Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

June 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

Whoops 600

Given the East River Ferry has not serviced Greenpoint since February 13th— and probably will not for the foreseeable future— I find this ad copy a mite bit troubling.  I predict a number of “foamers” being not the least bit pleased with being “detoured” to Williamsburg so as to be shuttled back to India Street and West Street (and from there, having to find this event). My (tongue in cheek) advice: take a cab instead.

Let’s all try to be good neighbors/”hosts” and help these folks find their way to their planned destination. By their fanny packs, visors and rather large cameras ye shall know them…

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Bedford Street

May 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 10014, West Village, West Village Manhattan, WTF 

Taken May 17, 2014.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue Gets A New Sign

April 29, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

A recent source of fascination for yours truly is recent adjustment of parking on the western side of Manhattan Avenue between India and Huron Street. This is because I have seen a great many motorist receive a parking ticket while patronizing the recently criminalized space on this block. If I had a dollar for each one I would have a nice little chunk of beer money— but I don’t and I digress. This morning I noticed something quite interesting… a Department of Transportation employee replacing the sign adjacent to said non-parking space. His handiwork did not go unnoticed by my fellow citizens. They all agreed he did a nice job. Naturally they— as many others hereabouts— raised the question as to why the parking space straddling 983 and 987 Manhattan is verboten. And as you can see, he is explaining the bus stop has been moved, etc. etc. Upon completing the task at hand, he collected his ladder… and loaded it onto the truck parked in the bike lane across the street. As for the need for a “new” sign (as seen above), perhaps looking at its predecessor will shed some light on the matter. Why yes, those all caps are way too easy to read. And those nice big icons? Way too legible. This must be stopped immediately!!! I do not make this shit up, folks…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Live From Manhattan Avenue

April 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Some of you may recall that not terribly long ago I authored a post admonishing motorists not to park in this space. Long story made very short, the bus stop which used to grace the corner of India Street Street and Manhattan Avenue, due to construction, had to be moved ~15 feet north. Therefore— in order to accommodate bus traffic— the parking space which straddles 983 and 983 Manhattan Avenue has been removed. Not that someone who is using the white line on pavement as a guideline would be aware of this, mind you. Although a sign has been erected the powers-that-be have not seen fit to change this. I suppose it goes without saying our meter maids have been enjoying this curious development tremendously.

Now jump forward to today, April 25th. The time is 4:57 p.m. What do I see? Well, the following photographs say it all…

It would appear:

  1. Even the Department of Transportation is not aware thsi parking space is, in fact, illegal. Or:
  2. They do not care.

I wonder if this person will get a ticket? (Just kidding.)

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Of Blood & Cat Litter On Green Street

April 14, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

A fellow I will call “M” writes (to our City Councilman and a 94th Precinct Community Affairs Officer as well as yours truly) writes:

Hi Scott (I think he means Steve— Ed Note),

I’m a fellow neighbor in Greenpoint and saw the aftermath of a disturbing incident on Franklin at Green St. (in front of T.B.D.) yesterday morning around 7:00am. A young male was face down in a pool of blood and the 3 people on the scene were standing over the body as if there was no hope for the man. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and haven’t been able to find out if the victim is okay. I’m writing to see if you have any insight to the incident as it happened blocks from my home. Appreciate any info you can share.

All the best…

This afternoon I took a stroll to the corner of Green Street and Franklin Street. Sure enough, there was blood.

And a lot of cat litter.

Over the years (and NYS will be eight years old soon— I have ceased to keep track anymore) I have received a number of inquiries of the variety “M” has tendered. All are troubling. However, “M” did the right thing: he/she not only took up the matter withthe 94th Precinct’s Community Affairs Office (concerns such as this is why they’re there!) but also our City Councilman*. This is how you do it, north Broklynites!

To be continued…?

*Who also happens to have a tumblr page. Check it out!

Spotted On India Street: Wanted

April 10, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

It is shaping up to be a lively day in the Garden Spot. Anyone know if this is for real or some attempt at viral advertising? In any case here it is. Consider yourselves warned…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: One Day Later…

April 10, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

April 9, 2014, 5:00 pm

April 10, 2014, 11:00 am

As you can see, someone has seen fit to divest 977 Manhattan Avenue of its sign. Steve, the owner of Goldscholle and Garfinkel (and therefore, if one wants to be a stickler, said sign is as well), was surprised by this. Not that he was the one who discovered this has come to pass: he was not. He opted to take today off from cleaning out the space. He heard about it from a Greenpoint citizen. Speaking for myself, I am not the least bit surprised. Let’s face facts: $3,000,000 $3,900,000* (or even a 6% commission thereof) is a pretty strong motivator to have such an item removed. Just sayin’.

Here’s what has been learned: per the fine folks at the Fresh Stop (which is located next door) two men arrived between 8:00 and 8:30 am with a ladder and commenced to take the sign down. These two men, per the folks from Fresh Step, were not familiar faces from the neighborhood (and trust me: if anyone is in a position to know, it is someone who operates a produce stand). In any case, I serious doubt these fellows wanted this item— at least in its “new” state— to grace their home. It is was really, seriously, UGLY. It was intended to be as such.

