Greenpoint Photos Du Jour & A Reminder…

Lately I have been so busy with personal matters the fact that it is October now almost slipped by. Time also flies when one is not having fun. There is of course my recent interaction with the local constabulary over “graffiti”.* This has taken a lot of my time and energy. Thankfully that matter seems to be tabled for the time being. Regardless, the shit keeps on coming. To name a couple:

  • someone trying to charge $3.44 (!) on my credit card (this has been resolved, still I am left wondering exactly what such a sum can actually buy nowadays)
  • our oldest cat, Bodhi (AKA: “Booger”) requiring medical attention for an ear puffed up like a sopapilla. We had it treated once. His blood work, etc., is fine. He’s a tough old goat of a Greenpoint tabby. Still, it came back and tonight he had to go back in for another treatment. It went well. Paws crossed, this time it will “stick”.

Both of us being exhausted, I opted to take a car home. During that ride home I saw something interesting. Sort of a punctuation mark on the shit show which has been the last six weeks, give or take, for yours truly. This:

The author of this missive clearly has a grievance with the 94th Precinct. This is rather uncanny because tomorrow is the monthly Community Council meeting for same-said. And you all have my cat “Booger”— specifically his ear— to thank for all of this.

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
7:00 PM
St. John’s Luther Church
155 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

P.S.: If anyone is wondering where this sullen, spray-painted utterance of revolt is located, here you go.

Could be an interesting topic to bring up tomorrow.

Or not.

*This evening I organized my papers regarding my 94th Precinct Experience. I found this piece of paper, provided by the Lieutenant who detained me, to my spouse so he could write down their names/badge numbers (on the back). Here’s the front:

Tonight we both learned what “cooping” is. You can too courtesy of the New York Times. The more you know!

The Word On The Street: Special Huron Street Edition

An actual conversation in this household today:

Me: I just saw something interesting.
The Mister: (?)
Me: You know the Construction Fence of Infamy?
The Mister: (nods)
Me: Well it not only has new ads on it, but one has been annotated.

The Mister: So are the police going to come beating down our door?
Me: (shrugs*)

*NOTE: I did not do this. However whoever did did so after I ran one set of errands early this afternoon but before 6:00 PM. In other words, in broad daylight.

A Story In Two Acts

September 3, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11222, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

So last week I received a voicemail from Project Reset offering a “resolution” to my “case”. I sent that to my attorney. Today they texted me and left me a voicemail.*

So I forwarded this to my attorney. And he called her back. Hilarity ensued.

The 94th saw fit to make a big deal out of this. So we’re gonna make a big deal about this. The police deleting photos without a court order is a BIG DEAL. Cheers!

UDPATE, September 3rd, 9:00 PM: I have also received a letter in the mail from the fellow who left me the voicemail last week.

And I sent it to my attorney. Now we’re four for four!

UPDATE, 9:09 PM: Now I have received a voicemail from NYPD Internal Affairs. And I sent it to my attorney. See how this works?

*I did not discover this until this evening. Damn, these people really want to talk to me. To recap, to date I have received:

  1. Two voicemails from Project Reset
  2. A text from Project Reset
  3. A letter from Project Reset
  4. One call from NYPD Internal Affairs

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Seeing Something, Saying Something

Yesterday while running errands I was disheartened to find yet more stickers for a recognized hate group blighting our community.

Yes, you read more correctly: more. This is something I have been tracking for several months. I am documenting this stuff too. I take photos, note the address and add to my “Hate Heat Map” as a necessary. Yesterday, sadly, I had to add two more. Here is a simplified version of my map.

Let’s be frank here. One dot is one too many. Here we have 32. Here’s the deal:

I have lived in this community for almost 20 years. This is not the first time I have seen, much less reported, this stuff. It was unacceptable then and it is even more unacceptable now. If you agree, you may wish to attend the upcoming 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting and make your concerns known. Lest you are wondering, gentle readers, the police are aware of this. Have been for some time. And now you are too.

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th, 2019
7:00 PM
St. John’s Luther Church
155 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Live From Huron Street

August 22, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11221, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

As I suspected, after last night’s storm the Dame sex toy ads are showing signs of distress. This is of course because they are wheat pasted paper affixed onto a construction fence.

I have asked Dame if these advertisements are theirs and if they had permission to post them on this fence. So far, radio silence.

Once again, the NYS code for graffiti:

S 145.60 Making graffiti.

  1. For purposes of this section, the term “graffiti” shall mean the etching, painting, covering, drawing upon or otherwise placing of a mark upon public or private property with intent to damage such property.
  2. No person shall make graffiti of any type on any building, public or private, or any other property real or personal owned by any person, firm or corporation or any public agency or instrumentality, without the express permission of the owner or operator of said property.
    Making graffiti is a class A misdemeanor. —

If Dame ain’t claiming this as theirs or stating they had permission to post these advertisements on the fence in question, why does the 94th care?

