The Word On The Street: Alive

India Street Piernys

Taken October 18, 2015.

Urban Artifact: Special India Street Pier Edition

August 20, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, Wow, WTF 

India Street Pier nys

For approximately the last month I have been foraging “urban artifacts” around the Garden Spot. These are being (tongue firmly in artisanal cheek) up-purposed to works of art. Ar some point I imagine I will write about this project here. Or maybe I won’t? Who knows.

What I do know is India Street between the East River Ferry Pier and West Street has proven to be a gold mine. It can be reliably counted upon to provide a number of interesting (and generally unsavory) items. For example:

Let’s just say I grown to expect the unexpected. Which brings me to today’s find. It is located at the foot of the India Street Pier where the red arrow is in the above photograph.

Fish heads! nys

Nothing says “Welcome to Greenpoint” quite like a combined sewer overflow sign festooned with not one, but TWO fish heads. After I took the above photograph a fellow at the adjacent construction site remarked that this was “pretty crazy”. That, it most assuredly is— but I have come to expect this kind of thing in the 11222. On that note I will leave you, gentle readers, with this. Happy Thursday!

New York Shitty Photos/Video Du Jour: Wish You Were Here

Today yours truly decided to take a stroll along the waterfront and see what’s shaking (in addition to the pier).

Unlike my previous visit, the pier was open to the public.

Whether or not it is supposed to be is anyone’s guess.

I’ll leave you, gentle readers, to draw your own conclusions.

I quickly ascertained I was not alone.

Evidence of recent merry-making was spotted.

Welcome to Greenpoint.

For shits and giggles I decided to hang around until the next ferry came by. Sure, we Greenpointers do not have (direct) access to this amenity— but we can wave at it!

For those of you who are wondering Greenpoint has been without ferry service since February 13, 2014. If there were, say, a few luxury residential towers here— more specifically, residents inhabiting said towers who(se wallets) will get the ear of their elected officials— do you honestly think this situation would have been allowed to persist as it has? Really? But of course we do not have luxury towers much less luxury tower residents— at least yet— so we, the hoi polloi, will just have to wait. And wait…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

November 19, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Needing a break from the rigors of moving, this morning yours truly decided a walk on our waterfront was in order. When I availed myself of the “V.I.P. Entrance” (as seen above) to the Java Street pop-up park I had the eerie feeling I was not alone. Sure enough, I looked to my left and discerned my instincts were spot-on.

Is that man doing what I think he is doing?

I asked myself. Sure enough, he was.

Hey, at least he had the decency to employ a water bottle as a receptacle as opposed to simply letting it rip. In any case and in closing, this is as good an opportunity as any to note that I have received word from the fine folks at the East River Ferry that after negotiations with the owner of the pier (and this property) they will be implementing a number of wonderful improvements to the pier proper and the surrounding environs. This includes addressing security issues as manifest with the “VIP entrance”, providing a winter shelter for ferry goers and much, much more. Now that’s some much-needed good news!

New York Shitty Day Starter: East River Ferry Service Resumes Today…

November 1, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

but not for Greenpoint!


The Word On The Street, Part IV: Misbehave

From the India Street Pier.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: India Street Pier

Eagle_teater (who discovered the above item) writes:

Beware the drunken rhino.


Urban Fur: On The Waterfront

March 15, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Fur 

Taken March 14, 2012.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Relax

After hearing the good news about India Street Pier being outfitted with long-promised (and much needed) seating, today I simply had to see the goodness for myself. I’m glad I did too!

Not only they pressed into service by ferry patrons before my very eyes, but I struck up a conversation with the chap in the foreground (who was affixing East River Ferry signage/stickers to said benches). I broke the ice by telling him I, and many others, were very happy to see benches installed for ferry-goers/sight-seers. He was pleased to hear this.

He explained to me they wished to purchase something sturdy so as to brave the rather gusty winds— and something which would prove difficult to “commander” (READ: steal). I’d say at 500 pounds a pop (courtesy of the copious amount of concrete used in their fabrication) they made a very wise selection!

In closing he noted to me (with a chuckle) that the original benches were allocated to a park nearby. My reply was as follows:

Yes that “park” sports a lot of concrete— but I once saw an amazing gaggle of ducks swim by while hanging out there. It was really neat.

Then I added:

It would nice if park goers could have egress on India Street, though. You know, so if they want to wait for the ferry there they do not have to walk around the block.

He assured me they are working on this.

To be continued…?

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Wish Fulfillment

A person we’ll call “T” writes in an email entitled “Your wish is coming true”:

Benched on India st pier!  4 of em



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