New York Shitty Day Ender: Bedford Avenue Blight

October 12, 2009 by
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


it’s through this world I ramble
I see lots of men
some will rob you with a six gun
some with a fountain pen

Ballad of Pretty Boy Floyd by Woodie Guthrie

Amusingly enough, shortly after I stumbled upon this find I encountered a (poorly attended) press conference regarding 1015A.  All the north Brooklyn notables were present: Steve Levin (he’s really short), Rami Metal, Stephanie Thayer (the Executive Director of OSA and north Brooklyn’s Parks Poobah), a member of GWAPP was present, and so on and so forth. Sadly, I missed meeting Yassky (so as to tender some of my readers career advice to him).* While they had their face time with the media here’s what I found two blocks away:





I fail to see the “logic” of 1015A. But then again, I am not lobbied, wined and dined by real estate interests. Simply put: 1015A seeks to “encourage” speculators/Bloomblighters (who have raped north Brooklyn six ways to Sunday) to “maintain” their fences in return for renewing their building permits. In true “fox guarding the hen house” tradition, the Department of Buildings will be entrusted to make sure these developers comply. Given what happened at 493 Myrtle Avenue earlier this year this is cold comfort.** In essence, the very people who are the biggest offenders to our quality of life will be rewarded for not breaking the law.

What is wrong with this picture? Does this mean if I have enough influence/lobbyists I can jaywalk whilst sipping a 40 for the next four years?

Miss Heather

P.S.: This one’s for you, Uncle Kent.

*Whose fashion malfeasance was not unnoticed by Aaron Short. My recommendation for a Yassky makeover: Tom of Finland.

**Whose incompetence enabled a three story building to be built (and occupied) on 95 Clay Street without permits.


20 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Bedford Avenue Blight

  1. dog owner on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 10:30 pm
  2. just wondering, was stephanie thayer in attendance as parks employee or as the executive director of osa? while it’s great that she cares about the blighted blocks, could she spend some time on addressing the homeless sleeping and openly peeing in the mccarren, or the soccer players who urinating in by the track or maybe these people are peeing in the open because the field house bathrooms are so gross. it is time for this public health issue to be address by both parks and osa.

  3. SpillConspirator on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 10:57 pm
  4. I hope that Stephanie wasn’t there on behalf of the OSA. This press conference was definitely a non parks, non tree, non open space issue. It is a DOB/buildings issue. I also hope that Gwapp was not represented there, for the same reason. Neither organizations would have any business being represented at that press conference unless the member organizations decide to work on non parks issues and make it part of their mission statement. Hopefully they were there as individuals and did not speak on behalf of any parks & open space organizations.

  5. missheather on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 10:59 pm
  6. Stephanie was there, as was Christine Holowacz.

  7. SpillConspirator on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 11:20 pm
  8. Let’s hope they were there as individuals. I already cc’d Brooklyn Commissioner to find out.

  9. dog owner on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 7:54 am
  10. was she there to support our outgoing councilmember? she is surely gonna miss having his office for help with projects like India Street Murals, etc.

    Is Rami gonna work for our new councilmember?

  11. jennymack on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 10:53 am
  12. I don’t really understand how calling Steve Levin short contributes to this conversation?
    In fact I don’t see how this website is a contribution to anything other than your bitching?
    What do you do for the neighborhood?

  13. missheather on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 12:12 pm
  14. If you dislike this blog so much don’t read it. Simple as that, jennymack.

  15. jennymack on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 1:11 pm
  16. Its not about disliking your blog – its an inquiry into what makes you think you contributing to the community with this blog?
    What makes you feel like its ok to criticize Stephanie Thayer or Steven Levin? Or Susan Anderson or the efforts of the new tennis committee?
    I want to know – what do you do to contribute to the community? Do you pick up trash? Do you donate money? Your time?

  17. Tony From Kent Street on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 2:26 pm
  18. This blog has kept a lot of people informed about a ton of things that happen in Greenpoint and beyond when it comes to local politics, economics, the arts, restaurants, happenings and often stories that would never be shared within our community without (Miss) Heather.

    Her contribution to the community is information. A lot of people don’t even know who Thayer, Levin or even Yassky is or how they have affected our community without the daily contributions from this site. Miss Heather also is not an elected official or head of some local community group and doesn’t have to promise you anything, including not being offended. The purpose of the blog is to demonstrate a personal account and many of us appreciate Heather’s perspective. Not to mention, you’re in Brooklyn, you got a problem, fuggetaboutit, who the hell are you? Go pick up some trash.

  19. dog owner on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 4:20 pm
  20. Well said Tony from Kent Street.

    There are many of us who think Miss Heather’s contribution to our community is important. I happen to be one of those people so Miss Heather keep it up and Jennymack take a moment to read maybe our country’s Bill of Rights or even Constitution. Even though things can be different in North Brooklyn, we still live in America where we are free to have different opinions and can event share them on a blog, street corner or in park like McCarren.

