Happy Presidents Day From New York Shitty!

February 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


In this spirit of this holiday follows is a selection photographs with a decidedly presidential theme. Enjoy!


I will be of little surprise to some that North 5th Street has started printing its own currency.


Why not swing by this deli on Manhattan Avenue and get yourself a McCain sandwich?


Bill Clinton + magnetic erotic poetry kit = hilarity.


The Thing, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 404

February 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 







This message comes courtesy of Kent and Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

Today’s Moment Of Zen

February 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


If any of you guys are still searching for a unique and very memorable Valentine’s gift for your honey today, get thee down to the intersection of Green Street and Franklin Street.



Miss Heather

A Shooting At The Production Lounge?

February 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This email comes courtesy of R.C.:

Hey Miss Heather

Thought you may like a little play by play of what the heck is happening out my window at this very moment.

Its 3:47 am.. and I was awaken by something that sounded like gun shots out my front window.
I was quickly shaken out of my bed and my thought was gun shots???? But why. Then I remembered instantly, OH PRODUCTION LOUNGE!

Sure enough, a small commotion was brewing outside.. people moving around quickly and fighting or trying to get away inside the “amazing bar” that has fallen upon our neighborhood. I noticed someone locking the door and keeping its patrons inside the bar, not letting anyone out. I instantly thought this is not going to be good. Cops show up, not with lights on nor sirens , about 5 cars and the place starts to flood out… cops direct the flow of people that were all exiting the bar away from Kent street direction and back towards Greenpoint Avenue on Franklin.

I thought I was dreaming when I heard “the shots” but I obviously was not when the presence of cops showed up outside my home ( I live on the same block as this shit den of a bar)  and started to filter the lovely patrons of “P-LO” as I like to call this humble establishment away.

Its 3:53 now and the block is barricaded by cruisers on either side of this block on Franklin. From what I heard to what is now happening outside seems like yes maybe they were shots fired but no arrests or heavy breakouts resumed. Some people did run away  at the moment I started watching and taping (yes I captured footage of this on my mini HD camera) this incident at the P-LO But now the block is barricaded by 10 or so cops…

The cops are now walking around the block with flashlights looking for something?? gun shot shells maybe?

What ever this is going on we need to close this place down for good! It’s revolting and not what Franklin Street is about.

I guess its officially a crime scene when police tape is surrounding the entrances to the block  on either end now.

A few cops are walking back and forth the block..flashlight in hand.

4:15 a.m
Cops walking around still. nothing seems to be urgent. talking on and off with who I think is one of the owners of this place.

Let us hope that this is the end of this place. But I fear it wont be…

The P-Lo needs to go!!!

So just thought I would let you know about whats happening and ask you how the heck do we shut down this HELLHOLE that has plagued our quiet hood.

This isn’t the only email I got on the subject of this shooting either. Tony writes:

i heard 6 gunshots last night at 2:30 am from my place on Kent street.

i called 911. didn’t venture outside. NYPD just called me and asked if i had any other info.

they said a woman got shot on the corner of Kent Street & Franklin but that she’s going to be okay.

this is fucked up.

I can hardly wait to see how they spin this one at the next 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting.

Miss Heather

Photographer’s (my) Note: This is 158 Franklin Street. The bullet that penetrated the front door managed to go through a second door in the interior of this domicile and lodged itself in a wall. I have it on good intelligence that bullets managed to find their way to the second floor of this residence as well. One destroyed a hat hanging on a rack (better the hat than the wearer, I suppose). It should also be noted that the owner of this house just finished renovating it from top to bottom. Now it has a few bullet holes to give it that “gritty” “urban” feel.

UPDATE: Apparently this matter has found its way onto Yelp;

While this place has been drawing my snarky ire since it opened for myriad reasons (laughable decor, seeming utter distain for the idea of a unified neighborhood fabric, loud, raucous club nights exhibiting contemptible taste levels vis-à-vis music, general waft of sadness and desperation, etc., etc.), I always considered it unfortunate joke that would be quickly and deservedly shuttered. But last night things took a much more serious turn…

You can read the rest by clicking here.* (A special thanks goes out to Greenpointless for bringing this to my attention.)

