TODAY: Everything Goes At Studio B!

This fitting end to our local institution comes from the King of Cabbies. He writes:

Saw an auction ad on the back of yesterday’s Times’ Business section, for this Wednesday at 2:00 PM, that I thought might interest you. It is the equipment and effects of the late, unlamented Studio B, ready to be carted away from the belly of the beast itself!

I for one like how Studio B is mentioned not once, but twice, as being “well known”. That it was— albeit probably not in the way the manner the auctioneer intended. You can get the full rundown of what’s for sale by clicking here.

Studio B Auction c/o Michael Amodeo
May 19, 2010 “Inspection Time” starts at 1:00 p.m., bidding at 2:00 p.m.
259 Banker Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Happy hunting!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I have no idea what “Onwars” are, but a $100,000.00 “retractable roof”?!? That’s downright handy!


One Comment on TODAY: Everything Goes At Studio B!

  1. calyercooze on Wed, 19th May 2010 5:11 pm
  2. Hmm, noticed this today when I walked past, and all noticed that the for sale sign is off the building. Anyone know if they sold the place? I guess it won’t be a club anymore, but wonder what will go in there next….

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