New York Shitty Day Ender: Results


Under your watch, Evan, you have done nothing. Zero. Zilch. To preserve my community’s quality of life. Quite to the contrary; I live in a wasteland of derelict nondos, vacant lots and broken promises. “Smart development”: please explain to me why a bankrupt condo on my block is trying to rent one bedroom apartments for $2,150 a month?

As a (now former) member of CB 1 (you resigned before that controversial vote on the Broadway Triangle thing— it’s harder to hit a moving target) I take it you voted in favor of this? Because what Greenpoint (which already has Bloomblight aplenty) needs is a 40 story tower. As long as it’s not in your backyard who cares? It’s in my backyard and I care.

BDE31609And of course there’s the matter of David Yassky, your mentor, funding the mural on India Street. With a little help from Dean Palin, the developer who wants to build said tower. He and his donated in excess of $7,000 to Yassky’s Comptroller war chest.

The head of the “Friends of India Street” group, Barbara McGlamery, donated no less than $300 to your campaign.

Her husband, Adam “I never worked for a developer“* Perlmutter donated $175 to David Yassky’s campaign. Among others.

Oh, but we get a “mural” and “park space” before this turd is built. With the tacit and enthusiastic approval of the head of OSAnb (who can be seen smiling with Yassky and Palin in the above image**) and NBpac: both are on the city’s payroll.

Show me one piece of affordable housing in Greenpoint you have created, Evan, and I’ll give you my endorsement.

You can’t and I won’t.

I’m voting for Jo Anne Simon.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I will enjoy my summer knowing you, Yassky, and Rami Metal will be out of a job next year. With “progressive” representatives like you, who needs enemies?

*Perlmutter did. He worked for George Klein. Who has hedged his bets campaign-wise. Here’s Klein’s vision of our waterfront.  Boardwalk Empire is currently filming on Klein’s property: Commercial Street at Franklin. So much for enjoying our waterfront.

**Which comes courtesy of the brave new Brooklyn Daily Eagle.


2 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Results

  1. Rebecca11222 on Fri, 24th Jul 2009 8:15 am
  2. let the stalking commence!

  3. missheather on Sat, 25th Jul 2009 2:17 pm
  4. Be sure to look up Evan Thies campaign contributors as well. If/when you do you’ll learn he has collected 233 contributions for $51,020— $2,500 of which came from Dean Palin. Disgusting.

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