Public Service Announcement

December 18, 2007 by
Filed under: Asshole, Williamsburg 

Anyone who has checked out Queens Crap recently has probably learned that sending Ms. Lancaster (the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings) an angry email may very well net you a visit from New York’s Finest. While I personally would have used different rhetoric than what this chap employed (I think asking if she is incompetent or merely corrupt would suffice), the fact of the matter is his missive scarcely merited the “response” it received.

Unlike our friends at New York City’s most-maligned municipal agency, I am a big fan of the Bill of Rights. What’s more, I understand the therapeutic value of blowing off steam when dealing with intransigent public officials. To this end I wish to introduce “Hard Hat Hannah”.

Hard Hat Hannah

Since the Department of Buildings has such a heavy workload and their enforcement “activity” in my neck of the woods is virtually non-existent, I decided to make my own building inspector. Recently we went for walk.

Fence on Roebling

Here is Hannah tut-tutting over a downed construction fence on Roebling Street.

Grand Street Crackhouse

The crack house over on Grand Street did not sit well with her either.


In fact, by the time we hit Frost Street she was begging me to put her back in my backpack.

If you, dear readers, need to vent a little frustration at a “building inspector” but do not want to risk intimidation from the cops you can shoot Hannah an email at:

missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com

or you can post your thoughts in the comments. I will make sure she gets them.

Miss Heather


7 Comments on Public Service Announcement

  1. rowan on Tue, 18th Dec 2007 1:22 pm
  2. That is sheer genius. It’s beyond funny. Will we be seeing more of Hannah on NYS? I sure hope so.

  3. missheather on Tue, 18th Dec 2007 1:28 pm
  4. But of course. Not only is Hannah more than happy to listen to any complaints people might have, but she is my traveling companion when I go for walks in/around Greenpoint.

  5. Richard Grayson on Tue, 18th Dec 2007 5:53 pm
  6. She should be the new Commissioner!

  7. missheather on Tue, 18th Dec 2007 7:16 pm
  8. Hannah thanks you for the kind words. I have decided that deserves own email address (hardhathannah at newyorkshitty dot com). It should be up in a day or two.

  9. rexlic on Wed, 19th Dec 2007 4:06 am
  10. You may just have the hit the jackpot here, Miss H. Hard Hat Hannah seems like the perfect way to protest the corruption and bottomless chutzpah of the Bloomberg DOB and the reckless, arrogant developers they protect from the genuine concerns of the people who sweat blood to live in this town. May she show up at as many of these shitholes as her little feet (?) will allow, and I hope she becomes as well-known, and as ubiquitous as, the giant rat that haunts anti-union sites.

    I hereby announce the formation of the first 3H Club. Hard Hat Hannah for Mayor in 2009!

  11. SouthOfNYC on Wed, 19th Dec 2007 7:53 am
  12. Yes, this is genius. It reminds me a little bit of Mr. Bill. Maybe Mr. Bill and Ms. Hannah already know each other? In any event, I hope the tragic end(ings) that Mr. Bill experienced do not occur to Ms. Hannah. Who knows? Maybe Hannah will star on Saturday Night Live someday.

  13. eddiebee on Thu, 20th Dec 2007 10:28 pm
  14. landlord’s a jerk? call building inspector and watch him be your friend.
    and hannah seems somewhat ragged by the end here(i mean, you know, tired eyes etc.) how old is the poor overworked girl? why isn’t she IN SCHOOL?

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