From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: God’s Comin’

February 21, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11205, Brooklyn, Culture War, Navy Yard, The Natives Are Getting Restless 

gods onway on business

Taken by Luna Park.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From The Phil Collins Day Parade!

All in all, it was a pretty impressive turn-out for this, the first ever (public, anyway) Phil Collins Day Parade. Moves Gallery even had a mask-making station on hand for merry-makers. And merry-makers, a marching band and giant head of Mr. Collins (as promised) there were! Without further ado, behold the Greenpoint glory yourself. Enjoy!

Here’s how the whole affair wound down in front of Shayz Lounge courtesy of diana gee.

I suspect I speak for many when I write that I sincerely hope we will see another such event next year. Nice job, folks!

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can read Aaron Short’s account of this event— which includes no less than 17 references to songs by Mr. Collins— by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Dispatch From The Town Hall Meeting

As many of you are aware yours truly attended the public hearing and monthly meeting of our local Community Board instead of attending the Town Hall forum regarding the proposed (and withdrawn) proposal for a homeless assessment center at 400 McGuinness Boulevard. This is a shame because if the following person’s account of said meeting is any indication, I missed a rather provocative evening. S writes:

Dear Miss Heather, While you were attending the Community Board 1 meeting this past Tuesday, I was patiently waiting with a room full of older Greenpointers and lively Polish folks for Councilmember Stephen Levin to show up at the town hall meeting scheduled for the same time. Naturally, Mr. Levin was about 45 minutes late. No one really seemed to mind and when he did arrive and announce that the proposal for the men’s intake shelter at Clay and McGuinness was withdrawn, he was met with applause. The excitement didn’t last for long and seemed to come to halt when the representative from NYC DOH took the mic. Although a shelter is not going in at that location, nor any other location in Greenpoint for the time being, people were still very pissed. At one point, a rather beautiful young Polish woman yelled out that if a shelter did go in in the future, “it would be torched, it would be burned to the ground (emphasis mine — Ed. Note).” Mr. Levin and his staff struggled to gain order, and when I left about 45 minutes in, people were ignoring his request to raise hands and speak in turn and were yelling out and over each other. My understanding of the situation is that all attempts to put in a shelter at that location have been aborted. The people that currently live in the building are filing to have more control over the rental property and to co-op it. DOH has no further plans at this time to put in a shelter in Greenpoint, nor does Help USA. So the passion at this particular meeting seemed to me to be passion wasted. Thought maybe you would be interested at the goings on over at the Polish National Home.

New York Shitty analysis: See what happens when our Public Safety Chair (who, it should be noted, has been present at every prior such meeting) goes on a vacation? Total and utter chaos.

In closing, here’s a more concise account of this event I received from a chap we’ll call D:

Meeting Summary: Help USA “Organization that would manage homeless shelter” formally withdrew their proposal to the Department of Homeless Services “Government agency that would pay Help USA to run the shelter”. A disagreement on how much DHS would pay Help USA was the formal reason. The DHS representative mentioned that no other proposals are on the board, although they will consider future ones. Councilman Levin argued strongly that the over 500 letters written had an impact on negotiations. DHS rep said that if the proposal was accepted, it begins a process that considers community input and current government projects in the area already having an impact (Newtown creek, garbage transfer stations.) I brought up the point that the owner of the building is the one who will start any process of selling/leasing his property for this use and he has refused to come to meetings. I will follow up with Steve Levin regarding how to reach out to the owner directly.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From The Community Meeting Regarding Construction On Monitor Street & Nassau Avenue

It was a full house at tonight’s community meeting— and man, oh Manischewitz what a meeting it was! Naturally I captured the fireworks on video. I’ve cracked open a bottle of wine (it’s much more fun— if less expedient— than aspirin) and have commenced uploading footage. I will be adding it to this post as it successfully uploads— so check back! Teaser: Joe Lentol beating on the table to get the rather angry audience to quiet down and quit shouting. Enjoy!

Introduction by State Representative Joseph Lentol

Part II: Senator Dilan Introduces himself and a Representative of the DDC, Nitan Patel, speaks

  • Mr. Patel explains “Encroachment Notices”* and states that moving forward our elected officials will be notified of said notices.
  • He explains the role of the CCL: Community Construction Liaison.
  • Per Mr. Patel this is a “Federal Highway Project”.
  • Members of the audience are not impressed.

PART III: Mr. Patel rebuts angry Monitor Street residents and explains the surveying process.

