From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Cleaning Up After Hurricane Sandy

December 14, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 


This comes via an anonymous tipster and will undoubtedly be of interest to a great many folks here in north ‘Point. This upcoming Monday, December 17th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Visitors Center at our very own Shit Tits Waste Water Treatment Facility an information session will be conducted for families and businesses impacted by Sandy. Mark your calendars— and ask questions Greenpointers!

Cleaning Up After Sandy: An Information Session
December 17, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Newtown Creek Visitors Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, new York 11222 

Closing on a related note, those of you who have not seen this segment on PBS regarding the toxic aftermath of Sandy please do give it a watch. In it Greenpoint’s very own (former) resident, Jacqueline Lombard, speaks out. You go, girl!

*You can view Mr. Levin’s missive in Spanish by clicking here.

LAST GASP: (Not So Good) Vibrations?

August 23, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

The Shit TitsThis comes courtesy of the wonderfully dedicated folks at the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee (via Facebook):

Vibrations are being felt by businesses near the Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (AKA: the Shit Tits — Ed. Note). If you live or work in the vicinity of the facility, and feel vibrations, you can call 311 and make a complaint. Be sure to get the complaint number and forward it to the NCMC liaison at nc(dot)mc(at)verizon(dot)net. The complaints help the committee to help you.

If you feel something, north ‘Pointers, say something— to NCMC!


What do the Shit Tits, dancing and FDNY explosive experts have in common? Well, come May 17th all the previous (and more) will come together at the visitor’s center of our very own wastewater treatment plant for a evening of dancing and an interactive installation! Given the purpose of this facility one can only wonder what the latter, “interactive”, component of these festivities will entail. I suppose we’ll have to wait until May 17th and find out. NOTE: this event is absolutely free and no RSVP is required!

Down In The Ground: An Evening of Dance Performance & an Interactive Installation
Opening Reception: May 17, 2012 7:00 p.m. (NOTE: the installation will be ongoing until May 31st)
Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Visitor’s Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

From The New York Shitty Inbox: This Week At The Shit Tits

May 15, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Pa Heather once told yours truly she had no ambition. I took issue with this at the time but in the cold, cruel clarity that is hindsight he was correct: I was lacking direction. This has since changed. I have found my happy place (that being Greenpoint, of course) and while living here I have discovered a manifold number of things which engage me. Among them: being the goodwill ambassador of and mascot for our beloved Waste Water Treatment Plant. More specifically: The Shit Tits. While this might not be everyone’s idea of “making it” in Greenpoint (or in New York City and at life for that matter) it is mine. Don’t shit on my dreams and I will not shit on yours.

I was not shit talking when I wrote my snow globe was progressing nicely. It is.

After no less than three attempts methinks I have it right this time around. The first prototype was simply too “busy”: too much shit in too little space. I realized a trifecta of turdiness was in order:

  • One snow globe of a Shit Tit (as seen above in unfinished form)
  • One snow globe of the Nature Walk (replete with a kayaker!)
  • One snow globe of the Dupont Street sludge tank (for obvious reasons)

But back to the events at hand:

The Green Apple: Recycling
May 19, 2011 starting at 6:00 p.m.
The Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Visitors’ Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Unbottle Your Crafting Skills
May 21, 2011 starting at 11:00 a.m.
The Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Visitors’ Center
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S. (and this goes out to the folks NYC Department of Environmental Protection): This is one of the best email exchanges I have had in ages. Please do not fire this person because of this post. It made my day!

Have The Shit Tit Experience!

September 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Yes folks, the juggernaut that is our local waste water treatment plant keeps on coming with this item— which was brought to my attention by my friend Aaron Short. Open House New York will once again be allowing access to our beloved landmark Saturday, October 9th, and Sunday, October, 10th! You can get a full schedule of times and make a reservation (as I have) by clicking here. Note: strollers are not allowed and “sturdy closed-toe shoes” are required. Heh…

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Altitude

Before I proceed with this post I would like make it known that today’s postage will be decidedly lite. There are two reasons for this:

  1. For those of you who are not in the know, my mother has paid our fair city a visit. She left yesterday. I have been running around a lot the last week.
  2. In the process of said “running around” I managed to pick up head cold. Lucky me.

I am tired. But not too tired to share this shot taken by fellow Shit Tit enthusiast, my very own mother, as her plane approached La Guardia Airport.

What first caught her eye was how the sun seemed to be shining right on them as if to say:

Welcome to Greenpoint!

Potential tourist attraction or not, they certainly make for a striking view for would-be visitors and this photograph lends a note of veracity to Emily Lloyd’s assertion that these bad boys (girls?) can be seen from the Empire State Building!

In closing (and for those of you who care to know) my mother had a grand time. She was unable to attend the visitor’s center grand opening due to a scheduling conflict but did pay Mr. Acconci’s fountain its respects. She was impressed. But arguably the most interesting part of her visit to New York was not to be had by her at all. It was by a friend of hers —we’ll call “S”— and it came to pass in Queens.

Long story made very short, “S” had to change hotels. So my mother, being helpful, recommended the Best Western City View in Sunnyside. She spent the night there and got up bright and early to catch her 5:30 a.m. flight. When she ducked into the lobby at 3:30 a.m. the desk clerk appeared to be nervous. He suggested— repeatedly— that she wait for her car in the lounge and added that he had just made a fresh pot of coffee. She refused— repeatedly— and as a result became privy to a hushed conversation between said desk clerk and a potential “client”. She only caught a snippet, but that snippet pretty much says it all:

It will be $60 in cash and you have to leave by 7:00 a.m.

“S” did not see this chap’s “companion” or ascertain how much she (he?) cost, but given she had not set foot in our fair city in 25 years suffice it to say it made for quite a memorable conclusion to her visit.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: It’s On!

April 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember how I reported on Wednesday that the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Newtown Creek Waste Treatment facility’s Visitor’s Center was canceled? Well, it would appear we’re back on!

My advice: RSVP before they change their mind. Get your Shit Tit shirts ready fellow Garden Spotters!

Visitor’s Center Grand Opening
April 24, 2010 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
329 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

P.S.: Maybe if we’re lucky Mr. Acconci will do a reenactment of Seedbed for us!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Tit Tours?!?

October 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

shittitsthumbnailOpen House New York is a little ways off (October 10-11) but once my buddy over at The Newtown Pentacle brought the following to my attention I had to pass it along. STAT:

Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
329 Greenpoint Ave/ Humboldt St, Brooklyn
neighborhood: Greenpoint
Sat: 10:30 am – 3 pm
Sun: 10:30 am – 3 pm

Continuous open access, first come basis, lining up if necessary

Regular open tours, first come, first serve basis – open dialogue tours of digester eggs, Sat & Sun 11 am – 1 pm, every half hour with Greg Clawson, project manager, Polshek Architects and Jim Pynn, DEP plant superintendent.

Maximum people: 20 per tour

Building date: 2009

Architect: Polshek Partnerships

Dominating the local skyline with its stainless steel digester “eggs,” this wastewater treatment plant is the largest of the 14 NYC Department of Environmental Protection plants. The new facility is also home to a Nature Walk andVisitors Center.

Yes kids, weekend after next the Garden Spot will represent at this year’s open house by letting the people access explore her, uh, more infamous assets. I can hardly wait!

Miss Heather


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