Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Snowbound

From Withers Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Ask & Ye Shall Receive!

It has come to my attention that Brownstoner saw fit to feature an apartment for sale hailing from none other that Belvedere XX. Ostensibly because someone took umbrage with me calling this edifice a piece of crap*— which I assure you it is. Belvedere XX is also known as 185 India Street and the neighbor of LoftsGreenpoint Rental Shitshow Part 1305.

Crap likes company. Especially on McGuinness Boulevard.

But this post isn’t about Belvedere XX, Brownstoner or McGuinness Boulevard. It’s about Belvedere XXXVI and “Park Slope”. On January 25, 2010 I wrote in this post:

…The Belvederization of Park Slope?!? Needless to say I had to get to the bottom of this (inasmuch as one can without G train service). We headed to the closest Belvedere without delay.

Sure enough, it is true! Replete with all the accoutrements we have grown to expect from Belvedere: commodious roof decks and balconies. Needless to say I must see this. However, I am more or less precluded from going to 175 12 Street personally. I am not only too busy with matters north Brooklyn but quite frankly doling out $2.25 in subway fare strikes me as being far too much money to outlay on such an endeavor.

This is where you come in: could some kind soul get a photograph of this property and send it to me via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com? I’m dying to see Belvedere XXXVI. Especially in light of the fact this edifice is conveniently located near Lowes, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and the aromatic Gowanus Canal. Who wouldn’t want an eyeful (or noseful) of that!

Well, I asked for it and I got it. Rowan 5 writes:

Here ya go. The Belvedere is closer to 3rd ave. It’s surrounded by frame houses mostly, with a giant high rise luxury building at the corner of 4th and 12th.

It’s not a bad-looking block but Park Slope proper it is not.

Most definitely not.

I love the prominent poster on the front door advertising Greenpoint and Williamsburg condos…

So there have you: Park Slope Gowanus is the new Greenpoint!

Miss Heather

*I have been told by an anonymous source that someone who bought a unit at Belvedere III, which is admittedly the Pete Best of the Belvederes, ended up re-selling at a loss. Apparently he bought one of the quasi-legal “studio” apartments they are known for (READ: a minuscule first floor apartment with a fully appointed basement including— I shit you not— a sauna). It had problems with flooding.

LAST GASP: V Is For Value-Added

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Vomit 

Yours truly has a fair number of bad Valentine’s Days under her belt. The source of said badness never had anything to do with matters romantic. Quite to the contrary: frailties of the flesh were to blame. For this reason I will forever associate a day dedicated to lovers (of all stripes) with vomiting and getting stitches. But I digress.

When I read this*, a tome by my buddy at Bad Advice today I busted a gut. My favorite passages are as follows:

…Then it got bad. The pain from the night before returned, only about a billion times more intense. I lay in bed, holding my belly, and praying it would stop making all those weird noises. It was like there were a dozen drunk elves running around in my intestines. I started to sweat as the rumbles and gurgles grew louder….

…Our bathroom is about three feet from our bed and when I heard Spyro let out what I will describe as “a bathroom noise,” it triggered my gag reflex. At the same time I felt a little gas wanting to sneak out downstairs. I rolled out of bed and discovered that it was actually a value-added fart. (Emphasis mine — Ed. Note) I threw my butt cheeks into lockdown, jammed my palm against my mouth and made a mad dash for the kitchen sink…

I would like to take this moment to thank the proprietress of Bad Advice for one of the most disgusting (and therefore funniest) accounts of a Valentine’s Day gone awry I have ever read. Then again I have grown to expect this kind of gritty, unflinching “in the trenches” view from the battlefield that is love (and occasionally war) from her. She is after all the woman responsible for raising my awareness about Smegmen. And for this I am eternally grateful.

Get well Dategirl— and thanks!

Miss Heather

*CAVEAT: this is not for the feint at heart.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Off Roadin’

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Freeman Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Business Watch: What’s Up At 199 Green Street?

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I have been asked this question many times. Today I have an answer. Sort of.

Regrettably this establishment was closed when I walked by (so I could not ask its proprietor/proprietress about their business) but it appears to be a clothing shop/craft space of some sort. Does anyone have the 411 about Scales? If so, please share via comments or email at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

Inquiring minds want to know!

Miss Heather

UPDATE 10:20 p.m.; Here’s the 411 per one of 199 Green Street’s neighbors we’ll call V:

I live next door and have seen the comings and goings for some time. It appears to be a woman in her mid 20s with a sewing machine, an ironing board, a wooden chest, and not much else in there. Right now, as the sign says, she is making circle scarves (cowls) which you can see hanging in the window, I believe. I walked by the other day and the sign said “be back at 7:00, at soccer,” which was cute. It looks like it’s about a 150-200sqft storefront, behind those curtains, so there’s not a lot to miss.

For a while, it seemed she was living there, but that may have just been her setting up shop. At least now it’s curtains rather than the butcher paper that was up previously.

UPDATE, February 18, 2010: Thanks to my buddy Seth I have been put in touch with the owner of this establishment! Hopefully I will meet up with her tomorrow. More to come…

Bushwick Photo Du Jour: Luis

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11237, Brooklyn, Bushwick 

From Jefferson Street.

Miss Heather

MTA Photo Du Jour: A B62 PSA

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Who knew McGuinness Boulevard was so fashion conscious? I guess that’s Greenpoint gentrification for you.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Kingsland Avenue

February 17, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As a young angst-ridden feminist I used to stew over the manifold perquisites given to my male counterparts for no other ascertainable reason than they sported a certain physical appendage I lacked. This was the source of a considerable amount of resentment and bitterness for yours truly for a very long time. Then, in the clarity of my 30’s I thought the better of it: if I were born a Mister I’d simply get into more trouble than I do as a Miss. I’d also probably get my ass kicked. A LOT.

Time heals all wounds.

There is a more than grain of truth to this adage. I’ve learned to accept my lot. Besides, if I was a he I wouldn’t have half the fun I do as a she. Among other things men wouldn’t offer me candy. Not in Bushwick anyway. But this is not to suggest I don’t feel the occasional pang that comes from being bereft of a wang. CASE IN POINT: something I found on Kingsland Avenue earlier today.

Even the older and (much) angrier feminist I am in 2010 cannot help but take a moment to admire this level of pen(is)manship.

Is that a cursive M I spy with my little eye? And to think some have the temerity to call our fair city’s public education system a failure…

Miss Heather

Bushwick Street Art Du Jour: Jef Aerosol

This post goes out to my new friend Clint (as seen above and who I want to it be known likes the addition Mr. Aerosol has made to his place of employment). You’re the only stranger I’d ever accept candy from!*

Someday I will take you up on your generous offer, Clint. Gents like you are one in a million!

Miss Heather

*Because you work at a candy distributor!

East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Judge Street

Taken February 17, 2010.

Miss Heather

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