From The New York Shitty Inbox: Noise Woes

A person we’ll call N writes:

Hey Heather,

I hate to beat a dead horse, but this problem just won’t go away.  I was up again until 4am because of Coco66’s monthly dub step night.  The 2nd Saturday of every month, Coco’s really loves to just blast that bass until the wee hours of the morning. I called 311 and made a complaint.  The funny thing is, I looked up the status just now (as seen at left — Ed. Note) and it said the Police took action and fixed the problem, which is a most blatant lie.  They didn’t do anything, as I said I was up until 4am.  I’ve also contacted the Community Board twice now, once in May (never to hear a response) and again last week.  At this point I don’t know what’s left for me to do other than move, which I really shouldn’t have to do if the city just upheld it’s own ordinance laws.  Do you have any advice?

Although I have outlined the protocol for this kind of thing numerous times (and despite the fact it appears to not to be working for N so far) here they are again:

1. Contact Community Board 1 and forward all pertinent documentation— including 311 complaint numbers— to them. Their email address is: bk01 (at) cb (dot) nyc (dot) gov

2. Contact Assemblyman Joe Lentol’s Office. This too can be done quickly and easily via email: lentolj (at) assembly (dot) state (dot) ny (dot) ny (dot) us

3. Contact Councilman Steve Levin’s office. His email address is as follows: slevin (at) council (dot) nyc (dot) gov

4. Go to the next 94th Precinct Community Council and make D. I. Fulton aware that the officers under his watch did not resolve the noise problem to your satisfaction. I suspect the next meeting will, unfortunately, be in September. But you should contact them via telephone and confirm this.

5. And in N’s case talk to your neighbors and see if they too are experiencing sleepless nights due to CoCo66’s din. The more people you have following steps #1 through #4 the better!

In closing (and in reference to point #5), has noise from CoCo66 (or CoCo68, for that matter) been a problem for you? If so I’d very much like to hear from you. Please tender you two cents via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Noise Woes

  1. strawbrryf on Mon, 12th Jul 2010 2:56 pm
  2. I have a follow up question to that. Is there a way to get a venue’s amplified sound permit revoked? I live on N 10th Street, a few doors down from Peachfrog. This is a second hand store which for some reason appointed itself the savior of Bohemia on our block. They constantly invite bands to come play outside and it’s driving me up the wall. They make more noise than Public Assembly, and Music Hall of Williamsburg put together. Just like N, I’m not having much luck with NYPD. There’s absolutely no reason why they should be allowed to have amplified sound: they’re a clothing store, for God’s sakes, and all of us residential buildings were here before they were. So… is there a way to get that permit revoked by community action? I’ve spoken to several neighbors and they’re pissed too so I’m sure I wouldn’t have trouble collecting signatures.

  3. code-d on Tue, 13th Jul 2010 5:34 pm
  4. If it’s too loud your too old

  5. Decree on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 10:32 pm
  6. Please do not ruin the fun… There are not many great places like Darkroom @ coco66 and it would really be a shame to have it ruined just because of you. You should come in next time I am sure you would have a great time, otherwise I cannot sympathize at all with you because that is part of living in NYC and on top of that there are things you can do to survive that once a month instead of destroying another terrific event, and damaging the bass driven culture for selfish reasons.

  7. missheather on Thu, 15th Jul 2010 10:46 pm
  8. First off, you seem to be under the impression that I am the angry neighbor of CoCo66: I’m not. Secondly, had you actually bothered to read this post carefully (which you didn’t) you would notice that noise from this establishment is a chronic problem: it is not a matter of “damaging base driven culture” as you call it. To follow your logic, then, I take it this person is expected to leave his apartment (or be kept up until 4 in the morning) every time you or someone else has a gig there? That’s strikes me as being rather selfish. That’s all I am going to say about this matter. After all, it is not my problem.

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