From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Police Activity On Dupont Street?

This is what one citizen/tipster beheld at approximately 5:00 p.m. today. He/she did not have much in the way of information— but posed an excellent question:

To whom do I inquire about matters such as this?

That’s easy to answer:

  • The 94th Precinct’s Community Affairs Office! They can be reached via telephone at: (718) 383-5298

Secondarily if any of you, gentle readers of Community Board 1, have been a victim of a crime (and I sincerely hope this does not happen)— even if it is as mundane as your car being broken into— file a report with the proper precinct (90th or 94th), forward your report number, a description of the incident, any pertiment photos/documentation, etc. to Community Board 1:

Although the Community Board has a committee mostly (it is a long story) dedicated to criminal matters/activity, the reality is they are simply issued a sheet of statistics outlining what crimes have come to pass on any given month. That’s it. Don’t be a “statistic”: say something to our Community Board. If we as citizens do not speak up, they cannot follow-up. It really is that simple.


NOTE: The 94th Precinct Community Council does not convene over the summer— otherwise I’d offer this as an avenue to air any/all concerns as well.


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