From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Cleaning Up After Hurricane Sandy

December 14, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 


This comes via an anonymous tipster and will undoubtedly be of interest to a great many folks here in north ‘Point. This upcoming Monday, December 17th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Visitors Center at our very own Shit Tits Waste Water Treatment Facility an information session will be conducted for families and businesses impacted by Sandy. Mark your calendars— and ask questions Greenpointers!

Cleaning Up After Sandy: An Information Session
December 17, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Newtown Creek Visitors Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, new York 11222 

Closing on a related note, those of you who have not seen this segment on PBS regarding the toxic aftermath of Sandy please do give it a watch. In it Greenpoint’s very own (former) resident, Jacqueline Lombard, speaks out. You go, girl!

*You can view Mr. Levin’s missive in Spanish by clicking here.

New York Shitty Slide Show & Videos Du Jour: Visitor’s Center Grand Opening

April 24, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 

It was (and is) a beautiful day in the Garden Spot of the Universe. The sun is shining and it is a very comfortable 68 degrees. In other words, the conditions were ideal for Greenpoint’s event of the year: the opening of the Visitor’s Center for our fair Waste Treatment Plant. I awoke bright and early to prepare myself for this most auspicious occasion. My shit shirt was laundered, my camera and flip cam were fully charged. I was ready. Before I proceed to the body of this post (a slide show and ample video footage!) I’d like to tender a few thoughts:

  1. I for one was pleased that a number of neighborhood children were present to witness this moment in Garden Spot History.
  2. I applaud the DEP for providing a number of activities and souvenirs for the kids. The “Drip Patrol” badges and Commemorative Silly Putty were nothing short of inspired (And yes, I grabbed one of each for myself. I am a child at heart!).
  3. All the north Brooklyn notables were there: Joe Lentol, Steve Levin, Marty Markowitz and Diana Reyna. The latter most I had never met in person. She’s a really nice lady and had never seen the Nature Walk before. She was impressed. What’s more, she was not aware that the digester eggs (as the eggheads call them) are popularly known hereabouts as the “Shit Tits”. She found this tremendously entertaining. I like Diana.
  4. I made it known to Ms. Reyna that the digester egg lighting ceremony had cake and voiced my disappointment that this ceremony did not have cake. Now that I think about it, a number of people were rather despondent over the lack of confections.
  5. When do we get a gift shop? I want Shit Tit snow globes and I want them NOW!
  6. I was also disappointed that Vito Acconci, the artist who designed the fountain which graces our new Visitor’s Center, was unable to attend.
  7. I met one of the peeps from Polshek Partners (the blue chip brains behind the “boobs”). I brought it to his attention that the Shit Tits (as we call them) have become a point of civic pride in my community and then showed him my shirt shirt. I am pleased to report he liked it! In fact, he wanted to know how to order one. As you can imagine, I provided this chap all the information needed to make this happen!

Without further ado, here is a slide show from today’s opening. Enjoy!


Representative Joe Lentol

Mister Brooklyn Himself: Marty Markowitz

The First Lady of North Brooklyn (or at least the 34th City Council District), Diana Reyna

Polshek Partners

Percent For Art Program

NCMC Speaks

The Money Shot


The wonders never cease in the Garden Spot of the Universe!

Miss Heather

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