From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Stroller Brigade

This scene of gentrification marching bravely forward on Manhattan Avenue was captured by Single Linds Reflex.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Stroller Brigade

  1. Brooklynite on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 10:07 am
  2. I love this site to death, but this post confuses me. So let’s get this straight. Is a Polish parent pushing a stroller considered a sign of gentrification? What about a stroller pushing person who’s just visiting our lovely neighborhood? Don’t see how you can just post a pic like that and label it that way. Do you know who these people are? I’ve been living here for many, many years and my great-grandparents since 1901. I have a small business in the neighborhood. So, when I’m pushing my kid around the hood in a stroller (while not looking Polish) am I going to see myself on this site with some smug caption? I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed by this. Can’t we stick to blaming gentrification on the people who cause it? Real estate developers and the politicians which they own.

  3. missheather on Sat, 3rd Jul 2010 10:27 am
  4. I think you’re reading too much into this. That said, occasionally the queues of strollers around here can get a little intimidating. I hope our city plans for these children to hit our public school system, if not in about 4-5 years we are going to have a serious problem.

  5. ldubya on Fri, 9th Jul 2010 12:02 pm
  6. A bit too much into it, yes. It’s not a smug caption and I love seeing different takes and views of what is going on in the neighborhood. Also, she did not blame gentrification on the parents/strollers… and I do believe Miss Heather accurately blames who is at fault and also praises people for things going on in the neighborhood.

    Does it frighten people to see a group of strollers in different hoods in fear of becoming the next park slope (where my grandparents and great grandparents grew up?) Yes!

    Chances are, you will not have your photograph taken of you and your child in a stroller. This photo was taken because it was a funny procession of strollers in the crosswalk. It’s funny, yes- as is the caption- and it’s ok to have a sense of humor about it.

    Is Miss Heather blaming anyone for gentrification in this post? Is she saying that parents with strollers are horrible people? Definitely not! It was a funny and “punny” commentary on a photograph- one of many in which I genuinely enjoy.

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