Spotted At Green Street & Manhattan Avenue: Fender Bender


Per witnesses the automobile on the left failed to stop at the stop sign on Green Street. Having lived on Green Street for no less than ten years I can attest that I have seen plenty of “accidents” such as this. We need either a stop light or some enforcement on this intersection. Seriously.


2 Comments on Spotted At Green Street & Manhattan Avenue: Fender Bender

  1. biztsar on Tue, 9th Apr 2013 3:07 pm
  2. FYI – the Environmental Impact statement from the Greenpoint Williamsburg requires a stoplight here, as part of the unavoidable impacts from the rezoning:

    “Manhattan Avenue/Green Street
    To address the proposed action’s impact to eastbound Green Street at Manhattan Avenue in the AM peak
    hour, it is proposed to install a traffic signal with a 90-second cycle length at this unsignalized
    intersection. As shown in Tables 22-2 through 22-4, with a 48-second northbound-southbound phase and
    a 42-second eastbound phase, signalizingthis intersection would fully mitigate the AM peak hour impact
    to the eastbound approach. In the AM peak hour, the eastbound approach would operate at LOS D with
    the proposed signal compared to LOS E with stop control under the proposed action. The eastbound
    approach and all other approaches would otherwise operate at LOS C or better in all periods with the
    proposed signal.”

    Page 22-11

  3. missheather on Tue, 9th Apr 2013 3:46 pm
  4. Fascinating. Given the number of collisions (between cars and bicyclists as well) I have seen here something really needs to be done. After I took this photo a man forced to turn onto Green Street almost hit a woman and her 2-3 year old son because (due to this accident) he could not see where he was going. Bad stuff.

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