From The New York Shitty Inbox: And So It Goes…

Transmitter Park Buddha 600

April 24, 2014

Fwd: City of New York Auto Acknowledgment Correspondence # 1-1-9

Fwd: City of New York Auto Acknowledgment Correspondence # 1-1-9

May 6, 2014

Fwd: Your Correspondence to NYC Parks

Fwd: Your Correspondence to NYC Parks

Now let’s jump forward to today, June 3rd, shall we?



Here’s your “enforcement” folks.









Woman walks into park with dog. Woman let’s dog urinate on a sapling. Dog then proceeds to kick up soil and whatever grass may be present. Those who have children, take them this park and let them play in the grass may want to keep the above images in mind. This is why we do not have nice things, Garden Spotters. Of course, it can always be worse. Yesterday used hypodermic needles were found at McCarren Park.

Oh yeah: lest you are wondering, gentle readers, why Buddha graces the beginning of this post I can assure you it is not an accident. I found the enlightened one enjoying our newest piece of park space hereabouts.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Coming At You From WNYC Transmitter Park

June 4, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 





A Greenpoint resident and parks patron we’ll call “N” writes:

Ok. Here’s shocking news for you. Transmitter park has a proper resident.

Au contraire. I’d hazard to guess these are two French cinema enthusiasts staking out their seatsĀ for August’s film festival.

In all seriousness folks, am I the only person who finds a community which has a chronic addiction and therefore homeless problem— which is more often than not manifest in our public spaces being host to a French film festival a mite bit absurd? Please tell me I am not.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Transmitter Park

September 5, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 

Transmitter Park

Taken by Scoboco.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Transmitter Park

August 28, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Taken by Miss Mousey Brown.

Contribution Du Jour: Transmitter Sunset

November 5, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken by Maya Marzolf.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Homelessness At McCarren Park

This item comes from a person we’ll call “L”. He/she writes:

I live across from the Vincent V. Abate Playground part of McCarren Park, otherwise known as “tent city” for all the homeless people that sleep/pass out in the playground area. Actually saw 1 guy passed out on the kiddie bridge and another pissing down the slide….awesome! Well, I decided to call some type of williamsburg/greenpoint public official so I found the email address to Assemblyman Lentol’s office (the guy who swam the canal for google internet) and voiced my utter disgust of the upkeep of McCarren Park. I emailed them a bunch of links of sites (your included) that showed how bad it really is and they got back to me with this….

“I’ve been told that the Parks Department has added 3 more workers to McCarren Park this week. Two more workers have been added for the summer to work weekend/late nights to supplement the efforts of the Parks Department. An interagency task force has been organized to address the homeless issue. A Parks Enforcement Patrol Officer is going to be hired for the district as well.”

Now I have no idea if the Parks Dept. is just blowing smoke or what but I’m hopeful..

This brings up a something I have been noticing a lot of late: a very visible increase of homelessness in our parks— and north Brooklyn in general. I have observed encampments at McCarren Park, Transmitter Park, India Street and the American Playground to name a few. I am not the only one either: I learned this when I spoke with a Department of Sanitation employee yesterday afternoon.

After I pointed out to him that someone has been living in the above car for at least two months (he said three) and he pointed out a new homeless encampment under a parked tractor trailer I asked him the $64,000 question:

Is it just me or is there a much more visible— and sizable— homeless population here than in recent years?

His answer was “yes” and he went on to tell me:

1. about how he and his partner accidentally crushed two homeless people to death when they tossed what they thought was a pile of rubbish into the back of his truck. He was truly horrified and traumatized by this.
2. he and his colleagues have been complaining to the city only to have these people taken into observation and later return.

I guess what I am trying to get around to is this: more workers at McCarren might improve the deplorable conditions at this park— but it is not going to address the homeless problem. While “an interagency” task force sounds promising, what strategy do they have to address what has to be (in my opinion) the largest homeless population I have seen here since 2002? I’m talking about addressing the core roots of homelessness, e.g.; unemployment, mental illness and substance abuse to name a few— not merely kicking the can by forcing them to move elsewhere (which seems to be what is going on now). Thoughts/observations anyone?

Miss Heather

UPDATE, July 1, 2010; It would appear L has received a call from New York’s Finest!

Hey missheather. so I just got a phone call from the 94th precinct about a complaint that I made to 311 about the homeless problem in McCarren Park and the officer sounding a little annoyed told me this “well, if they’re asleep in the grass at McCarren Park then I don’t see anything wrong with that, it’s not illegal to be homeless” and I said of course its not illegal but you have to know of the growing homeless problem in the neighborhood, especially in McCarren Park? His answer “I am not aware of this”…..WTF!!! After I told him about the issue of them camping out in the play ground and pissing on the slides and what not then he was more understanding saying “oh, well in the playground that’s a different story, we’ll send someone over there now”. As if their going to still be in the same spots as the morning…..I don’t know about you but I get the feeling that the police are either out of touch or just don’t feel like dealing with it.

NEXT WEEK: A Ribbon Cutting With Mayor Mike!

July 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 



Some of you probably know ground has been broken for the new soccer field which will grace Bushwick Inlet Park. What you probably do not know is (per a most curious anonymous source) I have been told there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony with none other than our fair Mayor as well as “other elected officials and Commissioner Benepe” this upcoming Monday, July 6, 2009! The festivities will kick off at either 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. (I am awaiting confirmation for all of this— if/when I get a firm time and date I will post them here.) Let’s celebrate!

Or not.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony For the New Soccer Field At Bushwick Inlet Park
Monday, July 6, 2009
Time: Either 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. (time and date to be confirmed) 11:00 a.m.
Kent Avenue between North 11 & 12 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Why hasn’t this event been announced to the general public, you ask? That’s an excellent question! Why not pop by on Monday and ask Mayor Mike and/or Mr. Benepe in person?

Miss Heather

*Or would that be WNYC Transmitter Park? As you can see in the following photographs (taken at 7:30 this evening) the stage is being set for something to go down there. Soon.




This is a fucking joke.

News From The Greenpoint Grapevine

June 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Some of you might have noticed that the lot at the western terminus of Greenpoint Avenue (the designated site of WNYC Transmitter Park) has received a heaping helping of mulch. I was initially mystified but have since heard some neighborhood buzz that might shed some light on this recent turn of events: this space will be temporarily opened as a dog run.


Although I am pleased at the prospect that north Greenpoint’s mutts might finally— albeit temporarily— have a place to stretch their legs (and sniff each other’s butts) and I might have the opportunity to see the WNYC Transmitter building up close and personal (it’s a lovely Art Deco building) I must confess that I cannot stop asking myself:


Where’s my park?

Miss Heather

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