Brooklyn Born & Bred: The Stooges

July 16, 2008 by
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg 

It’s July. It is hot and humid. Nothing is going on and yet we have to work. For the previous reasons I decided it would be nice to kick off this Wednesday with a little light entertainment.

Lisa (of Empty Cages Collective) could not for the life of her name these three kittens. After observing them pommeling each other and generally spazzing out it became obvious to me: Lenny, Moe and Curly. The Three Stooges. After some discussion Lisa and I decided Shemp was out— which is a shame because he is and will always be my favorite stooge*. In any case, here they are in action.

Anyone interested in adopting these fellas should contact Empty Cages Collective at emptycagescollective (at) gmail (dot) com.

Life was much more civilized back then. Make pies, not war!

Miss Heather

*Moe and Shemp were born in Bensonhurst. Curly at Bath Beach!


2 Comments on Brooklyn Born & Bred: The Stooges

  1. rowan on Wed, 16th Jul 2008 1:08 pm
  2. triple tuxedo mayhem! i hope these three find good homes soon.

  3. d on Wed, 16th Jul 2008 8:00 pm
  4. I used to live in Bensonhurst right off Bay Parkway. If I didn’t have a commute into the city, I’d live there now. What a ‘hood that was!

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