Now In Greenpoint: “Condo Finishes”

October 10, 2013 by
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn 



Where do I start with this one? Well for starters invoking the word “condo” makes it quite clear to whom this solicitation is directed. They aspire to condo living— but have a rental budget. Personally I do not find that to be anything interesting or “new”. Rather, I interpret this as suggesting that most new rental properties hereabouts are poorly constructed, over-priced shit. This is because they are.


  • While undoubtedly quite expensive these apartments are of a higher quality of construction.
  • Simply stating “2 and 3 bedroom apartments that are not built like shit”, while honest, does not make for snappy copy. (Although I rather like it.)

Well played, Corcoran!


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