From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: What’s Up At 400 McGuinness?

April 11, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Apparently a new floor, per the person who saw fit to copy me on the following email (which included the General Manager of Community Board 1, among others). She writes:

Rebars are being placed on top of 400 McGuiness Blvd. Are they building upward? Does anyone know?

Naturally I was very curious about this, so I did three things:

1. I checked Google Maps so as to ascertain what the roof-line of this complex looked like “pre-rebar”.

I have indicated the work site in question in yellow. As you can see the western part of 400 McGuinness sports an additional floor. The area highlighted does not. Which brings me to…

2. See this for myself.

A new floor has been added and a means of egress/ingress (as highlighted above) leads from the original structure to its new neighbor. In addition, all the entrances save one on Clay Street and one on McGuinness Boulevard have been replaced with windows.

One such former entrance was where this intercom system (which they have inexplicably seen fit not to remove) is located.

And of course here is a shot of the rebar in question— along with a new HVAC unit. Which, in turn, brings me to…

3. Is this legal?

At a cursory search, I honestly cannot tell. Thus I have requested a disinterested party “in the know” about such matters to tender his/her take.

To be continued…

P.S.: On the way to 400 McGuinness Boulevard I noted a few items of interest on Box Street:

The on-going work of art that is 62 Box Street is for sale. Exclusively no less.

And the Box House Hotel is keeping up appearances.

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