Reader Comment Du Jour: Advice For Someone DOB’d From The Sweater Factory Lofts?

October 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

239bankerMost folks (myself included) would consider the evacuation of 239 Banker Street to be yesterday’s news. However, when the following comment came to my attention today I simply had to post it here.  Action writes:

The vacate happened 3 days before I was supposed to move in. I’m working with Brooklyn Civil Court to start the process to get my money back. Does anyone know of alternative routes to take? Maybe a class action case?

I do not profess to be an attorney (or even playing one on t.v.). Although I have some tenant-landlord court experience Action’s problem is way off my radar. Does anyone have some advice or thoughts for Action? If so please leave them in the comments. Thanks!

Miss Heather

BREAKING: The Sweater Factory Lofts Gets DOB’d Again!

September 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember the Sweater Factory Lofts?


You know, the building at 239 Banker Street that is zoned as a hotel but is actuality being used as residential space? The one which despite being fined $5,000 for violating a long standing Stop Work Order kept on working anyway? Day and night. Well, something very interesting came to pass there this afternoon.


Anonymous writes (at 3:19 p.m.):

Breaking news! That building next to what was studio B is being served vacated notice right now….


Unhappy residents on an unpaid vacate(ion). I’m sure Curbed will be interested. Building dept guys didn’t like me snapping pics.

WOW. I wonder how my buddy Max took the news? Just under two weeks ago he sold the Greenpoint Hotel for a paltry $3.5 millionand now this!?! I’m not too sure what motivated the Department of Buildings to issue a vacate order but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say non-compliance with fire code had something to do with it.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 5:27 p.m.: Apparently the Red Cross has been brought in to help displaced tenants from this building (pets and all) find a place to hang their respective hats. Per a reader:

The DOB showed up today, I think, around 2, and cleared the whole building. There’s an order to vacate posted on the front (“occupancy is perilous to life”), and a  (new?) stop work order plastered on the front door, plus about a 6 yellow sheets that I didn’t get close enough to read, mainly because all the tenants were trying to read them. Probably on their arrival home from work. I do feel a bit bad for those who moved in without a clue what they were getting themselves into.*

The Red Cross is outside finding people places to live, the landlord is scurrying around, and the tenants are outside with suitcases and their cats in carriers.

Curious what finally caused the DOB to crack down?

UPDATE, 7:29 p.m.: Musings on ‘point offers his expertise:

It’s not a fire issue, FD would have been present. It’s probably a combo of two things: it’s a factory, not a residence and structural issues; the facade seems to be falling off.  The DOB is loathe to vacate solely because of occupancy contrary to the CO (see 475 Kent) but “perilous” is usually code for “we think it might fall down.” I haven’t been following this or researched it but that would be my guess. If it’s not, I wouldn’t want to be living at 475, because they’re just as susceptible to just such selective enforcement.

*I agree. The Red Cross should NOT be pressed into providing housing to individuals whose only mistake was not being informed consumers. This organization was not founded to assist people who have found themselves homeless as a result of a landlord’s malfeasance and this city’s ineptitude and/or lack of responsiveness when it comes to protecting and serving its citizens. The blame for should be laid where it is truly due:

  1. This city and the agencies charged with enforcing housing/building/fire code. Had the standing Stop Work Order on this property been enforced, this would never had happened.
  2. The landlord: for not obeying the the aforementioned Stop Work Order and having a disregard for the safety of his tenants.
  3. The real estate agents who leased out these “residential” lofts knowing full well that they are illegal and hazardous. Anything for a buck.

UPDATE, 11:44 p.m.: another reader sends photographs:



Maybe this one will stick?

From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Sweater Lofts Get DOB’d

August 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Anonymous writes (in an email entitled “DOB is SO STUPID”):



I guess they didn’t notice the front door(s).* This is sort of funny given the tenants of this building clearly have.


As Kurt Vonnegut would say:

So it goes…

Miss Heather

*And then of course there is the freight elevator where Max Stark’s funky bunch were thoughtful enough to post the plans for this hotel these residential lofts.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: If Anyone From The Department Of Buildings Is Reading This

July 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


If you want access to 239 Banker Street (AKA: The Sweater Lofts) today is your big day!


