The Curious Case Of 651 Metropolitan Avenue

Ever since the fence gracing this derelict site became a searing shade of pink it has been a source of curiousity (and grudging admiration) to yours truly. In fact, I have made it a point to check in on it periodically. Not that much has really happened, mind you. Over the winter the fence’s vibrant hue became weathered and, well, it was looking more than a little worse for wear.* Last month it finally collapsed.

My buddy at Queens Crap even texted  me:

Hot pink fence @metro & leonard now has grass skirt doors!

That’s when things started to get interesting.

Really interesting.

This was the sight which awaited me when I strolled by yesterday afternoon.

It was understandably a source of much curiosity. This kind of thing happens when people become acclimatized to looking at eyesores like this derelict lot. Every day.

And my curiosity finally got the better of me: I asked the woman watering this nascent garden what gives. Here’s what she had to say:

  1. She is responsible for this (interrupted) fence’s pinkness.
  2. When the middle section collapsed she erected the reed cordons you see above… and contacted the owner of this property to propose planting a garden on his property. She made sure to send photos of her handiwork.
  3. Not only did he approve of this endeavor— but he requested she give the fence a fresh coat of paint!

Only in Williamsburg would an all too common case of Bloomblight blossom— replete with Pepto Bismol colored paint! In closing, here are a couple shots from Rose Red & Lavender. As I understand it they are peeps behind these plants.

Miss Heather

*As documented by the Department of Buildings. In March.

Problem solved. By a citizen.


5 Comments on The Curious Case Of 651 Metropolitan Avenue

  1. eric the beehivehairdresser on Sun, 23rd May 2010 12:38 pm
  2. Very cool!

    Any chance of the painter/gardener might be around to tell where they got their reed fencing? I’ve been looking for something similar to cover the chainlink fence in my backyard — hopefully something thrifty in price.

  3. missheather on Sun, 23rd May 2010 3:44 pm
  4. She probably got it from next door: Rose Red & Lavender is a gardening shop. Call ’em and ask!

  5. Harriet on Sun, 23rd May 2010 8:44 pm
  6. So lovely. The store has such an amazing variety of plants, and they are very cool folk. I attended an open house at Rose Red & Lavender. The proprietors are very keen on education for people (especially little ones) to know where the things we eat come from. They envision filled window boxes, blossoming sidewalk cuts, and raised bed rooftop gardens for everyone.
    I like this idea tremendously.

  7. rowan on Wed, 26th May 2010 4:09 pm
  8. that is one colorful array of flowers. cheers!

  9. missheather on Wed, 26th May 2010 4:22 pm
  10. I really like this. I wish we could take over an abandoned lot (or seven) here and create community gardens. Let face facts: 32 India Street ain’t changing anytime soon.

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