Reader Contribution Du Jour: Saturday At The Park

Stefano Giovannini, who took the above photograph yesterday afternoon, writes:

someone should do something about this… these are the porta potties near the track at McCarren Park. i could not believe. i’d rather pee in the bushes

And, as he later noticed, one parks patron elected to do just that…

This is inexcusable folks. Really.

P.S.: While I am on the subject of north Brooklyn’s crappers it is with sincere displeasure that I note that the Jamie Campiz Playground “ladybug”(which some of you might recall is part of my “No Toilet Left Behind Project”)  isn’t faring very well…

Upon closer examination I noticed the hinge is not broken.

Rather the nut had come loose and instead of, say, simply placing it back it was thrown away.

To be continued…

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Falcon!*

This handsome fellow was captured presiding over Jaime Campiz Playground today by a chap named Daniel. Nice shots!

*It has been brought to my attention that this critter is, in fact, a hawk. Thanks for the correction/clarification redchamboalert!

Spotted At Jamie Campiz Playground: Empowerment

August 17, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Now if only the womens’ bathroom could, perchance, be appointed with a toilet seat…

among other things.

Miss Heather

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