As of 4:40 this afternoon, Sunday, July 26, they were working.


As you can see the freight elevator is open!


What’s more, they were even thoughtful enough to post plans in said elevator for the edification of passersby. (Click on the above jpeg to see the “floor plans” for this “hotel” in their replete glory).

Hope this has been helpful,

Miss Heather

Greenpoint’s Newest Hostel!

July 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Anonymous writes:

Hi Heather

My Dad and his partner live around the corner from me. on Clay St, a few doors down from 66 Clay St (the former methadone clinic) which somehow overnight has turned into a $20 a night hostel .

Dad tells me that in the past week, there has been anywhere from 10-20; what appear to be teenagers milling around the front of the building and on a picnic bench in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, playing techno music dancing, having a general good time. Which no one should have a problem with, except the party doesn’t start until after 1AM and goes until sunrise

I’m going to try and spend a nice relaxing evening at Dad’s tonight in a bit of a stakeout to see if his complaints are valid

Ill keep you posted

What/if anything do you know about Marzili Hostel at 66 Clay St???

Hope you’re feeling better.

I’m operating at 90%, Anonymous (I’ll spare you the details about the other ten). Let’s start with what you have given me.


A web site purporting the “Marzilli” Hostel. (Click on the above image to enjoy the true hilarity).

C of O 6668 Clay street

Here’s the only Certificate of Occupancy on file. A residence for the mentally ill (a nice way of saying it was a methadone clinic). Which was , most assuredly, what it was.

Here’s what I saw today.


Some dude hanging out under a tent.

As to who owns this property. That’s where it gets fun! Per ACRIS:


The log-tossing goes on and on. My money is on Max Stark.

The person who gave the Garden Spot the gift that keeps on giving: the Greenpoint Hotel— a flophouse pretending to be a bed and breakfast. (Click on the previous link, it’s a pisser!)

The person who gives us 239 Banker Street: a hotel being utilized as luxury apartments, e.g.; The Sweater Lofts. STOP WORK ORDERS BE DAMNED! Since when have, and I quote:

New kitchens and bathrooms

Stainless steel appliances

HUGE awesome roof with views


the previous amenities had anything to do with a “hotel”?


Your eyes are not deceiving you: this property has 46 “DOB” violations, 36 open, 42 “ECB” violations 34 of which are still open and a STOP WORK ORDER. Unpaid penalties and non-compliance. And yet they advertise.


Why not call the person responsible for this advertisement, Liz, and ask her? It’s pretty clear the Department of Buildings is unwilling or unable to do anything.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Notes From “The Bounty”

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Hat ManNYS

Inasmuch as I think film shoots in north Greenpoint are becoming excessive* I have to confess a certain amount of curiosity about them. Hence why when I woke up early this morning I wandered down Manhattan Avenue to see how The Bounty was coming along.


Truth be told it was pretty boring. A lot of people with walkie talkies wrangling extras and pedestrians alike. Including myself.

Uncle Samnys

From what I could gather the Uncle Sam on stilts had some stunt action coming. I didn’t wait. I had an appointment to get my hair cut at 11:00 a.m. and I was not about to miss it because:

  1. I really needed a haircut. My tresses have grown a life of their own. They were well on their way to getting their own zip code.
  2. Anna at Zoe’s gives a mean cut. Cheap.

But I did get some footage of a motorcade of wonderful vintage cars driving past the Greenpoint Hotel. If this following is any indication, 11222’s (least) favorite den of iniquity* will be preserved in perpetuity by “The Bounty”. Enjoy!

I also took a number of photographs. The following are my favorites. Enjoy!

When I told Anna that Greenpoint had become Bensonhurst today she made a very piquant observation:

Why can’t they film Bensonhurst in Bensonhurst?


Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see more pix of today’s shoot by clicking here.

*Step Up 3 on West Street, Boardwalk Empire on Commercial Street (though to be fair, they have their own sandbox to play in courtesy of George Klein) and this, on Manhattan Avenue. It’s a bit much. Really.