  21. no no on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 4:39 pm
  22. I would like to thank Miss Heather for her contribution of information. A warts and all , un-retouched picture of our neighborhood. If it rubs you the wrong way, don’t look at it. If it makes you nervous then you have an even bigger problem. Miss Heather is great at exposing very seedy shit that goes down around here, and I am glad she shines her critical flashlight on the truly creepy underbelly of community affairs. Perhaps, JennyMack might ought to not slither with the crowd that seems to catch Miss Heathers attention so frequently.

  23. SpillConspirator on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 7:44 pm
  24. Talked to Stephanie today. She did not represent OSA as this meeting. She was there as part of her duties to make sure the park site stayed clean.

  25. SpillConspirator on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 7:49 pm
  26. Oh yeah! Thank you Miss Heather. I also believe your blog serves as an important source of information for the community. I for one, look both ways before I consider being naughty. Miss Heather may be there with her camera!

  27. missheather on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 8:18 pm
  28. Yeah, you gotta watch those reporters. They’re CRAZY! 😉

  29. jennymack on Wed, 14th Oct 2009 9:13 am
  30. Right, but then what do you all do with this information?
    Do you all write letters? Attend community meetings? Start rallies and protests?
    I don’t ever see anything that furthers the conversation on this blog – EVER!
    This whole article is about a meeting on 1015A and the comments are about how Steve Levin is short, why is Stephanie Thayer there and whats Rami going to do now that Yasskys’ out?
    Why aren’t you saying -this is what you can do to change it the conditions of construction sites, this is who you can call to complain to because they have the power to do something? This is what I propose will change things!
    Maybe people don’t know who the politicos of the neighborhood are, but I see no attempt do ACTUALLY FUCKING DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BITCH & MAKE UNNECESSARY COMMENTS ABOUT PEOPLE AND COMPLAIN< COMPLAIN< COMPLAIN.
    What the fuck do you do for the community Miss Heather? What do you DO IN REAL TIME THAT CONTRIBUTES TO Williamsburg or Greenpoint?
    (And it makes no difference who I am because I don't spend my day bitching about people who actually do make a contribution.)

  31. d on Wed, 14th Oct 2009 12:47 pm
  32. Agree with those in support of Miss Heather. I’ve learned a lot more about local issues from this blog than anywhere else. While I don’t always agree with the opinions presented herein, I appreciate the information and reading *her* opinion, which she’s entitled to espouse in her own blog. Not to mention, she attends community meetings, gets involved in local events, and shows a lot of passion for her neighborhood…more so than most “natives” I dare say.

  33. Tennis Guy on Wed, 14th Oct 2009 1:20 pm
  34. I’m part of McCarren Tennis, and I don’t follow politics at all. What’s the problem you have with us Heather? I’d be happy to meet up with you if you’d like. Thanks!

  35. missheather on Sat, 17th Oct 2009 5:27 am
  36. I apologize for the delay posting your latest tome, Jennymack. It would appear that the prolific use of profanity in your comment was to blame for finding its way into my spam box.

    For a community organizer/voice of the self-righteous you sure use the word “bitch” and “fuck” (in their various conjugations) a lot. You might want to check that. It doesn’t make you look good. This is constructive criticism.

    You can keep on posting angry comments. And I’ll approve them. If your intent (by posting these comments) is to give me emotional distress (e.g.; being a “troll”) you’re failing miserably. What’s more, your colorful language becomes a member of Brookynbabyhui, Jessica Glorieux.


    I presume you’re inculcating your linguistic talents (and overall assholic behavior/values) to your children? Hillary Clinton once said It takes a village to raise a child. But it only takes one self-indulgent parent to create an asshole.

  37. no no on Sat, 17th Oct 2009 10:00 am
  38. jennymack Says:
    October 14th, 2009 at 9:13 am
    Right, but then what do you all do with this information?
    Do you all write letters? Attend community meetings? Start rallies and protests?

    I think I am probably part of this “you all” she refers to, and in my case yes I write letters, emails, and make phone calls. Yes, I attend community meetings, and do involve myself in rallies and protests. And fancy this, they at times run counter to the opinions expressed by the writer of this blog ; as I am not yet under some evil spell you seem to think that she is trying to cast on her readers. I don’t need Miss Heather to provide me a list of contacts or a plan of action. If I don’t have them , I get them. That, as a reader, is my job. Why you assume that Miss Heather is just a complainer (and not a doer) makes me wonder why you are so taken with her comings and goings outside of her blog. I wouldn’t know her from “Eve”, if I were to see her on the street. Would you? Have you specifically not seen her at meetings, not organizing, not helping out in small or large ways? Doubt it. Lastly , for someone that hates complainers so much , you have done nothing but. I BEG you to stop reading her blog. It’s clear that you just don’t get it. Go to whatever group you work with and try to engage people that think and take action like you do, so your feathers won’t get so ruffled; and you will stop boring the piss out of me.

  39. dog owner on Sat, 17th Oct 2009 1:56 pm
  40. tennis gang must be so happy to have jennymack as part of the team. she shows a nice use of selfrightousness, all caps and curse words. is she related to john mcenroe?

    dear miss heather, i love newyorkshitty and believe it has inspired me to become more involved on the local level. keep keeping on. dog owner

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