From The New York Shitty Inbox: Bebe Is Lost!

January 4, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


If any of you have seen Bebe or know of her whereabouts, gentle readers, please say something to the folks of Empty Cages Collective. Thanks!


Spotted On Noble Street: An Avian Visitor?

January 29, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A person we’ll call “M” writes:


My apologies for the poor quality, but I saw this little guy wandering around in front of my place on Noble Street. Don’t know much about birds, but he doesn’t look like a local. Just thought I’d share.

Love the blog, keep up the great work!

Thanks for the kind words, M! As it would happen a very good Samaritan and animal lover rescued an injured partridge (which is what this fellow appears to be) one block away on Oak Street recently.

The partridge I rescued in Greenpoint, it's with Empty Cages now.

This handsome chap (?) has been entrusted to the care of Empty Cages Collective and from I have been told is recovering nicely! Here’s their take on what happened:

Phoenix is a chuckar partridge who was in all likelihood a refugee from a local slaughterhouse in Brooklyn, NY! Tonight (Tuesday, January 24, 2012) Empty Cages Collective ( received a call from a kind woman who found Phoenix dodging stray cats and humans after getting away from a bad situation in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Empty Cages Collective took the curious and brave partridge into our protective custody. He will go to see our avian veterinarian tomorrow for an exam and some bloodwork and we will seek placement for him at a sanctuary. We wish all birds like Phoenix were able to escape their slaughterers grasp! Help all of animal kind gain respect and freedom: don’t eat them! Please, live vegan.

Those of you who wish to make a donation to Empty Cages Collective so they can continue helping our furry and feathered friends can do so by clicking here. And it goes with saying if you see animals— be they of the four-legged or winged variety— who are clearly in distress say something to Empty Cages!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Berry Street

November 1, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Fur 

Taken November 1, 2011.

TODAY: Cat Craft Fever

October 15, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item comes courtesy of my friend P.J. of Empty Cages Collective. Today starting at noon the folks at Empty Cages will be conducting an adoption event/craft fair at Williamsburg’s own Gristle Tattoo. NOTE: as the flyer states all tattoo deposits made today will be donated to Empty Cages! Check it out!

Cat Craft Fever
October 15, 2011 Noon – 4:00 p.m.
Gristle Tattoo
178 North 8 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Nanu Needs Help

Anyone who is familiar with Empty Cages Collective knows the the founder of this organization, P.J., is very dedicated to protecting the welfare of all our city’s critters. Given today is his birthday I feel compelled to pass along the story of Nanu. Per Empty Cage Collective’s ChipIn page dedicated to her:

Nanu was recently rescued from a neglect situation by Empty Cages Collective. She was dropped (literally) by her previous guardians resulting in two terribly damaged knees and legs. After being denied care for this issue, Nanu developed a life threatening infection. Empty Cages Collective found out about Nanu’s plight from another rescuer and rushed into action to help her. After receiving emergency surgery for a runaway pyometra infection, Nanu went to an ECC foster home to recuperate.

She has recovered from her infection very well. She is incredibly sweet and lovable, and very snugly. But she can’t walk… yet. Surgery will provide Nanu with an opportunity to walk and even run and jump again…

You can read more about Nanu and tender a donation towards her medical expenses by clicking here. Happy birthday P.J.!

Miss Heather

Two Fundraisers For Furkids

Both of these items come courtesy of the New York Shitty inbox.

First up, Empty Cages Collective will be having a rummage sale at The Gutter this upcoming Saturday, June 12, starting at 10:00 a.m. You buy, they thrive. Nothing more need be said!

Kickass Rummage Sale
June 12, 2010 starting at 10:00 a.m.
The Gutter
200 North 14 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

This next (and last) item comes courtesy of Jay Lombard of Dog Habitat. He writes:

Dog Habitat Rescue is so proud to join with 31 other animal charities nationwide to help launch New York Times bestselling author W. Bruce Cameron’s book  A Dog’s Purpose: A Novel for Humans. Because of the generosity of legendary independent booksellers all over the USA like our very own Word, each of these 31 charities will be getting a full 10% of the cover price for this book which is expected to be a big best seller, and is getting rave reviews from critics and animal advocates everywhere.  Just in this past week, these are the reviews that have come in.

“I loved this book and could not put it down.” –Temple Grandin, New York Times bestselling author Animals Make Us Human

“Marley and Me combined with Tuesdays With Morrie” –Kirkus Reviews

As great as the book is, we at Dog Habitat Rescue are even more proud to join with so many amazing animal advocates in this unique nationwide fundraiser.  Among us people training guide and companion dogs, caring for retired K9 officers (yes, the dogs are called officers!) rescuing abandoned and abused animals, providing essential spaying and neutering services, helping financially troubled families obtain pet food in these tough times, providing pet bereavement counseling, and much more.

We hope that you will consider pre-ordering this book today to benefit Dog Habitat Rescue, which you can so easily do by phone (718-383-0096) or by using the store’s web site or, of course, by visiting the independent bookseller at:

Word Books
126 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Remember, this offer only lasts until July 1, when the book goes on sale everywhere.  Since world famous animal advocate Dr. Temple Grandin loved this book, and could not put it down, we’re guessing that you will love it too.  If you order today, you can also help us do our work, for no extra cost to you.

It’s a great book, from a great bookstore, for a great cause.  We’re proud to be part of it.

