New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting



(Or: Welcome to the 94th, Commanding Officer Ryan!)

Given all the recent hoopla regarding the respite shelter at the Greenpoint Reformed Church* and a murder at Cooper Parks Houses, tonight’s meeting was, well, quite calm. Nonetheless we got to meet our new commanding officer and he got to meet us. More specifically: he got to meet a stalwart attendee of these convocations. I write of no one other than Phyllis. So help me, but I suspect she likes him— but you can draw your own conclusions, gentle readers. Without further ado, here we go!

  • He likes Greenooint and North Williamsburg. Love it!

  • Some more information about the stabbing/homicide at the Cooper Park Houses.
  • Phyllis speaks!

  • Rolfe Carle inquires about a woman who was hit by a car on Milton Street (skip to 1:48) January 24th. C.O. Ryan, promised to follow up on this
  • A citizen complains about graffiti.

Otherwise, here’s some (more) news you can use:

1. The calendar for the 94th Precinct Community Council meetings for (the rest of) 2013.

ASP rules large

2. The alternate side parking “suspension” calendar for (the rest of 2013).

And that’s all she wrote!

*Which will be relocated to the Church of the Ascension’s Hall on Java Street. This is where tonight’s meeting came to pass. Follows is an announcement from the Church of the Ascension’s website:


For those of you who are not in the know, this was the original location for this facility. Reverend Merz is a very caring, sensitive fellow and I have no doubt he will run it well. Regardless of the “controversy” surrounding this issue (and believe you me, there was a lot), I am simply happy to know ten of our “local” homeless will be provided a safe, warm place to sleep. They are our neighbors.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Word From The 94th Precinct

On Friday, February 1, 2013 at approximately 9:00 p.m. a male victim, 39 years old was stabbed in the upper thigh by an unknown perpretrator in front of 275 Jackson Street, Brooklyn (Cooper Park Houses Development). The victim was transported to Woodhull Medical Center. On Sunday, February 3, 2013 the victim died from his injuries. This occurrence is currently being investigated by the 94th Precinct Detective Squad.

If you should have any questions regarding the above notification please contact P.O. Adamo or P.O. Truglio (94th Precinct Community Affairs) at (718) 383-5298.

A brief Op Ed from yours truly:

Whenever I read/hear about violence at the Cooper Houses I think of this young woman:

Kayleigh deserves to live in just as safe a home as the kitten she entrusted to my care. I will never forget her compassion via doggedness in ensuring the kitten she found (or more accurately: found and “chose” her!) would have a happy, safe life. We, as a community, should be doing our damnedest to give her the same.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: And Now A Word From The 94th Precinct


On Wednesday, January 30, 2013, Captain James Ryan was assigned as the new Commanding Officer of the 94th Precinct. Deputy Inspector Terence Hurson has been reassigned to Staten Island as the Commanding Officer of the new 121 Precinct, which is scheduled to open this spring. Should you have any questions contact 94th Precinct Community Affairs at (718) 383-5298..     

Speaking as a resident of the 94th, I feel compelled to state that Mr. Hurson (as seen above at left) was by far the best Commanding Officer this precinct has had in the 13 years I have lived here. Deputy Inspector Hurson’s sincere interest in community feedback and astonishing diligence responding to a manifold number of inquiries from yours truly (even while he was on vacation, I’ll note) during his tenure in our fair burgh was greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten.
Goodbye and good luck in your new precinct, Mr. Hurson. You will be missed!

Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting




It was all smiles at last night’s first Community Council meeting of the New Year. This is not to suggest that there were not serious topics discussed, however. There most certainly were! Among them:

  1. A general synopsis of crime statistics for 2012 (NOTE: a more detailed presentation will be given next month, so mark your calendars!). Yours truly found the rape statistics particularly sobering (12 versus 3 in 2011).
  2. A discussion of the homeless situation in Greenpoint. The good news: the ten bed respite center for our local homeless is up and running at the Greenpoint Reformed Church. The bad news: neighbors of this facility have already commenced complaining.
  3. The graffiti yours truly happened upon recently at Java Street Pop-Up Park. I’ll go into more detail on that in bit. Without further ado, here we go!

