Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 958 Manhattan Avenue

958 Manhattan 1172016 cropped nys

teddy bear 958 manhattan 1172016 cropped nys

At long last our fair city has gotten a long overdue dose of the white stuff (snow). It is a perfect day to curl up with a book and perhaps take a tipple. However I would advise you, gentle readers, to please do so indoors.

P.S.: Note that our prodigal Teddy seems to be also enjoying a fair number of books. Perhaps this lot has become a library of sorts? If so, I have a humble suggestion as to whom it should be dedicated!

The Word On The Street, Part II: 32 India Street

West Street 1 nys

I shit hipster in Brooklyn nys

Translation: I shit hipster in Brooklyn.

West Street 2 nys

West Street 3 nys

West Street 4 nys

India Street nys

India Street 2 nys

And Your Dog nya

There’s some rather interesting material to be found on the fence gracing one of yours truly’s favorite derelict construction sites (formerly known as “Poo Corner”)…

Special thanks/props go out to a very nice lady named Jennifer for giving yours truly a(n accidental) reminder by bringing this to my attention.

Queens Photos Du Jour: For Sale

June 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11377, Bloomblight, Woodside, Woodside Queens, Wow, WTF 

Barbie 600

first floor

Curb appeal

“Curb appeal”: this place has the exact opposite of it. If anyone is seeking a “fixer upper”— with a Branch Davidian post ATF je nais sais quoi— your home awaits on Roosevelt Avenue. Bring your own crime scene tape. God, I hope no one died here. I’d say Ms. Li has a challenge on her hands. Snazzy suit notwithstanding, mind you…

Urban Artifact, Part II: Special Feral CitiBike Edition

Dont end it 600

North 1st at River Street 600

As spied at the end of North 1st Street. Have you spied a feral/prodigal CitiBike? If so please send me a photo along with a date and location to: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Thanks!

The Word On The Street, Part II: Bedford Avenue

Dollars and cents 600

Bedford Avenue June 11 2014 600

Taken June 11, 2014.

Greenpoint Feral Furniture Watch: On The Waterfront


Sofa Sleeper


India Street looking west


Those of you who are following such things (and you know who you are) should be advised there is a bounty of feral furniture out there simply waiting for a new home— maybe yours? NOTE/CAVEAT: Supply is seemingly endless and yours truly assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any “value-added” these items may harbor.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: The Word On The Street

It would appear the construction fence fail at 958 Manhattan Avenue (which, inasmuch as I can ascertain, has been in effect since at least March 17th) has come to the attention of Paul Richard. If/when the Department of Buildings will take action remains to be seen.

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: The Word On The Street

I am taking the glass half-full approach to this one: at least they have managed to place a fence around these premises. This is a very welcome development compared to what I saw back in January. Well done, Mr. Richard!

Closing on the subject (of Paul Richard), as luck (?) would have it I stumbled upon another piece of his handiwork on the Northside. It had been, how shall we say, “modified”. Whether or not this was done willfully and deliberately has been the subject of debate at Chez Shitty this evening. I contend it was not. The Mister contends that while the person responsible (and I can assure you this was the handiwork of a human being) may not have “planned” to do this, he/she did take placement under consideration. He opined— and I quote:

This was a crime of opportunity.


  1. This is not for those with weak stomachs.
  2. Once you this is seen, it cannot be unseen.

Without further ado, here it is…

Those of you who wish to see this in person go to North 11th Street. It is on the sidewalk across the street from “The Whiskey” (on the premises of the Brooklyn Brewery, if my memory serves me correctly). I suppose it goes without saying: watch where you walk!

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 958 Manhattan Avenue

March 28, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Another day, another panel has opted to shirk its duty. Note this fellow’s pup found this lot of tremendous interest. Now that I think about it, it would make a nice dog run. Anyone with me on this?

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Walk This Way

March 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This vision hails from 958 Manhattan Avenue. Inasmuch as I can recall it has been in this state for just over a week— perhaps even two. But why dwell on such trivialities? I prefer to see this as an opportunity.This lot could easily pressed into service as a location for a flea market,  barbecue, wilderness survival workshops— hell, an enterprising person could simply park a handful of campers, tap into those electrical lines and operate a hostel— or all the previous! And of course there are more pedestrian uses such as a community garden to consider. In any case here it is for posterity. Anyone care to place bets on how long it will remain like this?

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