This Weekend: McGolrick Park Sweep

September 30, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Fall Clean Up

Any/all who are interested in participating can get more information by clicking here. In closing, I feel compelled to advise volunteers to watch out for “sharps”.




These were found at McGolrick Park on August 26th.

UPDATE: This event has been postponed.

Greenpoint Feral Furniture Watch: Special Parks Edition

August 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11222, Feral Furniture, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Feral furniture McGolrick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Anyone in the market for a comfy chair take notice: this rather comfy model presently graces McGolrick Park.

Feral furniture McGoltick Park August 17 2015 NYS

Be advised, however, it is a bit of a “fixer-upper”. I am not even going to venture as to what it may sport in the way of “value-added”/”inhabitants”…




Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: McGolrick Park

cordoned off

Today I decided to avail myself of the sunshine and go for a walk. On a lark I opted to swing by McGolrick and see how things are shaking. As you can see we have a problem.


We all know manhole plundering is an problem here. But this one is epic in both scope and chutzpah. As it was explained to me by a very sweet, dedicated and frustrated Parks Department employee, the reason for the barricade is one of our more resourceful— and I’d presume STRONG— citizens saw fit to divest this man hole of its cover (so as to sell for scrap at our manifold number of scrap metal establishments). This is why the powers that be have seen fit to weld its replacement in situ.


As for these benches: I was told local youths have made divesting them of wooden planks is a chronic problem.

Is any of this new fellow Greenpointers? No, it is not. What makes it “news” is the fact this behavior— if merely by benign neglect—  is apparently still allowed to persist.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: McGolrick Park

May 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Five men sleeping on a bench

Taken by WarmSleepy.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Found At McGolrick Park

April 1, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


This fetching fellow (who was found at McGolrick Park) was brought to my attention by his current hostess: a lovely lady named Donna. If anyone knows to whom he belongs (or perhaps wants to provide him the forever home he richly deserves) please contact Dog Habitat via email at: Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Vandalism At McGolrick Park?

photo 1


It would appear someone sporting the initials “J.J.” (this fellow was kind enough to sign his “work”) has seen fit  to make a few modifications to the much-beloved Ericsson memorial at McGolrick Park. These modifications being as follows: dumping a shitload of paint on it. I have received word 94th is on the scene.

UPDATE, 1:40 p.m.: I have received some very good news! Not only is the 94th canvassing door-to-door in the hope someone will have a tip as to who is responsible for this, but the paint is being removed! The perp used acrylic paint which is not only easier to remove, but the patina should not be disturbed.

Photo/Video Credits: BIG props/shout-out of New York Shitty gratitude go out to Brooklyn Imbecile.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Deck The Stalls

Jay, who captured the above bit of nastiness today December 15th, writes:

Wishing you a Shitty Christmas courtesy of NY Parks and the men’s restroom at McGolrick Park.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Prophet In Pink

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A fellow named Nick writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

I’m a long-time reader and fan of your blog, first-time e-mailer
I’ve seen that you’ll sometimes post about events that may be of interest to you and your readers, and I think this might fit the bill.  I’m a North Brooklyn-based playwright, and a play I’ve written is being featured in this year’s New York International Fringe Festival.  As my readership of your blog might imply, I have an ongoing fascination with the neighborhood in which I live, so it was probably inevitable that I was going to write something relating to my Willamsburg and Greenpoint environs.  And that’s indeed what has come to pass.

The play is called Prophet in Pink, and the majority of it is set in our own McGolrick Park.  It’s the story of three local struggling artists–who, I must stress, are not hipsters…the two don’t always have to go hand in hand–whose lives are going nowhere.  Everything changes for them when one of McGolrick Park’s statues begins speaking and sending them mysterious messages.  But which of the statues is it: our fair park’s lovely World War I angel, or the equally lovely Monitor Memorial?  And, more importantly, why?

We run August 10-24 at the New Ohio Theater, 154 Christopher Street.  More information can be found at

Thanks so much for your time, and thanks even more for your wonderful neighborhood reporting.

Thanks for the heads-up (and kind words), Nick!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: McGolrick Park, Worse Than Ever?

In an email addressed to Assemblyman Joseph Lentol’s office, the 94th Precinct’s Community Affairs Office, Brooklyn Parks Commissioner (Kevin Jeffrey), Community Board 1’s Parks Supervisor/Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn’s Executive Director (Stephanie Thayer); City Councilman Steve Levin’s office and 50th Assembly District Democratic Leader (Lincoln Restler), among others a lady named Holly writes today, July 2nd, 2012:

I am writing this as a follow-up to the December 9, 2011 meeting concerning conditions at McGolrick Park.  While it was said that a subsequent meeting would be held in April 2012 to readdress the issues presented, that of course never happened.  And now seven months later, McGolrick Park is in worse shape than ever.

I will try to keep this letter as brief as possible, because I am very tired. . . tired of constantly volunteering and fundraising for a park that is continually destroyed, tired of continually pointing out problems that need to be addressed only to have those concerns fall on deaf ears, tired of being forsaken by the Parks Department and local politicians (with the exception of Lincoln Restler) who obviously do not care about the well-being of the park itself and the community that surrounds it.