General Introduction/Preliminary Business

D.I. Hurson Gives The Rundown

  • Mr. Hurson recognizes two “Cops of The Month” who caught a sexual assault in progress.
  • Overall crime was up 14% over 2011. Foremost among them: burglary. D.I. Hurson cites new development as attracting burglars. There were 12 rapes versus three in 2011. There were three shootings.
  • A presentation of 2012 statistics will come to pass at next month’s meeting.
  • New Year’s Eve was lively. The foremost complaint, unsurprisingly, was noise.

Detective Komar Gives The Traffic Report/Question & Answer Session Commences

  • Pedestrian accidents were down: 55 in 2012 versus 75 in 2011.
  • Bicyclist accidents were up: 78 in 2012 versus 67 in 2011.
  • Truck accidents are down: 385 in 2012 versus 441 in 2011.
  • A concern about confusion arising as a result of the Nassau Avenue construction is raised by a member of the Community Council. Lincoln Restler promises to follow up with the MTA.
  • Public Safety Chair Tom Burrows queries D.I. Hurson about all-night party permits (there were 8 issued New Year’s Eve in the 94th) and advocated that the Community Board be notified moving forward.

On The Subject Of The “Swastika” Graffiti

  • It is posited by the 94th that the graffiti might be the handiwork of youths who frequented the waterfront a couple of years ago and therefore may be old.
  • Nonetheless, they have brought it to the attention of the Hate Crimes Unit and are attempting to contact the owner of the property so as to get all the graffiti removed.

POST-SCRIPT: While I readily conceded to Mr. Komar (and in fact, HOPED) they were correct that in their assessment this graffiti was a few years old and I simply missed it on previous forays this is not the case. After the meeting I remembered that I had documented the conditions at the India Street Pier and the surrounding environs back on August 29th, 2012. While I did not have any photographs of the section of wall in question, I did capture it on video. Follows is what I found:


As of August 29, 2012 it was not there.


Thus this graffiti is, at the very most, just shy of four months old. But don’t take my word for it: watch the footage for yourself.

I have since brought this to the 94th’s attention.

  • A question is raised about 400 McGuinness. More specifically: does it address Greenpoint’s homeless population.

Elizabeth Hulson, Community Council Headmistress Extraordinaire, Gets Well Deserved Props!

Councilman Levin Speaks

  • Mr. Levin gives a rundown about the new ten bed respite center for our local homeless. This is located at the Greenpoint Reformed Church and administered by Common Ground.
  • He clarifies 400 McGuinness is an assessment center. Upon entering an intake center men are sent to this facility, assessed and then sent to more permanent housing.
  • A question is raised by a citizen about panhandling. Mr. Levin posits that the men of which this lady speaks may be residents of either the Greenpoint Hotel (which is located at 1109 Manhattan Avenue, not 1155 as Mr. Levin states) or the 3/4 house located around the corner: 66-68 Clay Street. He outlines the history and deplorable conditions of these facilities. Those of you who have wondered what is going on thereabouts, please give this a listen.
  • Anyone in the Greenpoint community who experienced flooding as a result of Sandy is encouraged to apply for grants via FEMA.

And that’s all she wrote!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Wanted For Questioning By The 94th Precinct

November 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This comes via the 94th Precinct via an anonymous tipster:

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance identifying the following individual wanted for a rape which took place on November 17, 2012 at approx 0545 hours within the confines of the 94 Pct. The suspect followed the victim F/23 into her apartment building and forcibly raped her.

The suspect is described as a M/B approx 6’0 190 lbs.

Naturally I reached out to find out more from the head of the 94th himself. Despite being on vacation D.I. Hurson got back to me. He cannot divulge the exact location of the crime in question. This is understandable given the victim’s need for safety and anonymity. However, I’ll note it came to pass on Kent Avenue between North 7th and North 4th Street.

If anyone reading this has any information please contact the 94th Precinct via their Community Affairs office at: (718) 383-5298.


