Miss Heather Gets A Gift

Today has been pretty much everything I wanted it to be. I slept in late, kept off the computer and had myself some much-needed “me” time. I will not lie to you: it was nice, if a little boring. This was in fact the purpose of the exercise. Then I went to work— and my day took a very interesting turn.

When I arrived Johnny and Frantz slid this package over the counter. As you can see it is addressed to yours truly. It is from Glasgow, Scotland. I know no one in Glasglow, Scotland— but apparently someone there knows me. After Johnny made a crack about not wanting to catch my anthrax I opened the parcel. What was inside, well, left us all dumbstruck.

My new friend writes:

…Awhile ago you had a photo of the shop IMac (iBoob as Fritz called it) and more importantly the keyboard. You will have found enclosed all the keys from a dead one I had lying around the flat …So have fun replacing dirty keys with clean ones and keep up the good work. All the best,


P.S.: I used to live in Dublin, Ireland. The trains were horrible and unreliable so I feel your pain re. the G & 7.

Thank you for your generosity, Chromeburger. It is greatly appreciated. As it would happen we have since replaced our Mac with a new(er) model.

As you can see it has all its keys. However, like anything else in the junk shop, I am certain it will get jacked-up eventually and your thoughtful gift will come in handy. It is only a matter of time.

Other than that I honestly don’t know else what to say other than perhaps I am both pleased and a bit disturbed that the Crosstown Local’s dubious reputation is, in fact, well known abroad.

Miss Heather

East Village Photo Du Jour: St. Mark’s Place

February 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

Under ordinary circumstances I would have presumed the author of this missive to sport a bat or two in his belfry. But thanks to the MTA’s sterling idea to suspend both G and 7 train service this weekend my journey to and from Manhattan this evening was anything but ordinary. I’ll leave it your imagination, dear readers, to figure out who your truly thinks has a screw loose.

Miss Heather

Woodside Photos du Jour: 61st Street

November 30, 2008 ·
Filed under: Queens 

These photographs hail from the 61st Street stop of the 7 train. While the Mister and I were waiting for the local (to take us to Jackson Heights) I became enamored of the lamp posts at this station. Since I had plenty of time on my hands I shot some snaps of them. Enjoy!

Miss Heather

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