Quicklink: As “Quoted” In The New York Times

This morning started on anything but an auspicious note here at Chez Shitty. You see, on top of (still) having no heat the Mister and I have been doled out the further indignity of having no hot water. Being the kind of people who engage in regular hygiene (READ: take showers) this did not go unnoticed. As a result yours truly was awakened by stream of profanity authored by the Mister which was— by even my jaded standards— rather impressive. He ended up heating water on the stove in order to bathe himself. It was like something out of the Great Depression. But I digress.

I reluctantly got out of bed, checked my inbox and found the following missive from my buddy Evan. He writes:

You get quoted on page A32 of today’s NYT.

As you can imagine I found this of tremendous interest— especially since I have not in recent memory been contacted by a reporter from said newspaper. I asked for more information. I got it:

As you can see I am or more accurately— my web site-is— in fact quoted in the New York Times. What seems to be missing is a link to the blog post in question. The deal is (and at the expense of flogging a dead horse) this: if the Times can see fit to print a quote from yours truly the least this august institution can do is acknowledge the post from which it originated. I am not accepting “we can’t link to that profane url” for an answer, either. I have erected a mirror site with a less objectionable url for just this reason. Lastly, if St. Stanislaus Kostka— a church— can throw me a link, I see no reason the Times cannot follow suit.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 12:10 p.m.: I would like to take a moment to thank a very nice Greenpointer for offering access to his/her shower. He/she writes:

Hi, Heather…I have an extra bathroom and I’m generally gone by 7:45.  You and your husband are more than welcome to shower at my place on Eagle St if you wish.  Yeah, I know it’s weird, but I like to think I live in a community and neighbors are supposed to help each other.  So, there ya go.  If you need a last resort, I’ll help out.

Not only is this offer greatly appreciated, I am seriously mulling it over!


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