So there have you: two great ways to help our furry friends while keeping it “local”!

Miss Heather

An Update On The Huron Street Kittens & A Contest

April 13, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Although I have amended my earlier post regarding the four kittens that were found dumped like so much trash in front of a parking lot on Huron Street this morning I am going to write this follow-up post— and ask for your help.

First off, here’s a general run-down of what happened:

  1. I am emailed by a reader that four kittens were abandoned at Huron Street.
  2. I called PJ of Empty Cages Collective to give him a heads-up and head over to the scene.
  3. Upon finding no kittens I swung by Dog Habitat and told Jay what’s up. He told me he had received a call from someone who had found and taken home kittens from Huron Street. He referred her to Empty Cages Collective.
  4. I call PJ back and, lo, this woman had in fact contacted him. He followed up.
  5. A good friend of mine, Lisa, has taken these kittens under her care. Alas, one of them did not make it but the other three are doing alright (all things considered).
  6. A particularly disturbing thing she told me is these kittens were not from the same litter: two were one week old, two were four weeks old. This begs the question as to what happened to their litter mates. I imagine they were not so “lucky”.

In other words I had very little to do with these kittens being rescued— but I want to help them and I imagine a number of you do too. Here’s how:

  1. Lisa has made me aware that she is in need of a number of items on her Amazon Wish List. Foremost among them KMR (kitty formula). You can view and make donations to her wish list by clicking here.
  2. Secondly, those of you who prefer to make monetary donations (for veterinarian care, etc.) can do so via PayPal at: lisavallez (at) gmail (dot) com

Lastly I have spoken to Lisa and we agreed to let my readers (YOU) name these cuties. Without further ado here they are (again):

A one week old tiger boy.

A four week old tortie tigress.

And her four week old cream-colored brother.

You can tender your submissions via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. I’ll set the deadline at midnight Monday, April 19, 2010. Judges and prizes have yet to be determined. Good luck and I look forward to your submissions!

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Two Cat & Kitten Adoption Events

Before I call it a day I want to pass along a couple of adoption events scheduled for tomorrow, March 28. Without further ado here they are in short order!

First up, Empty Cages Collective will be having an adoption event at NYC Pet starting at noon and running until 5:00 p.m.

Empty Cages Collective Cat & Kitten Adoption Event
March 28, 2010; 12:00 – 5:30 p.m.

241 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Secondly, the ladies of North Brooklyn Cats will be hosting at Muddy Paws starting at 2:00 p.m.

North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event
March 28, 2010 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Check ’em out!

Miss Heather

P.S.: The above black and white ball of cuteness are five kittens, “The Manhattan Specials”, which were recently rescued from the Center for Animal Care and Control by Lisacat.

LAST GASP: Much Ado About Animals!

Starting tomorrow there will be a number of animal-related events in Williamsburg and beyond. Here they are in chronological order:

Tomorrow, March 5, 2010 starting at 10:00 p.m. New York City’s Animal Shelter Map, Trails to Tails will be unveiled on the steps of City Hall. A couple of north Brooklyn institutions will be present including BARC and our very own Assemblyman, the ubiquitous Joe Lentol! I have it on very good intelligence that these maps are pretty darned neat. If you have the time and/or ability to swing by, check it out! If nothing else, it will be an excellent opportunity to inquire of our fair Mayor as to why the Center for Animal Care & Control is so destitute they are soliciting donations for food.

Trails to Tails Map Unveiling
March 5, 2010 starting at 10:00 a.m.
City Hall (1 Centre Street)
New York, New York 10007

Next up, North Brooklyn Cats will be having an adoption event at Muddy Paws Saturday, March 6 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Among the fetching felines to be featured are:


and his sister Lilith


and many, many more. In closing, I would like to point out that a good friend of mine recently adopted a rescue from this organization. His name is Bug (!) and you can see pictures of him enjoy his life of luxury (at least inasmuch as his big sis permits) by clicking here.

North Brooklyn Cats Adoption Event
March 6, 2010 starting at 2:00 p.m.
Muddy Paws
447 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Last up, Greenpoint’s very own Empty Cages Collective will be having an adoption event this upcoming Sunday, March 7 starting at at 12:30 p.m. at PS9 Pet Supply. As some of you might recall these folks had an event last month at 8 of Swords Tattoo. I later learned they received no less than four adoption applications and a generous $100 donation from a New York Shitty reader. Me-OW!

Empty Cages Collective Cat & Kitten Adoption Event
March 7, 2010; 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.
PS9 Pet Supply
169 North 9 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: The lovely lass who graces the beginning of this post is named August. She holds court over yours truly’s favorite 99 Cent Store in the Garden Spot!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Cat & Kitten Adoption Event Tomorrow!

February 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item was brought to my attention by a lady named Lindsay. She writes:

Hi Heather,

I enjoy reading your blog and was wondering if you could post the following event. My boyfriend is hosting an Empty Cages kitty adoption event at his tattoo shop.

I have known the gentleman who started Empty Cages Collective for some time. He’s a great guy and is very dedicated to the welfare of animals be they furry or otherwise. Even if you are not in the position to adopt a pet do swing by 8 of Swords and give some adoptable cuties a little love— or make a donation so Empty Cages can keep up the good work!

Empty Cages Collective Cat & Kitten Adoption Event
February 20, 2010 Noon – 5:00 p.m.
8 Of Swords Tattoo Shop & Gallery
178 North 8 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

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