Great Moments in Aluminum Siding, Volume XII

February 5, 2008 by
Filed under: Vinyl Siding 

Mr. Heather having a digital camera has proven to be a double-edged sword for me. Going to back to his old love, photography, has made Mr. H very happy. Unfortunately it also entails that I have an extra set of eyes, mouth —and most importantly stomach— when I go out to take photographs.

As you can probably imagine this can be a source of conflict on occasion. Fortunately the Mister (occasionally) makes up for it by finding some hitherto select gem that even impresses my own admittedly jaded eye.

Case in point: 167 Wyckoff Avenue.

167 Wyckoff Avenue

I have not seen such exquisite use of aluminum siding in a very, very long time. You can always leave it to our friends down in Bushwick to be on the cutting edge of aluminum siding usage. Where are the windows, you ask? Pah— those are for gentrifiers and dilettantes! 167 Wyckoff Avenue doesn’t need no stinking windows.

167 Wyckoff Avenue Side

Well, okay maybe two.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Great Moments in Aluminum Siding, Volume XII

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Wed, 6th Feb 2008 7:46 am
  2. I’d like to ask the pharmacy people what the heck goes on up there. You didn’t ask, did you Miss Heather? I assume it is residential, but crap, how could you not hang yourself in a place like that?

  3. Jimmy Legs on Thu, 7th Feb 2008 1:10 pm
  4. it’s actually the site of biosphere 3; 7 volunteers are trying to terraform inside the sealed chamber. shhhh…. it’s all for charity!

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