New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Live From 400 McGuinness Boulevard

As promised, here is footage from yesterday’s rally to protest the proposed 200 bed homeless assessment center at 400 McGuinness Boulevard. Enjoy!

Steve Levin, Joe Lentol and CB1 Public Safety Chair Kalita Speak

A Woman (Greenpoint resident?) Rebuts

Miss Heather


4 Comments on New York Shitty Videos du Jour: Live From 400 McGuinness Boulevard

  1. eagle_teater on Mon, 23rd May 2011 8:38 am
  2. What’s a Public Safety Kalita?

    Kidding aside, I am pissed I missed this but I had to work ALL DAY. Weak.

  3. missheather on Mon, 23rd May 2011 8:42 am
  4. Please play nice. I have been kicked off my site four times this morning. Infuriating. Will fix.

  5. eagle_teater on Mon, 23rd May 2011 9:51 am
  6. It was just a gentle tease. I actually like it.

  7. missheather on Mon, 23rd May 2011 10:05 am
  8. It’s all good. Did you see the chap in the army helmet? He ROCKED!

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