UPDATE, November 23, 2012: I have received word from Mr. Hurson that an arrest has been made.

REMINDER: Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting Tonight!

November 19, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This is a quick reminder that this evening our City Councilman, Steve Levin, along with a number of elected officials, the 94th Precinct and Department of Transportation will be conducting a Town Hall meeting regarding the manifold number traffic “issues” which concern our community. Show up and speak up, Greenpointers!

Greenpoint Transportation & Traffic Town Hall Meeting
November 19, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Polish & Slavic Center
176 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222 

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Five Days After Sandy

November 4, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

5 Days after Sandy, Rockaway Beach, NY

This image hails from Rockaway Beach and comes courtesy of the camera of Eric Lau Kwan Tai. Although I gave the following a mention on this site yesterday I will do so again: our very own 94th Precinct has an officer who calls Rockaway Beach his home. Per the Commanding Officer himself, Deputy Inspector Hurson, any and all who wish to do are encouraged to leave donations at the 94th Precinct for this fellow to distribute to families in need. Let’s do it, Greenpointers!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Another Bicyclist Hit?

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item comes from our 50th Assembly District Democratic Leader (and all-around nice guy) Lincoln Restler. He writes:

I am emailing you because a good friend of mine was smashed by a car riding his bicycle in the early hours of Sunday morning at Graham and Skillman just a few blocks from C’s accident. A car stopped temporarily to let my friend pass and then the driver stuck his foot on the gas to hit him full force. He went flying and was knocked unconscious. He woke up in Woodhull. Not only was it a classic hit and run – but my friend’s bike was stolen. Well, actually he was borrowing another friend’s bike. It has been seen around the neighborhood, so I was wondering if you might do a post to get the word out that this is a stolen bike. Details below about the bike and my friend Tyler’s first person account of what happened. thanks so much.

Without further ado, here it is.

“On Saturday night I was hit by a car on a bicycle at the intersection of Graham and Skillman. I was knocked out cold from the collision and woke up in the Woodhull ER. Luckily I was wearing a helmet or it could have been much worse. The car took off and the bicycle was stolen form the scene sometime while I was unconscious or after the ambulance had taken me away. I am writing to ask for people to keep a look out for this bicycle, details below, in the neighborhood. A good friend had lent me the bike to ride home and we are desperately seeking to get it back in his hands (no questions asked). He is a free-lance reporter and relies on the bike to get around and cover the local news. It’s bad enough that this was a hit and run accident, but to have the bike disappear on top of it is just wrong. The local police (94th precinct) have been unhelpful, so we’re turning to the community. If you have any information about the bike or accident please contact me directly at

Details on the bike:
It is a red Lemond Tourmalet steel-framed (59cm) road bike with Shimano components, white bar tape and a Fizik Arione saddle (this is important for the identification because I had put a fancy racing seat on it). The bike was in excellent condition, although the rear derailleur had a creak.”
This is one of the most infuckingsane things I have ever heard of happening here folks (and believe you me, I have seen/heard a lot). If you know of this bicycle’s whereabouts or bore witness to this accident please contact Tyler at the above-listed email address. Thanks.
UPDATE, 5:06 p.m.: No new news, but in my rush to post this item I forgot to pass along this wonderful resource one of my commenters has brought to my attention. Do take a moment to give this a read— and I hope none of you ever have to use it!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

(Or: All Thumbs* version).


So last month I relapsed. Or as I explained to the ladies of the 94th Precinct Community Council (the only authority to whom yours truly answers) tonight: Ma Heather was in town last month. They understood. Mom prevails.

In any case I captured tonight’s proceedings in their entirety (including a reading of the minutes from last month’s meeting which I missed). Those of you who want to learn how to register your bikes with the 94th; how to report noisy/disorderly bars and learn about the current crime trends hereabouts (NOTE: bicycle theft and burglaries are the big ones) read/ listen on!

