Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Blue
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad, WTF

This really disturbs me— and I am not a person who is easily disturbed. First you have the fact many dogs are euthanized for no other reason than homes cannot be found for them. Then you have the fact a child(‘s artistry) is being employed to pimp out the family dog. A DIY Grindr ad, if you will.
Blue is handsome fellow. This is indisputable. But that is not really the issue here.
New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Hoyt at Baltic Street

Today I had to pick up my work from La Bodega Gallery and opted to make a walk/afternoon of it. I took the G to Bergen Street and walked down to Greenwood Heights. It was at Hoyt and Baltic Street that I beheld this.

As you can see, this lamppost has really tied one on. Some next level engineering, this shit. What you cannot see: an electrical cable straddling Baltic: dangling so tantalizing low it grazed a number of passing trucks, buses and the like. That’s something fun waiting to happen.

Here’s a shot with an upright building as a point of reference. Go home lamppost, you’re drunk.
Spotted On Nassau Avenue: Graffiti…
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, NYPD, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad

The things one finds when walking around this community. I went to the McGolrick Farmers Market to buy ingredient for calabacitas. When walking home I saw this. Once again let us reference what constitutes graffiti:
S 145.60 Making graffiti. 1. For purposes of this section, the term "graffiti" shall mean the etching, painting, covering, drawing upon or otherwise placing of a mark upon public or private property with intent to damage such property. 2. No person shall make graffiti of any type on any building, public or private, or any other property real or personal owned by any person, firm or corporation or any public agency or instrumentality, without the express permission of the owner or operator of said property.
I think it is safe to say we have hate speech here too, but I will let the authorities make that call. To this end I have created this handy map.

On it I have indicated the location as 144 Nassau Avenue. I did so because while technically on the premises of 146, specifically the burglar gate, the graffiti in question is located directly by the front door of 144.

Dokebi Dog Needs Your Help
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Yesterday it came to my attention a dog was abandoned in front of BARC shelter. They apparently did not have room for her, but someone stepped up to the plate. I’ll her hero, Dakkarie, take it from there. From his GoFundMe page:

Any/all interested in helping this gal get a leash/lease on life can make a donation to the GoFundMe set up for her much-needed medical care by clicking here.
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Seeing Something, Saying Something
Filed under: 11222, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad

Yesterday while running errands I was disheartened to find yet more stickers for a recognized hate group blighting our community.

Yes, you read more correctly: more. This is something I have been tracking for several months. I am documenting this stuff too. I take photos, note the address and add to my “Hate Heat Map” as a necessary. Yesterday, sadly, I had to add two more. Here is a simplified version of my map.

Let’s be frank here. One dot is one too many. Here we have 32. Here’s the deal:
I have lived in this community for almost 20 years. This is not the first time I have seen, much less reported, this stuff. It was unacceptable then and it is even more unacceptable now. If you agree, you may wish to attend the upcoming 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting and make your concerns known. Lest you are wondering, gentle readers, the police are aware of this. Have been for some time. And now you are too.
94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
7:00 PM
St. John’s Luther Church
155 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Huron Street
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad
When is a stripped, abandoned car that’s been left on the street for over a month not a stripped, abandoned car that’s been left on the street for over a month?

When it is called art! Note this is located across the from the defaced sex toy ads of infamy. You know folks, priorities.
UPDATE, 8/21/19, 2:54 PM: I have received word this hilarious item has been removed. I went out and checked personally and IT WAS! See folks:

- If you make an abandoned car art, the police will remove it.
- Shaming WORKS!
Today At The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch: Four Years
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad
It was four years ago to this day that a motor vehicle crashed through the guardrail gracing the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch. In the elapsing time this has not been repaired. I felt a “celebration” of sorts was in order and so it came to pass. Follows is footage I shot. Enjoy!
Part I: Introduction
Part II: Introduction/”Never Forget”
Part III: Fellow Greenpointers/Parks Users Weigh In
Part IV: Fellow Greenpointers/Parks Users Weigh In, Cont’d
Part V: Balloons!
Part VI/”Blooper”: The “4” Balloon Pops!
Next up: Jerzy Popieluszko Square!
Heidi’s Recovery Fund
Please take a moment to read Heidi’s story (of which the above screencaps are an excerpt), donate if you can and please spread the word. She really needs our help. As is the case with many people nowadays unfortunately, she stands to lose weeks of wages and is not insured so this accident (which is in and of itself traumatic enough) stands to be financially catastrophic to Heidi. Thank you for your time.
P.S.: Since we are on the subject of the intersection of India Street and Manhattan Avenue, I would like to present the following which I wrote fairly recently on this site (in regards to an email from the Department of Transportation regarding the “Manhattan Avenue Parking Spot of Death”, specifically some “Vision Zero” nonsense tacked onto said email):
Let’s consider pedestrian safety on the block in question. If “traffic enforcement” took the time/effort to, say, hang out at the intersection of India Street and Manhattan Avenue and ticket each and every motorist and bicyclist who blew through through the traffic signals located there they would make a tidy sum. They would also actually be doing something which does facilitate safer streets for pedestrians. But it is much easier to go after the long-hanging fruit of people parking in an ambiguously marketed parking space.
I wrote this on April 17, 2017. This accident came to pass May 10, 2017. Are the Department of Transportation and NYPD Traffic paying attention?
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad
Taken October 6, 2015.
Lost At/Around India & Manhattan: Wojtek
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad
As spotted today while running errands. If you have seen this fellow (whose name is pronounced VOY-TEK) please contact his family at the above-listed telephone number (whose last four digits are 3951). He is clearly missed.
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