I am attaching pictures I took today of the degenerating conditions of the park, and they should speak for themselves, but I would like to make the following important points:

1) The middle entrance on Monitor Street between Nassau Ave. and Driggs Ave. has become a residence for local drunkards.  The area reeks of urine and alcohol and there are copious amounts of garbage and liquor bottles strewn about the area.  They have literally lived in that unmaintained, isolated “meadow” for the past two weeks.  It is disgusting and absolutely unacceptable. (Photos attached. I have taken the liberty of assembling them into a slide show which graces the beginning of this post. — Ed. Note.)

2) The benches at the center of the park have been destroyed for probably the tenth time since the December meeting.  Graffiti is rampant. The Belgium stone surrounding the Monitor statue has been vandalized. The bulletin board has been broken – again.  Garbage is openly thrown around the center of the park by the group of destructive and abusive teenagers that continue to haunt the center of the park.  (Photos attached.)

3) There are trip hazards throughout the park.  My group, The McGolrick Park Schools Alliance, donated and laid 1 ton of new top soil in the spring, filling in several of the larger trip hazards, but many remain.  The other day my 2 ½ year old son was running through one of the lawns and suddenly fell directly on his nose.  It was a large hole obscured by grass that made him fall.

4) Many people of this community blame the seasonal workers for the poor maintenance of the park.  It is true that you can often see these workers sitting in the shack or on the benches.  But let me be clear that the park workers are NOT to blame.  If they are not working to their full potential then it is only because they are not receiving sufficient supervision and guidance.  Moreover, after volunteering with some of these workers I was appalled to discover that they don’t have one functioning pincer and no work gloves – they have to buy their own safety supplies, and that is a travesty.  So I gave them a bag of work gloves which is apparently more than their employer is willing to do.  Also, I want you to be aware that these workers are verbally abused by aggressive teens and drunks on an almost daily basis.  These workers, who literally have to clean the shit of the park, are treated as such, and they are given no support or power to improve their working conditions/our park.  There should be a protocol put in place whereby workers are given the ability to call for police support at even the inkling of being threatened, or as soon as they see vagrants or vandals.

5) As has been true for years, the bathrooms of McGolrick Park are absolutely disgusting.  Parents resort to allowing their children to relieve themselves on the perimeters of the playground rather than risk exposing their kids to the horrible bathroom conditions.  This of course presents another set of health and safety issues.  Moreover, urine and feces from resident drunks can still be found/smelled throughout the park.

6) The center pavilion is in absolute disrepair.  Bird nests have destroyed the woodwork and so much graffiti has been haphazardly painted over that it looks atrocious.

7) I feel it should be known that following the December 9 meeting, and announcing that I would be starting a community group for McGolrick Park, I received a call from park officials “encouraging” me to work with The Friends of McGolrick instead of starting my own group (which would target children and families of our local schools).  In addition, I was told that any police reports concerning the park should be left to Morgan Pehme (Mr. Pehme is the head of the Friends of McGolrick Park Group— Ed. Note) to make.  So essentially, I was being asked to give up my fundamental rights as a citizen to accommodate the needs of others.  Thankfully, I stuck to my guns and refused to work with “The Friends” as I clearly knew from the start that the group was impotent.  To my knowledge they have not held one clean-up or community event within the park, and what is more infuriating is that they were handed $2500 from Exxon Mobil that has not been used or accounted for.  This is money that should have been used for the benefit of our park and community and no one knows where it has gone.

This will be the last time I will reach out to those civil servants who are responsible for maintaining the health, safety, and beauty of our local park.  I no longer wish to see my hard work and energy go down the drain because the people in charge just don’t care.  However, if you are a community member reading this letter and are as outraged as I am, please forward this to others, and contact those officials that this email is addressed to.  Tell them that you agree with these words – maybe then, someone will be held accountable and our park and neighborhood can change (back) for the better.


Here’s the deal, folks: Holly is not the only concerned citizen who is disgusted with the deteriorating state of this park. It was brought to my attention after last week’s Public Safety Committee meeting by a life-long Greenpoint resident and yet another parks patron has seen fit to do some documentation of her own. Her focus was on public defecation. Without further ado, here are her findings.

I honestly do not know what I can say that I have not said many times before— but I will do so (again) anyway. Until we as citizens, our civil servants and elected officials take up the matter of the homeless (and addiction) problem here honestly and realistically, I do not see anything changing. I was both saddened and disgusted when I happened upon a man who was clearly in need of medical help today in plain view of the McCarren Park Field House and the recently (re)opened pool. The latter of which, not surprisingly, has been receiving a great deal of police attention the last two days.

UPDATE, 6:51 p.m.: There appears to have been another incident at the McCarren Park Pool. Click here for Gothamist’s take.

UPDATE, 7:47 p.m.: Holly gets a response— and responds!

LAST GASP: McGolrick Park Farmers Market

Dog eating pie

Regrettably I did not make it in time to check this out. I spent the afternoon showing the inimitable Kevin Walsh of Forgotten New York around points green and beyond.* But WarmSleepy got this great shot of one of our local canines enjoying their wares. Great capture!

*Including making the acquaintance of Franklin the pig, a fellow Mets fan!

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