THIS WEEK: Community Board 1 Combined Public Hearing & Board Meeting

That’s right folks: following a rather lively summer the first Combined Public Hearing & Board Meeting of our local Community Board (whose agenda can be seen above) will come to pass this upcoming Wednesday, September 12th. Once again: Any/all interested in speaking must sign up by 6:15 p.m.! Those of you who are curious can view a map of the manifold number of new liquor license applications by going to my comrade’s site.

Community Board 1 Combined Public Meeting & Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Swinging 60’s Seniors Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211 

UPDATE, 8:54 P.M.: I somehow overlooked sharing one of the more curious items in the rather lengthy roster of liquor license applications. Without further ado, here it is:

7 North 15th Street

At this rather curious location will be— albeit potentially— a microbrewery and restaurant.

Upon which this notice was posted in accordance to the rules— albeit out of view of anyone under, say, 6′ tall. It notes they are applying for a sidewalk cafe seating as well.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From Community Board 1

All in all it was a pretty dull evening at the Swinging 60’s Senior’s Center tonight. However, I did film OSA’s announcement regarding the concerts. Simply put, moving forward these will be located at 50 Kent Avenue (which is city-owned property) and they have scheduled a “town hall” meeting where concerned neighbors can voice their concerns; offer criticism (be it constructive or otherwise) and advice. Watch for yourself!

Nonetheless, very salient concerns were raised at the end of the meeting during the “public speaking” session:

New York Shitty analysis:

  1. On the surface 50 Kent Avenue may prove— at least financially— to be a better venue for the Open Space Alliance to conduct these concerts. It is city-owned property and as such they do not have to split the profits with East River State Park.
  2. This year’s concerts, per Ms. Thayer, netted an estimated $250,000. Mind you, this is before costs have been factored in and without taking into account that East River State Park gets half the take. So let’s say, optimistically, $250,000 was raised and there are no costs. This only leaves $125,000— a pittance as far as institutional funds are concerned— to ostensibly improve parks in the entirety of Community Board 1. What’s the point?
  3. Unless better crowd control and sensitivity to/coordination with public transportation— namely service suspensions by the MTA and perhaps special ferry service to and from Manhattan— are explored by OSA I honestly do not see things changing other than who will be doing the complaining. The “problem” has simply been moved.
  4. Does filming the aftermath of OSA’s “Widespread Panic” concert merit death threats? Really?

OSA Town Hall Meeting Regarding “The Concerts”
October 20th starting at 6:30 p.m.
Swinging Sixties Seniors Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

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