Miss Heather Gets A Gift

Today has been pretty much everything I wanted it to be. I slept in late, kept off the computer and had myself some much-needed “me” time. I will not lie to you: it was nice, if a little boring. This was in fact the purpose of the exercise. Then I went to work— and my day took a very interesting turn.

When I arrived Johnny and Frantz slid this package over the counter. As you can see it is addressed to yours truly. It is from Glasgow, Scotland. I know no one in Glasglow, Scotland— but apparently someone there knows me. After Johnny made a crack about not wanting to catch my anthrax I opened the parcel. What was inside, well, left us all dumbstruck.

My new friend writes:

…Awhile ago you had a photo of the shop IMac (iBoob as Fritz called it) and more importantly the keyboard. You will have found enclosed all the keys from a dead one I had lying around the flat …So have fun replacing dirty keys with clean ones and keep up the good work. All the best,


P.S.: I used to live in Dublin, Ireland. The trains were horrible and unreliable so I feel your pain re. the G & 7.

Thank you for your generosity, Chromeburger. It is greatly appreciated. As it would happen we have since replaced our Mac with a new(er) model.

As you can see it has all its keys. However, like anything else in the junk shop, I am certain it will get jacked-up eventually and your thoughtful gift will come in handy. It is only a matter of time.

Other than that I honestly don’t know else what to say other than perhaps I am both pleased and a bit disturbed that the Crosstown Local’s dubious reputation is, in fact, well known abroad.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Miss Heather Gets A Gift

  1. no no on Thu, 25th Mar 2010 5:28 pm
  2. Chromeburger rules. What a nice thing of them to spontaneously do.

  3. rowan on Thu, 25th Mar 2010 6:04 pm
  4. that is pretty cool. and i must say i do like the G’s infamy being known overseas.

  5. d on Thu, 25th Mar 2010 7:12 pm
  6. That is fantastic. Yay for Chromeburger!

  7. Rebecca11222 on Thu, 25th Mar 2010 9:53 pm
  8. YAY for my people!

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