Reader Contribution Du Jour: High Art

Jay writes (in an email entitled “What. The. F.”):

Words can’t describe but a photo says it all… Or something like that. And in 3D, too!

I made Jay aware that I had, in fact, already posted this work of fine art. I even made sure to get a little “man toosh” in my shot “for the ladies”. I’m thoughtful that way. Then he upped the ante.

Jay writes:

I wonder if the artist who created this masterpiece (Or should we call it mastur-piece?) used the same model for the front and back. Again – let me emphasize. It’s in 3D! Only in Greenpoint. At Marco Polo Polish Emporium (I added the last part) on manhattan ave.

If I had to hazard a guess I’d say this lass bears more than a passing resemblance to Jessica. That girl sure seems to get around!*

Miss Heather

*As of the writing of this post no less than 11 12 people have clicked for the Google Map where this inflatable companion can be purchased. I am not kidding.


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