Abandon All Hope…

July 25, 2008 by
Filed under: Fedders Friday, Williamsburg 

(ye who enter here)

Today I am proud to announce a small but significant Fedders Friday first. Ordinarily when I spy a building worthy of being given a F.F. nod, it is based on the front of the building alone. This beauty (which hails from Hope Street) first caught my eye just around the corner on Havermeyer.

I know what you’re thinking:

Sure, those balconies (which appear to have had some gray sludge drizzled on them) have a pretty crappy view, but otherwise this isn’t that bad.

Well, in order to truly appreciate this building one must compare the back with the front.

Other than the two huge balconies, they bear no relationship with each other whatsoever. It sort of reminds me of Two Face from Batman Forever.*

Except of course, the Joker was merciful enough not to stick a garage in the middle of Harvey Dent’s kisser. Ouch.

Miss Heather

*Or The Dark Knight, take your pick.


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