From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Closed For Renovations?

October 27, 2010 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The above item (which hails from the Village Voice and is a follow-up to their breaking story about the closure of Coco68 last Friday) was brought to my attention by my buddy over at Brooklyn11211. He writes:

I see they’re still closed down – but they have a perfectly logical explanation. It was just less confusing for all involved to reschedule their shows at other venues.

You can read this article in its entirety by clicking here. Otherwise I’ll leave you with yours truly’s favorite passage— with a little New York Shitty analysis thrown in for good measure!

Apologies for the confusion yesterday. Briefly: after you and I spoke we had a meeting at Coco’s and we all decided that since some shows were already moving to other venues this week, just because they were worried (rightfully so given your establishment saw fit to cram 400 people into a space allotted for 74, this can hardly be construed as “professional”), we would take this time now to take a couple days off and make some renovations to just kinda move forward and become a better venue with more space for people. So we are taking a couple days to do that. We were doing construction all night last night (I can personally attest to this. I can also attest that neither Coco66 nor Coco 68 have permits for any of the work they are doing.) , and all day today (more work without a permit, is the Department of Buildings reading this?), just in the back to have more space and do bigger and better shows (which we are not in fact legally entitled to conduct given we have neither a Cabaret License nor a Place of Assembly Permit*).

Miss Heather

*As someone in the know explained to me:

They absolutely don’t have a cab license. Must have zoning use group 12 on the CO and the description must read “eating and drinking establishment with no restrictions on entertainment.”  Not even a PA. Hence the 74 max occupancy.

This is rather curious given the owner of Coco66 and Coco68 seems to be operating a construction company out of the latter.

One would think Mr. Kelleran would be aware legalities such as these. Hmm…


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