Would you rent a studio from this man?

June 8, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone out there looking for some affordable studio space, listen up! I found something today that might be of interest to you.

Studio Space Flyer

$650 for 400 square feet of space and eastern exposure? Not bad! But you know, the name “fluxusreadymade” sounds familiar to me. I think I came across it a few months ago…

Hate mail

Oh, that’s where I found it— in my very own inbox! Silly me.

I find it pretty amusing that the very person who sent me this nastygram may very well be a landlord. Of course, this newfound and very fascinating piece of information would have gone unnoticed had Bert bothered to take his own advice, e.g.; don’t shit where you eat.

Can you imagine what it must be like to be this guy’s tenant— or worse yet, his ROOMMATE? Whatever you do, for god’s sake don’t drink the man’s milk! He’ll probably go postal.


Miss Heather


5 Comments on Would you rent a studio from this man?

  1. dupreciate on Fri, 8th Jun 2007 1:30 pm
  2. Dude, if rents keep going up, where is this guy gonna play with his model trains?

  3. missheather on Fri, 8th Jun 2007 2:13 pm
  4. Now kids, PLAY NICE.

    To answer dupreciate’s question: ‘East Williamsburg’, that’s where.

  5. Rebecca11222 on Sat, 9th Jun 2007 6:04 pm
  6. holy shitty.

    Yes, he blames you for rents going up, but doesn’t have a problem raising them when he rents to trendy bitches like you.

    Hmmm…hypocrisy is a lovely, poo-filled place of oblivion.

  7. missheather on Sat, 9th Jun 2007 6:34 pm
  8. Rebecca11222 writes: Hmmm…hypocrisy is a lovely, poo-filled place of oblivion.

    I may very well be a trendy bitch (tho I doubt it— most people call me a weirdo or freak), but I am an observant, persistent and diligent one.

    Bert seems to think he can send me a nasty missive via email, post flyers featuring the same email address to pimp the studio space he has for rent in my neighborhood and think I will not notice. I did. Yahoo/Flickr has terms of use for its services and Bert Schuck violated them. This will be brought to their attention. Soon.

  9. Rebecca11222 on Sat, 9th Jun 2007 6:56 pm
  10. In the words of Scooby-Doo: “Ruh-roh.”

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