The Word On The Street: YEAH

YEAH nys

I went down by a different staircase, and I saw another “Fuck you” on the wall. I tried to rub it off with my hand again, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. It wouldn’t come off. It’s hopeless, anyway. If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn’t rub out even half the “Fuck you” signs in the world. It’s impossible.

Catcher In The Rye

(Taken January 21, 2015.)



I damned near shot beer out of my nose when I read this corker. I do not think I need to explain why: the first line of this tome pretty much says it all. Nonetheless, I do feel compelled to reiterate the “Schwick” is actually not located in Bushwick. It is in East Williamsburg. It would appear is not the only one who has has made note of this.




Uh oh.



But of course we all know the “Bushwick” brand is much edgier— and by “edgier” I mean lucrative. So they’re gonna roll with it. Geography be damned! Hell, if even Vogue has jumped on the Bushwick bandwagon you know someone fearful of Boca Raton will make the journey to north Brooklyn’s “hinterlands”. What’s more, they’ll consider themselves “brave” for having had the experience.

The Shwick: It’s Bushwick, curated, so you do not have to deal with people outside your age group, race or class!

You know, the very folks who made this community worth visiting in the first place. Who wants that?


The Word On The Street, Part II: Special NYPD Edition

North 10 Street, 11211

Hello Neighbors nys

Dobbin Street, 11222

Dobbin Street 8302014 nys

Taken August 30, 2014.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

Union Square 8162014 nys

Taken August 16, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Clearly New Yorkers Do Not Agree


The anti-Airbnb rhetoric at the Greenpoint Avenue stop of the Crosstown Local continues! I am certain this sterling operation will be pleased that as of midnight, July 26th, service will be suspended for five whole weeks. I imagine this will buy them some (more) time to hire more lobbyists and retool their laughably bad advertising campaign? Maybe they’ll even read this? I can only hope so…

The Word On The Street, Part II: Knickerbocker Avenue

Knickerbocker 3 nys

Knickerbocker 2 nys

Knickerbocker 1 nys

It is fascinating (to me anyway— and not in a good way) when I see sentiments on a sidewalk which echo a snow globe I made not terribly long ago.

Of course now that Greenpoint and Williamsburg have become prohibitively expensive folks have to move somewhere. And with them come selective enforcement…

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: The Brown Word

Church Avenue Platform NYS

Shit NYS

Taken July 18, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Special Greenpoint Waterfront Edition

Part 1 NYS

Part 2 NYS

The truth hurts.

(Taken July 16, 2014.)

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: And On It Goes…

More Airbnb Commentary NYS

New Yorkers Do Not Agree Apparently NYS

The above morsels of Greenpoint goodness were shot on the Church Avenue bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue. I for one am really enjoying the evolving commentary on this poster. On a related note, there is some blue-chip material to be found on Airbnb’s Twitter feed as well. Follows is my favorite thus far:


On a final a decidedly not funny note is this recent broadcast of the Leonard Lopate show wherein Senator Liz Krueger talks about Airbnb. She mentions among many other things that this company is lobbying Albany— hard— to essentially scrap housing regulations altogether. Disturbed yet? You should be, gentle readers…


The Word On The Street: Welcome to Jerklyn

Jerklyn 600

Williamsburg Bridge 600

Taken June 20, 2014.

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