It’ll be interesting to see if their “handiwork” damaged the Bronx cable which provides power to the gate.  I suppose we’ll find out tomorrow…

UPDATE, 7:31 pm: it was intact when the Mister left for work this morning at 8:10 am.

*Per the listing at Miron Properties:

The building will be delivered vacant. Trust me. The “new” owner has done everything imaginable to make that happen.

Ms. Segal was the lady who not only asked Mr. Goldscholle to ask me to refrain from my “artistry”, but she later admitted to him (as he turned the keys over) that she had the sign removed. What’s a little petty larceny when there’s big bucks to be made, right?


For Rent On Clay Street: Six Bedroom/Two Bath

March 28, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

CL Clay Street 6 Bedroom


Beautiful 6 Bdr_2Bath in Greenpoint! W_D-Balcony-NO FEE 600

Don’t take my word for it: click here and see this modestly-priced $8,500/month pad for yourself. Wow. Just wow.

UPDATE, March 31st, 2014:

This appears to be the pad in question. They were busy yesterday (Sunday) making it look “presentable” to potential tenants.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: On The (C) Town

March 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, BAD ASS, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

(Or: Friday Night On Manhattan Avenue, Bitches!)

Taken March 7, 2014

Live From The GWAPP Meeting*

Spoiler: the “vote” was eighteen for and seven against. What I found particularly intriguing is one person purporting to represent three different “member groups” of GWAPP (Barbara Vetell, a veritable “army of one”) was allowed to vote three times. That’s “democracy” Greenpoint-style, folks! It makes yours truly yearn for the “old school” methods of Tammany. E.g.; before election day, you grow a beard. You vote sporting said beard. You go home and shave it down to a mustache. Then, you vote again. Then you go home, shave your face entirely and vote a third time. In the clarity of hindsight (and this evening’s convocation), this is downright quaint— and dare I say “cute”— by comparison. It should also be noted that neither Steve Levin nor Joe Lentol (or their representatives) were present at this meeting. I stand corrected:

Part I:

Part II:

  • The matter of GWAPP’s finances are discussed. Pay careful attention to their anticipated funds. They include GERF grants (remember who is in charge of this, readers?)  and money from Councilman Levin.
  • Christine Holowacz announces that a lease is being procured for the Greenpoint Boathouse. Presumably this would be 51 Ash Street.
  • Barbara McGlamery touts that GWAPP’s website got 2,000 a hits a month as of November 2013 but has fallen since.

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:

  • Del Teague speaks against the new by laws.
  • Barbara Vetell speaks on the behalf of three organizations (and was rewarded accordingly by giving three votes regarding changing these by laws).
  •  At 5:38 you can watch Jens Rasmussen (who later voted on the behalf of the North Brooklyn Boat Club, an ostensible not-for-profit organization**).

Part VI:

  • Two words: WATCH THIS. (The lady who speaks starting at 1:19 kicks ass!)

Part VII:

  • Dewey interacts with a couple of fellow citizens while the “vote” is being conducted. The question being raised is over the addition of new member organizations. What follows is not pretty.

Part VIII:

Then the “transition “team” comes in: Rich Mazur, Barbara McGlamery (AKA: Mrs. Adam Perlmutter) and Trina McKeever will comprise the “selection committee” charged with picking members for a new board. That’s the bad news. The good news: they’ll have a(nother) public meeting later this month— and I have every intention of filming it. Thanks GWAPP 2.0! And oh yeah: those ostensible “member groups” who voted themselves out of a so-called “community organization”, in one case in triplicate, what are they going to get out of this?

UPDATE, March 6, 2014 2:52 p.m.: Looks likes the North Brooklyn Boat Club received not one, not two, but three “GERF” awards. My personal favorite is as follows:

I know. Shocking…

*Or: Darth Sidious manifests himself.

**The North Brooklyn Boat Club is registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Office Database of Corporations. The address listed is Dewey Thompson’s residence. However, as of 3/6/2014, the North Brooklyn Boat Club is NOT a registered charitable organization per the same-said Attorney General’s Charities Database:

Any/all donations to the North Brooklyn Boat Club are handled via Open Space Alliance. Of which Dewey is a Board member. Can you say eating your cake and keeping it too? At $150.00 a person and a two person minimum for a four hour workshop (which comes out to roughly $72.00 an hour) I cannot exactly say I do not understand Mr. Rasmussen’s “interest”. However, it is a conflict of interest. Some people have a problem with that kind of thing. What’s really interesting is the North Brooklyn Boat Clubs’s applications for Exxon Mobil money (“GERF”: which we have established is being handled by Rich Mazur— who will also be part of GWAPP’s “nominating committee”) money are via GWAPP. Once Again: the North Brooklyn Boat Club’s “fundraising” is handled by Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn. Guess what kids, Dewey Thompson is a chair on both GWAPP and OSA!

Hear me, Conflict if Interest Board? Steve Levin? Joe Lentol? Anyone?

UPDATE, 10:02 a.m.: I love the smell of spam in the morning!

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