  • Mr. Patel explains the ADA requirement and “room for flexibility”.
  • An audience member takes him to task.
  • Per Mr. Patel “We’re working around the stoops and some of the cellar doors— they’re coming out too.”
  • More dialogue about stoops and fences; and Mr. Patel states he has “walked the job”.
  • Why Monitor Street? Why not Kingsland Avenue? (This becomes the rallying cry as the meeting goes on— Ed. Note.)
  • Steve Levin warms up the audience with an informal survey.

Part IV: The Reckoning (Read: Do not F*ck with Monitor Street)

  • Senator Dilan and Mr. Patel go toe to toe regarding the role of contractors in this project.
  • Steve Levin explains why he was late; how this process will impact this community and points out the obvious: why is this “encroachment” a matter now.
  • A Monitor Street resident/expert points out that sewers were replaced 27 years ago. Among other things. (Ed. Note: I love this guy.)
  • The matter of Monitor Street between Greenpoint and Norman Avenue is brought up: it comes to light that this parcel is private.
  • MSR (Monitor Street Resident) keeps hammering away and Mr. Patel gives a visual as to what the fifteen foot curb means.

PART V: Assemblyman Joe beats the table & Steve Levin implores people to raise their hands and speak one at a time.

  • Assemblyman Joseph Lentol points out that Monitor Street between Greenpoint Avenue and Norman Avenue has been de-mapped (READ: not owned by the city) and suggests said stimulus money be used by the city to buy it back and make necessary repairs. This was greeted with much applause.
  • 50th District Female Democratic Leader, Linda Minucci, inquires of Mr. Patel as to whether the aforementioned stretch of Monitor Street was in the initial proposal. He says it was— but since it is not owned by the city they cannot work on it.
  • Mr. Patel shifts the blame to the Department of Transportation.
  • A Greenpoint resident inquires as to how the 11′ 9″ requirements for sidewalks on Nassau Avenue will apply to her mother’s house because it will cut off her stoop. Jeers and dark laughter from the peanut gallery follow. Mr. Patel assures everyone this will be handled on a “case by case” basis.
  • Another DDC representative steps forward and explains the “Encroachment letters”.


  • The second DDC Representative continues explaining the “Encroachment letters” and acknowledges that it was not drafted property and distributed to our elected officials.
  • Karen Nieves, the Community Board 1 Transportation Chair, asks why this was not brought to their (her) attention, bemoans the lack of “transparency” and asks for a time-line for this project.
  • A discussion about sewers follows.

Part VII

  • A question about site inspections is raised. Mr. Patel beings up ADA requirements.
  • City Councilman Steve Levin asks Mr. Patel about curb cuts and the fifteen feet requirement. (Ed. Note: the body language in this segment is priceless.)
  • Monitor Street’s expert speaks once again. And Steve Levin once again implores the crowd to speak one at a time.
  • Mr. Patel reiterates that the DDC takes orders from the Department of Transportation.
  • A question is raised about Community Board 1’s role in this project.
  • A complaint is raised about the appropriateness of this project given budget cuts.
  • Taylor of the Brooklyn Kitchen/Meat Hook (and creator of the moniker “Shit Tits”) speaks.


  • Annoying ring tone.
  • A question about getting a stop light is raised. Hilarity ensues.
  • At this point the audience is rather subdued.
  • A fellow Greenpointer asks who will benefit from this project. Mr. Patel assures her she will be happy after the project is done.

Part IX

  • An amusing anecdote about Jewel Street’s street sign is shared.
  • The “Lady in white” finally speaks.
  • State Senator Dilan speaks, Linda Minucci texts.
  • A tentative time-table for this project has been established: April 2011.


  • Senator Dilan and his fellow electeds concur that another meeting with a representative from the Department of Transportation is in order.

Until next time, Greenpointers!

Miss Heather

P.S.: The woman in the pink sweater is Linda Minucci. I recognized her as  the woman “on the flier”. And later as the 50th District Female Democratic Leader. I have lived in Greenpoint for 11 years, attended various and sundry community meetings and have never— ever— seen hide nor hair of this woman until last night. Maybe I’m dotty or when there’s a genuine Greenpoint Auto de fé in effect everyone joins in the fun.

*You can view the printed material available at this meeting— including the contentious “Encroachment Notice”— by clicking here.

Greenpoint Snow Man Du Jour: Decapitation Special

From Clay Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Welcome To Greenpoint

From India Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Special F*ck The Man Edition

From India Street.

Miss Heather

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