Now At McGolrick Park: Baggies & Dead Squirrels

I have long been remiss in checking out how things are shaking across McGuinness Boulevard. Namely, McGolrick Park. Fortunately I got a much-needed reminder via an email from an anonymous tipster. He/she writes:

…Used needles are being found in the woody garden areas of McGolrick by Nassau.  That’s the scarey part, but I am awaiting confirmation because this was third hand info…

I decided to go down there and see if I could find any. First up, the good news: I didn’t.

And now the bad news: it became all too clear from the get-go someone has a pretty brisk business selling and/or consuming illegal intoxicants— especially around Nassau Avenue and Russell Street. Without further ado here is a slide show featuring the rainbow assortment of baggies I found on my sojourns. I have tossed in a few shots of dead squirrels I found as well. Why, you ask? Because one would think the Parks Department would be “on” that kind of thing. Enjoy!

Miss Heather

Update, 6:12 p.m.: I have received an email regarding “activity” at McGolrick park from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. He/she writes:

I live on McGolrick Park and have seen more drug activity lately- came home from work one day to a woman nodding out in her car parked in front of my apt.- car door was wide open and she was seriously messed up.  I called the cops and they were uninterested.  I asked them to come because I figured if she tried to drive in her condition it would be dangerous.  They asked if I had “seen her commit a crime” and I said no, but obviously they might want to check into the situation and they refused.


4 Comments on Now At McGolrick Park: Baggies & Dead Squirrels

  1. SpillConspirator on Sat, 24th Jul 2010 3:48 pm
  2. What’s even more disturbing than the amount of bags, is the amount of different color bags. Different dealers use different color bags because they get their supplies from different places. Bottom line is, this means there are many dealers working the area.

  3. AlleyCat on Sat, 24th Jul 2010 6:58 pm
  4. No kidding. That was a veritable rainbow of baggies.

  5. missheather on Sat, 24th Jul 2010 7:14 pm
  6. So it goes in our “war” against drugs.

  7. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 25th Jul 2010 6:01 pm
  8. And the plethora of dead squirrels could mean another outbreak of Leptospirosis is in the works. As I recall, there were a few cases of it around McGolrick back in 2004/ 2005. The 2 dogs I know who died from it did not use the run. Just walked the park. Info about how it is transmitted here: This disease can be transmitted to humans…it is rare for that to happen, but be careful everyone.

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