94th Community Council Meeting Part I: Introduction, A Recitation of Last Month’s Minutes

Most interesting point to yours truly: a resident of 66 Clay Street, a “three quarter house”, was caught dealing drugs (cut to 1:37 for this gem). Otherwise…

  • National Night Out will come to pass August 7th, 2012. You can get the deets via the above-posted flier or the Greenpoint Gazette.
  • The next meeting of the 94th Precinct Community Council will come to pass September 5th.
  • The joint 90th/94th Precinct Harmony Picnic will come to pass July 19th, 2012 at Cooper Park.

Part II: Officers of the Month

  • Officers Osbourne and Small broke a tire rim theft ring via a 911 call from 1 Richardson Street.
  • We have five new police officers with 7 more to come.
  • Burglaries are still a problem.
  • Catalytic converters from Honda CR-Vs are being stolen because they contain platinum and sold for scrap metal.
  • Bike thefts have doubled, but two arrests were made this month. (And yours truly gets props!)
  • Traffic issues:
  1. Nassau Avenue (due to the recent reconstruction) then D. I. Hurson hands it over to his crime prevention officer…
  2. Regarding Kent Avenue: there are no crosswalks for pedestrians thus the 94th met with Transportation Alternatives and lights have been installed at North 5th, North 6th and North 7th Street. No crosswalks have been installed; but complaints are being received about bicyclists not minding stop lights which have installed. NOTE: while vehicular traffic to Kent Avenue is confined to being one way; bicyclists are entitled to travel north and south on this thoroughfare. Lights have been put in place for bicyclists and the 94th plans on enforcing them.
  3. This upcoming Friday, June 8th the 94th will be co-hosting an event with Transportation Alternatives which will bring to light what I call “clipping”: bicyclists being hit/seriously injred by an opening car door.
  4. A question about bicycle accidents is raised: to date we’re at 30 (versus 18)
  5. A complaint about parking on Leonard Street (as a result of the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction).
  6. D. I. Hurson mentions the bicycle registration service will be available at the next 94th Community Council Meeting:
  • September 5th, 2012 at the Church of the Ascension (122 Java Street) at 7:00 p.m.
  • Bicycle registration will also be available at the joint 94th Precinct.Transportation Alternatives event on June 8th starting 6:30 p.m.

Part III: There’s a Huge Speedbump On Manhattan Avenue at Engert Street; etc.

  • There’s a huge speedbump at Manhattan Avenue and Engert Street.
  • You asked, so I asked: how do I register bikes with the 94th Precinct? Not only will you be able to do so starting at the next Community Council meeting (September 5th) but you can make an appoint by contacting:
    PO Jerry Seletski
    94th Precinct Crime Prevention Officer
    100 Meserole Ave
    Brooklyn, NY 11222
    (718)383-9746 (Tel)
    Once again: this service is totally free!
  • To recap:
  1. August 7th is National Night Out.
  2. July 19th is the Harmony Picnic
  3. The first “concert of the year” is June 15th/16th which will come to pass at the softball courts at McCarren Park and
  4. the OSA concert series follows shortly thereafter
  5. the feast of Mount Carmel kicks off July 5, 2012
  6. Williamsburg Walks.**

Part IV: Tom Burrows, instigator of the so-called  “War On Brunch” speaks, Q & A Session Continues

  • A local mosque is posing a parking issue for residents on Fridays.
  • The 94th is not sending officers to Coney Island so as to control the peeps at the pool.
  • The Parks Department has no “PEP” officers in Community Board 1. Thus any/all police matters are at the discretion of our police department and Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn.

Part V: Lincoln Restler Speaks!

And that’s all she wrote!

*What I failed to capture with my Flipcam is as follows:

  • “No Name Bar” at 597 Manhattan Avenue is not making any friends with the neighbors. People “screaming” in the backyard at all hours was noted. I found this rather interesting given it is my understanding that this is where the Greenpoint Gazette’s office is (ostensibly) located.
  • Nights & Weekends, which is owned by the same fellows as 5 Leaves, was cited by the 94th for a noise violation two weeks ago.

**Which seems to have reneged on their promise to inform residents on Bedford Avenue a week ahead of time that they need to make arrangements for the disruption in vehicular traffic due to their event(s).

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