**Not only is Max Stark and the craptastic hovel he presides over party poopers on this ad hoc 4th of July, but his men are still busy at work at 239 Banker Street.

239 Banker Street at work

Stop work orders and no Certificate of Occupancy be damned.


Hence why Greenpoint has the first “transient hotel” that sports floor plans, kitchens, washer dryer facilities and no beds— unless you count those of the floral variety.



July 21, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Wishing to steer clear of the downright nasty heat today I have whiled away the afternoon by knocking around the apartment doing housework and perusing the Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives. Mostly the latter— which is where I found this plum of story from the June 9, 1896 edition which proposes that our fair burg might soon be re-christened Cleanpoint. With a hefty helping of patriotism and child labor, naturally.

112 Years Later: July 19, 2008, 239 Banker Street

Looks like we still have a ways to go.

Miss Heather

More Fun With Max

May 13, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

You know, after spending so much time researching Max Stark’s holdings I almost feel like I know him. I was after all once a close neighbor of his delightful hotel. I can assure you, dear readers, it was an experience I will cherish for many years to come.

And on that note I have a very exciting piece of news to relay. Soon many more of my fellow Greenpointers will have the pleasure of calling Max a neighbor!

This is 239 Banker Street. It is located on the same block of Studio B. Neighborhood Threat (who took the above photograph) writes March 15, 2008:

construction shed but no posted permits. however, they now have a complaint for construction without a permit. but they do have one. remediation to comply with likely the dozen DOB complaints they already have. but these landlords are infamous for doing construction without permit and renting buildings with COA (see 467 Troutman St. – it’s the same people. they also have several buildings out at morgan as well as the rocket factory, which was their first.)

i am particularly interested in their plan to turn this building into a transient hotel, which was disapproved by the DOB in 2006. considering that they already own one, the good old greenpoint hotel.

While spot-on regarding the Rocket Factory and 467 Troutman Street, my buddy is dead wrong about the Department of Building’s kiboshing Max’s plans to convert this building into a hotel.

Plans to convert this building into (and I quote) “transient hotel” were green lighted by the Department of Buildings last week.

But don’t take my word for it. Click here and read for yourself!

Wow. First it was an illegal rooftop garden at Studio B and now there will be a hotel just down the block! Given how much value Mr. Stark’s other hotel has added to the Garden Spot, I can hardly wait to see how this, his latest venture into the hospitality industry, will pan out.

Those of you who find this development objectionable will be very interested to know tonight is the monthly meeting of Community Board 1. If you cannot attend (this is last minute after all) you can always send them a piece of snail mail at:

Community Board 1
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

P.S.: Big props go out to Neighborhood Threat for tipping me off to this. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: 233 Norman To Become A Hotel?

September 12, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Gentrification, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


I kicked off my day with not one but two missives about this. Not only does it appear to be true, but the landlord has seen fit to give tenants thirty days notice and threats of eviction have been issued as well. And of course I would be remiss if I did NOT point out that north Brooklyn’s good friend, Robert Scarano— or at least his firm— will be handling the project. Not a good sign.

In any case, it’ll be interesting to see how a hotel* with rooftop terrace will fare being downwind from our local waste water treatment plant.


But hey, what do I know? As P.T. Barnum was reputed to say:

There’s a sucker born every minute.

Just another day in Greenpoint, folks…

UPDATE, 5:06 p.m.: As you can plainly see, construction has commenced.





*Perhaps this fellow is going to perpetrate a “239 Banker”? I rule nothing out as being too absurd anymore…

New York Shitty Day Starter: And On It Goes

Looks like some more Loft Law “awareness”/“changing the script” needs to happen at 239 Banker Street.

Because the rest of us simply aren’t “getting it”.

P.S.: You didn’t really think I was going to quit showcasing the wretchedly comical farce that is this edifice? In any case “Joe” seems to specialize in room shares. For example:

  1. This
  2. And this.

But by far the following advertisement is my personal favorite.

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the towel holders are what made this apartment jump $300 in the above listing.

As you can see, they are quite nice. Nonetheless, Bushwick is just that: Bushwick.

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