New York Shitty Day Ender: Karl Gets A Pair

July 1, 2009 by
Filed under: Abjectecture, Williamsburg 

04.nfourthKEVINWALSH(…And Then Some!)

On June 29, 2009 my buddy Kevin of Forgotten NY wrote in his latest “slice” entitled The Four Corners of North 4th:

This new condo on the NW corner of Driggs Avenue and N. 4th is Nforth by archiect Karl Fischer, who has worked extensively in Montreal and NYC. He has perpetrated a traves … er, muscled the old LIRR/Pennsy Powerhouse in Hunters Point into residential units and has also designed Schaefer Landing on the site of the old Schaefer brewery on Kent Avenue.

I actually like the building — it features very large windows — a trend in residential architecture — and a throwback look with actual brickface…

I have to respectfully disagree with my colleague: this building, along with its numerous (and seemingly exponentially proliferating) siblings is simply awful. What’s more, I learned today I am not the only one who harbors this sentiment.


At a casual glance I counted at least twenty penises (penii?) gracing this edifice. Whoever was responsible for this amusing (and it should be noted, NON-permanent) act of vandalism didn’t stop at NForth either: the Karl Fischer next door got four of its own.

Miss Heather

Image Credits: Thumbnail of NForth comes courtesy of Kevin Walsh.


2 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Karl Gets A Pair

  1. d on Thu, 2nd Jul 2009 6:42 am
  2. I can’t believe how many condo buildings are on that block across from San Loco, I think 3?? And where the old Duff’s is, that whole stretch of Kent is condo-fied. They are so ugly.

  3. bleibtreu on Thu, 2nd Jul 2009 12:40 pm
  4. I guess that could be someone’s architectural criticism. Or it could just be that someone like to draw penises.

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