Simple answer: they enforce/obey the law how they see fit. As such, I am arrested on a very tenuous charge at best— and the police later violate the law by trying to delete photos from my phone while it was in their custody. Tried.


Suffice it to say it’s been an interesting week for yours truly. However, as things go, I am a pretty tough bitch nowadays. Also, I have a sense of humor. So when my buddy at Queens Crap had an idea— this being securing coupons for Dame Products and gifting them to 94th Precinct— I decided to follow up on it. I mean, what are they going to do? Throw me in jail? So off to Twitter I went. Enjoy!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is living your best life. I hold no grudges against Dame. They are not the problem. Patriarchy and the upholders of it are.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue


Taken October 6, 2015.

New York Shitty Video Du Jour: Live From Manhattan Avenue

June 24, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 


Rubber Gloves


wheres levin NYSNote the fellow walking and texting the whole time. Oblivious.

Where’s Levin?

You ask? For what it was/is worth he was spotted at McCarren Park the same day this was filmed. Someone even took a photo. Our City Councilman asked if it was going to be part of New York Shitty’s “Where’s Levin” call for Greenpoint spottings (and, technically, McCarren Park is located in Greenpoint). She said no. Regardless, it’s nice to know you have a following.

The source material for my snow globes never stops! Imagine if every person in this community who was mentally disturbed and/or engaging in disorderly conduct— while white and affluent— got such “attention”…

Real Men Love Cats: Meet Mario

kentaveJust over a month ago I posted an item noting the destruction, rendered with extreme prejudice, of the feral cat condo complex on Metropolitan Avenue (as seen at left). Those of you who are not in the know can see the aftermath for yourselves by clicking here.realmenlovecats

I have frequently wondered exactly what happened. Well, as it would happen I recently met the fellow who oversees this colony. He calls himself Super Mario and he had quite a tail tale to tell. You see, Mario tends a number of feral colonies hereabouts. He has done so for a long time and feeds no less than 76 cats (!) daily. Despite his slightly intimidating physical presence one can clearly see Mario loves the critters under his care. And anyone who loves cats, well, is a friend of mine.

Hence why I am writing this post.

Mario has names for all the kitties under his care. Without argument the “queen” of the colony is a lass named Spotty.


Her “boyfriend”, as Mario explained to me, is this formidable fellow whose name I do not recall.


Mario told me he is, at seven years of age, among the older inhabitants of this pride. As such he generally stays close to “home” and spends his golden years lounging in the sun and napping.


After I took the above photo a chap sporting a black and white tuxedo coat slipped by. He had neither the time nor the desire for my photo-taking. He was hungry! Mario explained to me his “girlfriend” seems to have gone missing. However, he was sporting some scratches on his paw (which Mario is tending), so this might be due to feline fisticuffs over her affections. Such is the world of cats.



When I asked Mario what happened to the colony last month, he explained to me that there is a fellow thereabouts who dislikes cats. So much so, he saw fit to not only render their home into rubbish.


…but took the added measure of throwing some of it over the fence of an adjacent lot for good measure. What’s more, once the colony was moved onto the premises in question he saw fit to enter and destroy that as well. So now the gate is padlocked. I know what you’re thinking, gentle readers:

Did Mario contact the police?

Answer: yes. As Mario explained to me they explained to him that they could not do anything because (and I quote) “the man is crazy”. That may very well be. However, trespassing and destruction of property do strike me as being criminal acts and therefore a police matter.


In closing, those of you who happen to reside near this facility please help keep an eye on it. If you see something suspicious, say something! Ultimately it is up to us humans to advocate for the welfare of Spotty and her furry friends. They do not have the ability to blog much less call 311.

P.S.: It should be noted that Mario created a memorial for the feral furkids who died during the demolition of Monster Island. This too was destroyed. Mario has informed me he will be replacing it. I have asked him to contact me when he does.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Saw Something, Said Something

August 23, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


A person we’ll call “X” writes today at 6:09 p.m.:

Hi Miss Heather. I am a lurker on New York Shitty and I pay special attention to your posts about crimes in the area.

I was jogging near the Williamsburg Bridge today and I spotted this guy:

He was unmistakable. I remembered him from your post a few weeks back. The yellow bike with the blue seat was the first thing I noticed. I trailed him for a little while and watched him pull on doors, checking if they were open. We made eye contact and that’s when I stopped and called the police.

I met with the police and showed them the guy’s picture and the posting and then I kept on running. Hope they get this punk today!

First off I want to thank X for contacting the police. Well done! Although I sincerely hope he/she made a spot-on identification and the police caught this fellow, the fact of the matter is someone trying doors (so as to find one which is unlocked) is bad news. I have said it before and I’ll say it again: please, please make sure your front doors are locked/secured. Do not simply “buzz” people into your building without discerning who he/she is— or better yet: meet/greet anyone desiring access to your building in person. Ask questions. If you see anything amiss, say something to the police. STAT.

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