New York Shitty Day Ender: Open!

December 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention by a gentleman named Todd. He writes:

Follow up on your post about that Mexican place on Manhattan that went on ‘vacation’.  They are open now.  I came home to find the attached on my doorstep.  I’m conflicted – if they cook as poorly as they use google translate… it will either be friggin horrid or absolutely fascinating.  I mean seriously, what is this even trying to say?  I recommend picking up the menu yourself.  There are all kind of delightful grammatical nightmares inside, including a Cheeseburger on ‘bum’.

Correction, Todd: that’s a cheeseburger on a toasted bum (don’t look at me, I prefer the term “public inebriate” myself). In all seriousness, I tried this establishment today. It’s run by the same nice folks who operated New Tulcingo. My grilled cheese tasted exactly the same. In fact, the only real changes I could ascertain were appearances and the menu (for example: all the Mexican offerings seem to have been removed).  You can view Coffee Friends’s menu— fabulous grammatical errors and all— by clicking here.

Coffee Friends
Status: Open
1035 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(718) 349-0033

Miss Heather

Spotted On Manhattan Avenue: Closed For Vacation?

December 9, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Today I was astonished (and a wee bit disappointed) to see that New Tulcingo has seems to have closed. Anyone have the 411 on what happened? If so, please share via comments or “tips” page.

CLOSED: New Tulcingo
TO OPEN: Coffee Friends
1035 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

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