NUTS! And although the police station is NEXT DOOR to Europa the police cannot seem to control these techno-loving, inebriated maniacs! The ruckus is really crazy and seems to be getting worse, week to week. I have lived in the same apt. for 7 years and although I have been woken up on occasion over the past 7 years, the past 2 months have been intolerable, I get woken up EVERY Saturday night (and some Friday nights) by what I now refer to as the 4 AM riots!

I stopped a police officer when I was getting home last Saturday, around 2 AM, to ask her what to do about the increased craziness of Europa’s patrons and she told me all that I could do was go to a community board meeting to express my unhappiness about the current situation of the streets when the club lets out. I certainly don’t want to be the old crank who wants the kids locked down with nowhere to go but I also feel like this has become SO ridiculous that I should do something! My friend and neighbor (who I think you know) also has similar stories of being awoken by these drunk dummies, who puke in front of her house, and sit on her stoop blabbing incoherently to each other, keeping her up all Saturday night as well.

Her and I think we should go to a meeting, she said that you attend all of them… if we were to go, should we bring evidence of the out of control shit that is happening weekly?

Any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


-grumpy in Greenpoint

First off, there’s no way I could possibly attend “all the meetings” which come to pass here. This is simply not humanly possible— but thanks! Secondly, as some of you might recall there was a rather nasty incident which came to pass at Club Europa weekend before last which culminated in (among other things) two police officers getting injured. This was expounded upon at the last 94th Precinct Community Council meeting by Deputy Inspector Hurson. Those of you who are not in the know can get his take on what happened by clicking here.

The previous having been written, the police officer’s advice is correct. Somewhat. Although I have written more posts about the subject of nightclubs, nuisances they can present; and how to go about complaining more than I care admit I’m going to do it one more time. Please pay attention, folks!

1. You know how the slogan for the MTA goes: If you see something, say something! The same applies when it comes to reporting bars and/or nightclubs which are proving not to be good neighbors. When you see (or in this case: hear) disorderly behavior call 311 and complain. At the end of the call you will be given a complaint number. Be sure to write this down as you will need it to…

2. Email it along with a general description of what happened to your local Community Board. In this case, Community Board 1 Brooklyn: bk01 (at) cb (dot) nyc (dot) gov
3. Meetings: these are an excellent way to follow up on your 311 complaint! Here are a few relevant ones to consider:

Public Safety Committee, Community Board 1 (this body oversees liquor license applications and criminal activity)
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 27, starting at 6:30 p.m. (That’s tomorrow! NOTE: You must sign up to speak by 6:15 p.m.)
Community Board 1 Main Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Community Board 1 Combined Hearing & Public Meeting
October 5, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE: once again, you must sign up to speak by 6:15 p.m. This rule is enforced with great vigilance)
Swinging 60’s Seniors Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

And last, but hardly least: 94th Precinct Community Council Meetings! The schedule for these has been changed to the second Tuesday of every month starting at 7:00 p.m. This would make the next meeting October 11th.

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
October 11, 2011 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension, back room
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

NOTE: You must gain entrance via Java Street!!!

This is how to get started, W. You can (and should) also bring your complaints to the attention of your local elected officials. Here are a few to get you started!

1. Assemblyman Joseph Lentol
2. City Councilman Steve Levin
3. Lincoln Restler; State Committee, 50th Assembly District

I hope this has been helpful. Good luck!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Drag Racing Death On Provost?


Anonymous writes:

First I must say thank you for keeping up such an excellent blog. This morning at around 11:30 am, (i know not quite morning) I finished packing up the uhaul and my girlfriend and I left Greenpoint for New Hampshire. You are probably thinking WHY? Well, to make a long story short… being the wonderful woman that she is, she came to NYC for Law School since I was here. Now that she has finished school and just completed the New Hampshire Bar, it was my turn to relocate. Anyway, I love your blog, and I am sure it will keep me updated about my favorite place in the world.

Second, I am not sure if you posted anything about this, but have you seen the smashed up car outside of the 94th precinct? its pretty crazy and smells like death. Today I found out why. My landlords brother came over to collect the keys to our place and he was on his phone when he got there talking about the detectives wanting to see the tapes from this weekend. He works at Europa and apparently some kid was drinking there, left and decided it was a good idea to race on Provost St. He wrapped his Acura around a tree doing 95 mph and died. (hence the death smell if you get close to the car.) Some more crazy driving in the Greenpoint. Be careful out there on your daily walks. Thanks for everything!

First up, thanks for the kind words anonymous. More importantly, has anyone heard anything about this? This is really scary— and sad.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Sean Doyle Who apparently witnessed the aftermath of some serious rooftop partying gone wrong— as in the Superintendent mopping up the blood and “brain matter” from the sidewalk and building facade when one party-goer fell 5-6 floors to his death:

Things ’round here have been more than interesting. We pulled up stakes and moved out of Childrensburg, 11211, and into the lovely greenery and Nazi Runes of Little Warsaw, 11222. We’ve been over here since mid-July, and other than one really bizarre and terrible incident – it has been quite nice…

…A quieter hood for sure, but also a lack of disrespectful assholes surrounding us. This building is full of families and older Polish people. Hell, when we first moved in, everyone was eyeballing us, hoping we weren’t crazed Party People.

Then the party people started partying on his roof. That’s when it got interesting.

I decided to go out into the hallway, and let these kids know they just shouldn’t be up on the roof. It was bad enough that they were running around the halls, slamming doors and being loud as fuck. I wasn’t going to sit in here and listen to them stomping around over my head all night. I pay far too much rent for that shit.

As I walked out into the hall, a group of them were heading up the stairs to the roof. This is the exchange that followed, pretty much verbatim:

Me: “Hey. Hey! Y’all should not be up on that roof.”
Some random fuck of a kid: “Is there going to be a problem?”
Me: Cold stare.
Kid: “Are you serious? We shouldn’t be on the roof?”
Me: “Five stories is a long drop, ain’t it? There are families that live under the roof. Kids. Little ones. Please be respectful, or I won’t be.”
Some random drunk girl: “FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE. WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT!”
Kid: “Look – we don’t want any trouble. We’ll get off the roof. Sorry.”
Me: A grin and a wink.

After that, I heard them all scurrying back down to the third floor, where the party was. I could hear them yelling in the apartment about “some asshole covered in tattoos made us get off the roof,” and I felt somewhat better about myself in that moment. They continued to be loud and ridiculous, and I continued to sit here, trying to get some Magical Work done.

I could hear them up on the roof again, maybe around 1:30AM. I figured I’d already said what I needed to, and kind of hoped that one of the older residents in the building would call the police soon, to break up the stupidity.

Around 1:45 or so I heard what sounded like the loudest slam of a door since my terrible teen years.

Less than ten minutes later, I could hear the police, admonishing kids left and right. I even pulled a total Old Man Move, and looked out the peephole in our front door, and could see cops walking kids down the stairs from the roof.

I felt pretty vindicated and went to sleep.

The next afternoon, after we had brunch with a friend, we came walking back over to the building and noticed a lot of our neighbors standing out front in a group, talking. As we walked up to them, we were informed that a 22 year old kid had fallen off the roof to his death.

At 1:45AM.

I encourage each and every one of you, dear readers, to read this post in its entirety. Although I cannot verify Mr. Doyle’s story it makes for compelling reading.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Juxtaposition

December 14, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

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