Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: NO

December 20, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic 

From India Street.

Miss Heather

South 4th Street Gets Bombed… Again!

December 17, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dog Shit Signage, Dung of the Day, Williamsburg 

It has been a while since I have checked out South 4th Street: home of what is arguably the slickest and most visually explicit anti-dog shit signage to be found in our fair city. Wishing to see how these admonishments were faring I swung by South 4th Street to see how things were shaking. I will start with the good news —I’m grading on a bell curve here— because (let’s face facts) this location isn’t going pass as dead ringer for Brooklyn Heights anytime soon: the block looked relatively clean.

And now for the bad news…

It would appear the sign itself has been bombed. I don’t know about you but what I find fascinating is the time and effort this person took to smear dog (?) feces on this missive. It would have easily have taken half the time simply to toss it in a plastic bag. Damn.

Miss Heather

Manhattan Photos Du Jour: I <3 The East Village

December 8, 2008 ·
Filed under: Canine Waste Law, Dog Shit Signage, Manhattan, Street Art 

St. Mark’s Place

East 9th Street

East 11th Street

Union Square

Third Avenue

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution du Jour: THANK YOU

November 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Long Island City 

This choice morsel of post-Turkey Day goodness hails from across the pond in Long Island City. Randy writes:

I am a regular reader of your blog who lives in LIC.  As I was out walking with my neighbors last week we came across this wonderful example of crap I thought you might be interested in.  Aside from the obvious recycleable items reaching over the top of the leaky bin, I found it interesting what they did NOT want to be deposited inside.  Maybe the owner prefers that the dog shit is left on the OUTSIDE for everyone to enjoy…..

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Right back at ya, Randy. Great find!

Miss Heather

Brooklyn Photos du Jour: The Writing On The Wall

November 19, 2008 ·
Filed under: Clinton Hill, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic, Navy Yard, Queens, Williamsburg 

This angry missive to one “Mayor Moo Moo” hails from Steuben Street and comes courtesy of “B.O.M.B.”: Brooklyn’s Other Museum of Brooklyn (whose web site appears to currently be parked). You can see more of their missives (and believe you me they have a lot to say) by checking out my photo set on flickr.

And while I’m at it, clean up after your damned dogs already! Sheesh.

Miss Heather

P.S.: On a related note some of you might find this web site interesting. Someone should erect a site like this counting the days until IDT Energy* figures out that everyone and their damned dog knows about the scam they’re running. Any takers?

*Those of you who have had the pleasure of interfacing with these people (as I have) please contact your duly elected officials and make them aware of this scam. For those of you who live in/around Greenpoint, Williamsburg and the Navy Yard (and beyond— for example, the 12th district includes much of the Lower East Side and a substantial chunk of Queens) the following information should be helpful:

U.S. Representative Nydia Velazquez, here’s a map of her district:

New York Representative Joseph Lentol, here’s a map of his district:

NYC Gentrification Watch: Die Yuppie Scumday

August 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic 

I am getting sick and bloody tired of this “I’m a real New Yorker and I hate gentrifiers” diatribe. Exactly who is a Real New Yorker you ask? That is debatable. Who is a “gentrifier”? This is an easy question to answer: unless you are of 100% Native American birth (or descended from slaves) you are, indeed, a gentrifier.

There were a great many people in Europe who didn’t find their situation satisfactory so they moved to the “New World”. Plymouth Rock didn’t have a Starbuck’s so they built one. In a manner of speaking. Their Native American neighbors accepted them. At first.

But then they (and by “they” I mean “we”) got uppity. We wanted more— we wanted “civilization”. We wanted “ownership” of land. Something our “savage hosts” did not see fit to give us due to their nascent anarcho-syndicalist leanings (I won’t call them “Reds” because that would be racist). As a result there were fights. Battles even. But we won, albeit it in an insidious manner: disease. Smallpox and syphilis mostly.* Good for us.

I am piecing together a very informative and entertaining presentation to illustrate this fact to those who are unable or unwilling to accept the fact they are gentrifiers. In the meantime I’d like to share this touching tale of gentrifier acceptance from (where else?) GREENPOINT.

I went off on this piece of advertising back in April. In a nutshell:

  1. I found this developer’s claim of 240 Richardson Street as being in the heart “East Williamsburg” (or anywhere else for that matter) tenuous at best. It’s Greenpoint— but you know Garden Spot of the Universe (oil spill, waste treatment plant and all) isn’t “sexy”. They’re aiming for “L” appeal.
  2. “Village” suggests a friendly and collegial atmosphere. Something clearly lacking in this corner of Greenpoint.

Until recently.

Back in April this woman called her new neighbors “fucks”.

Now she has seen fit to address them as “pigs”.

It is a small— but significant step— in Greenpoint gentrification. Before you know it we’ll all be holding hands and singing Kumbaya.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: “pigs” and “fucks” Lisacat.

*For those of you who harbor guilt, no worries; they gave us chlamydia.

Williamburg Photo du Jour: Driggs Avenue

August 14, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Williamsburg 

Madboyelroy (the chap who so kindly forwarded this missive) writes:

…i think it is one of the best ive ever seen, they are on the money thats for sure.

it seems williamsburg is just covered in dog waste. is it the city does not police as aggressively as they do in manhattan? why is williamsburg covered in dog shit but park slope and brooklyn heights are not???

Excellent question. Maybe their dogs don’t shit?

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Vive la révolution!

August 11, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Greenpoint Magic 

From Nassau Avenue.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Big Brother

August 10, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Williamsburg 

Nothing fosters consideration and good neighborliness like surveillance. If you happen to be walking your dog on Frost Street be advised that Big Brother is watching you…

and your dog!

Miss Heather

The Bombing Of South 4th Street

July 23, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage, Williamsburg 

If you want to see one of the most innovative and (reputedly) effective anti-dog doo signs in north Brooklyn, head over to South 4th Street just east of Kent Avenue.

This discovery comes courtesy of my colleague over at Brooklyn11211. He writes:

Amazingly, there was very little poop on the sidewalk here (and usually it is strewn with poop).

I have no idea why this method appears to work while so many others have failed before. Is it the catchy graphics? The rather explicit manner in which it depicts the behavior it wishes to eliminate? The evocation of the Domino Sugar Factory?

Or maybe it is because there are no less than four of these signs gracing this strip.

Miss Heather

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