*NO YOU CAN’T: Yelp has pulled the posts.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Valentines Day Special

February 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

In keeping with the spirit of Valetine’s Day here are a few shots taken from none other than the Garden Spot of the Universe. Enjoy!


This lovely assortment of roses come from the A.J. Farm Market at 1014 Manhattan Avenue.


As many of you know this is also Presidents Day weekend. So why not do what the owners of T & N Wine and Liquor did and combine motifs?


Nothing washes down a box of chocolate (or nine) like a tall frosty one!


Valentine’s Day meets Chinese New Year on Herbert Street.


Now this is what I call a teddy bear!


Someone is loved on Morgan Avenue.


Yeah, I know this isn’t from Greenpoint per se. But I like it and what’s more it makes a great finisher for this post. So there!

Miss Heather

Happy Valentine’s Day From New York Shitty!

February 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


I can think of no better way to kick off Valentine’s Day than this shot of one of New York’s Bravest from Greenpoint’s very own Ladder 106 picking out a bouquet for his sweetie. Too. Cute. For. Words.

Miss Heather

833-835 Manhattan Avenue Says Hello To 7-11

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


I received the tip about this one courtesy of xdoobiex, who writes:

we have made the big time… it was supposed to be the cross county bank, but i guess times are bad. maybe cross county can move into wamu, or maybe the 99 can move back into it.

You know, he might be onto something here.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Wheels

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Presented for your Friday afternoon entertainment: a selection of wheels from the Garden Spot and beyond. Enjoy!


This Fred T. Sanford special hails from Calyer Street.


If this gent’s defensive driving skills are anything like his ability to parallel park it would certainly explain all the “boo boos” gracing his ride.



I pity the fool who is paying $1,500+ a month for this studio apartment!


North 12th Street goes south of the border.



Some food for thought from Manhattan Avenue.


Everthing is coming up roses on Noble Street.





Thames Street prefers hogs.


Greenpoint gangstas prefer Volkswagens. Lest you are wondering a solitary rose was gracing its bud vase— even tough guys like flowers!

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Hot Chicks & Bulging Men

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This one pretty much speaks for itself, folks.

A Special Evening Of Valentine’s Day Fun (and perhaps bananas being used incorrectly?)
February 14, 2009
The Habitat
988 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222


In other related news it would appear their upstairs neighbor, The Cee Flat, has moved their live drawing sessions to Friday evenings (for those of you keeping track, that’s today).

Figure Drawing
Tuesday Friday nights, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
The Cee Flat
988 Manhattan Avenue (second floor)
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Cost: $15.00

Miss Heather

Reader Question Of The Day: Polish Nazis?

February 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

This disturbing query comes courtesy of a chap name Frankie. He writes:

Long-time listener, first-time caller. As someone who has read your blog and lived in the neighborhood for a while now, I thought I’d ask you about something that’s been troubling me recently. I’ve noticed an increase in neo-Nazi/white power skinhead types in Greenpoint, mostly younger teens (I remember that there was more of a visible presence a long time ago, but it seemed to have mostly died out). I’ve seen kids wearing swastika pins, and last night I saw some kids wearing white power shirts.  As someone who spends a lot of time out and about in Greenpoint, have you noticed anything similar? I don’t mean to sound paranoid, but this is really upsetting.

PS – I’m not one of those people who sees a shaved head and assumes the worst. I know the diff between classic skins, SHARPs, etc.

Speaking for myself I have not seen this. It should be noted, however, that I live in the far north part of Greenpoint (which is largely Hispanic and as such would take a dim view of such stuff). The previous having been said (and in light of a video one of my neighbors shot a couple years ago) I would not rule it out. Thoughts, anyone?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 7:55 p.m.: A reader forwarded me this news story from twenty years ago. Go just past the eight minute mark. Very interesting.

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