From The Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Meeting: What’s Up With WASCO?

I have received a number of emails voicing concern about what it going to happen to one of Greenpoint’s (and McGuinness Boulevard’s) preeminent features: The WASCO Auto Shop. I have some very good news: last night a liquor license application for an “eating and drinking establishment” was approved for this property.

During the proceedings the applicant, a twenty year Greenpoint resident, assured everyone that 139 Nassau Avenue’s signature feature, “WASCOmobile” (which has been identified as a Chevy Nova*), would be kept! In addition, the garage doors looking upon McGuinness Boulevard— the Champs-Élysées of north Brooklyn— will be converted into large bay windows for patrons’ dining pleasure. This was the source of considerable amusement to a number of gentleman on the panel— one of whom noted that all McGuinness Boulevard has in the way of ambiance are “roaring semis”. But hey, as long as everyone keeps their hands and feet inside at all times things should be just fine— right?

*This has been disputed. A chap we’ll call “J” writes:

actually, I think its a Chevy II 100, the cheaper model, but aside from less chrome trim and insulation, its the same thing as a Nova. Before it got painted Greenpoint Beige, it was its original Fawn Tan. Yes, I’m a car geek.

Thoughts, anyone?


One Comment on From The Community Board 1 Public Safety Committee Meeting: What’s Up With WASCO?

  1. rutila on Thu, 29th Sep 2011 11:52 am
  2. I’m going to hold all judgment save this looks interesting. Any word on what’s going on across Nassau — the parking lot WASCO used?

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