Now For Sale At The Thing

January 4, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Asshole 

Donnie Rumsfeld Candies

Donald Rumsfeld candies.

I am not kidding. We are up to our eyeballs in these fucking tins— Larry da Junkman has been emptying them all morning. I asked if there were any Alberto Gonzales candies, but he said no. Bummer*. I would have liked to have one of those. I’d use it as a candy dish on my coffee table.

It would not serve conventional confections, however. Nope, it would dispense bons bons suitable for an Attorney General of his caliber.

Miss Heather

*I suppose there isn’t any real difference between the two, but in my opinion it takes a raging piece of shit to make John Ashcroft look good.


2 Comments on Now For Sale At The Thing

  1. judes on Fri, 4th Jan 2008 5:57 pm
  2. Whatever were those things used for? Can you put one aside for me? Wow.

  3. missheather on Fri, 4th Jan 2008 7:37 pm
  4. They had candy in them. Mints, to be precise. The (really cool) guy who runs “Tom Cats” barber shop on India Street took this bad boy,

    when I find another one it is totally yours.

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