From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Ado About Brown Water

A person we’ll call J writes (in regards to this post): The ‘brown’ stuff was most likely rust.

 I emailed Lincoln Restler at your suggestion and got essentially the same answer posted in your followup but with this additional nugget: “DEP crews went out early this morning to flush the system; there was no health risk at any time.” 
Who knew it was safe to drink rust?
I was at the laundromat at Green St and Manhattan Ave last night attempting to do laundry but luckily was warned off by a few upset women with stained clothes.
The MA state government has a brief description of this somewhat common occurrence (and some useful tips for those whose clothes were stained):
“Rusty water occurs from sediment in the pipes or rust from the inside walls of the water mains.The rust can be disturbed and temporarily suspended in water with unusual water flows from water main breaks or maintenance or by flushing of a hydrant. This discolored water is not a health threat. When the water is discolored it is recommended to either not wash laundry or to use a rust stain remover or regular detergent but not chlorine bleach as it will react with the iron to form a permanent stain.


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Ado About Brown Water

  1. Jennnuh on Thu, 24th May 2012 6:20 pm
  2. Ahhh! My Mom and I were totally the women who warned J about it. We lost a whole lot of our bedding with this stain. & apparently it turns out it is copper.. So we’re going to try OxiClean on our stuff.

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