The Word On The Street, Part I: McGuinness Boulevard

SPINACH 4 EVA cropped nys

Popeye would be proud…

(Taken October 21, 2015.)

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: The Word On The Street

McGuinness Boulevard June 4 2015 nys

As spotted today, June 4th, on McGuinness Boulevard. While I am on the subject of dissent I would like to share with you, gentle readers, my latest snow globe project! While not yet complete I think you will agree it is quite wonderful.

DNAinfo Screencap1It was recently brought to my attention that our Mayor had a press event at Rockaway’s brand-spanking new boardwalk. This is in and of itself not interesting. Rather, what is that he/his created a “Free Speech Zone”. This was well removed from said “event” and therein any/all protesters were “free” to exercise their First Amendment rights.

Well, I have a problem with this kind of thing and, more importantly, the NYCLU and New York Press Club did as well. (You can read’s article by clicking the image to the left or by clicking here.) I am not an attorney. I do not portray one on television. However, I do not think I am incorrect when I write that by creating a “Free Speech Zone” there is an implied message that everywhere else is not a “Free Speech Zone”. The First Amendment is pretty straight-forward. So much so even a “snow globe artist” can grasp it. So…

last weekend I embarked upon a “Free Speech Zone” snow globe. Today I sealed it. Tomorrow, hopefully I will fill (READ: finish) it.

Sealed Side one NYS

Side one is pretty straight forward: referencing a photo taken of Mayor DeBlasio’s press event, I replicated it.

Sealed side two nys

Side two is the “Free Speech Zone”. For logistical reasons I had to employ a metaphorical brick wall.

DNAinfo crime and mayhem nys

Some of you may recall that Ron Kuby (Yes, THAT Ron Kuby) purchased a “Stop & Frisk” snow globe from yours truly some time ago. Well, a mutual friend brought my latest project to his attention. And Mr. Kuby brought the above article (wherein he is quoted) to my attention. Note the category under which has categorized this tome. “Crime & Mayhem”. I have to say the gentlemen featured (and I encourage each and every one of you to read their profiles) do not strike me as being purveyors of “mayhem”— but what do I know?

In closing I will leave you with this (closing) passage from the above-mentioned article.

Lawyer and radio host Ron Kuby said it’s hypocritical of the mayor to crack down on protests considering his crticisms (sic and emphasis mine — Ed. Note) of former Mayor Bloomberg.

“To come into office riding this wave of disapproval at Bloomberg over policing and contempt for dissidence, to be on the crest of that wave that says ‘no more,’ and [then] to banish a couple of people … it’s unconstitutional, it’s bad policy, it’s stupid,” Kuby said. “And it makes the mayor look very very thin skinned.”

He added that public spaces in the city are, by nature, open for free speech.

“We are all free speech zones in NYC,” Kuby said. “I am a free speech zone and so are you.”


Those who are interested in seeing the photo set I have created documenting the creation of the “Free Speech Zone” snow globe can do so by clicking here.

Urban Artifact, Part II: Special Feels Like Fall Edition

November 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact, Wow, WTF 

Autumn ColorsNYS

Today I had a craving for Mexican food. Well, not “Mexican” food per se. I craved crap. To this end I patronized the Taco Bell located on the Champs-Élysées of the Garden Spot: McGuinness Boulevard. Upon exiting with my bag of unhealthy goodness I noticed two perfectly placed pairs of coordinating footwear atop the garbage can. How they got there is anyone’s guess. I simply found how they coordinated with the building compelling and strangely beautiful.

shitittsTHUMBAfter snapping this shot I opted to enjoy my burrito al fresco. I took a stroll along Provost Street. There outside the premises of the Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Facility— in the shadow of the Shit Tits— I happened upon another urban artifact. It too was compelling but most decidedly not beautiful.

It is rare, gentle readers, that I happen upon something that makes me lose my appetite. After closer examination of the item in question (and shooting burrito bits out of my nose) this is exactly what happened. The burrito was placed back in the bag and out came the camera.

I suppose I should take the glass half-full approach:

1. The parties responsible for the piece of love’s detritus which awaited my delectation engaged in safe sex.
2. Greenpoint— especially its more remote/secluded nooks and crannies— is and has long been for lovers.

WARNING/CAVEAT: once this is seen, it cannot be unseen. Click at your own risk.

Urban Artifact, Part I: Pulaski Bridge

November 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Crushed nys

If anyone out there is in need of a not-so-gently-used kiddie pool (and you know who you are) head over to McGuinness Boulevard, east side, between Ash and Box Street…

(Taken November 3, 2014.)

The Word On The Street, Part I: McGuinness Boulevard

McGuinness Boulevard nys

Taken November 3, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: The Word On The Street

Taken by autovac.

The Word On The Street: McGuinness Boulevard


Stop gentirfiying



It’s been a long time— perhaps too long— since I have lavished attention upon the Belvedere Empire. You know, those serial numbered, Neoclassical “by the yard” excrescences with absurdly large balconies which have been popping up in our community for years? Well recently the Mister and I were walking down McGuinness Boulevard. That is where we beheld this. We were not the only ones who took notice either.

Going to move in?

A woman exiting the Polam Supermarket asked. to wit I answered.


I replied. Sarcasm noted (and appreciated) she added:

They have buildings all over the place.

I know, I know. I replied. They ugly as shit and sport those ridiculous balconies. But this one is the biggest of the lot. Hell, it is not a building. It is fucking billboard.

My new friend informed me the lettering went up last week. Clearly she is keeping on top of this matter. Excellent!


I go in for a closer look.


Lo and behold, a love letter from the Department of Buildings! Naturally I had to look this up on the their online database and see what gives. Here is what I found.







Scaffolding issues, violating a Stop Work Order and storing combustible material without a permit. These sound vaguely familiar. OH WAIT this is why!

The Word On The Street, Part I: WE DID IT


From McGuinness Boulevard.

The Word On The Street: Pulaski Bridge

Pulaski Bridge nys

Taken August 7, 2014.

Lost In Greenpoint: Baby Fatty


As spied today on Manhattan Avenue. Baby Fatty has been missing from her stomping grounds (Green and Huron Street between McGuinness Boulevard and Provost Street) since July 29th. If you have seen Baby Fatty (who, is should be noted IS micro-chipped!) or know of her whereabouts please contact her people at the above-listed phone numbers. A cash reward is being offered. Thanks!

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