Long Island City Photos Du Jour: Off Roadin’

Over the years I have developed a pet theory about motorists. It goes as follows: the bigger the vehicle, the more inept and/or assholic the driver. Today on the streets of Long Island City (sort of— as you will see) this theory received some pretty compelling supporting evidence.

I know what you’re thinking:

What is this SUV doing on the sidewalk?

I asked myself this very same question once I collected myself after hustling to get out its way. I can kick myself for not filming this incident— but then again, I was caught off guard. You see, I stubbornly espouse the peculiar notion that sidewalks are for pedestrians. Obviously this is not the case; they’re also for SUVs to indulge in a little urban off roadin’. Silly me.

I have since given this whole affair some thought and cannot stop from asking myself:

How the hell did this guy manage to get on the sidewalk?

As you can see the berth of passage at 46 Road is too narrow to provide passage.

This leaves me to draw no other conclusion than he (or she) must have driven on that sidewalk as well. Delightful. The coup de grace to the previous bit mindfuckery came a mere five minutes later on Purves Street.

I have no idea what this is about.

Miss Heather

P.S.: If my new four by four friend is reading this I would like you to know I have photo of your license plate. ASSHOLE.


One Comment on Long Island City Photos Du Jour: Off Roadin’

  1. bitchcakes on Sun, 14th Mar 2010 6:29 pm
  2. I hate so many drivers. So many. I wish so many horrible things on so many people on a daily basis. You’d think I don’t have that much hate in my (now tiny) little body, but I have a huge capacity to hate! Ughhhhh!

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